Possible answer to the question of Portals point in time. SPOILER WARNING



I feel that Portal occurs JUST after Half-Life 1. This makes sense because of these things.
A: The power.
How would such a vast facility still be running AFTER the combine invasion? Think about it guys, it doesn't matter how good its power reservations are, if this is after Hl2 or the episodes it would be quite hard to get enough power to power GlaDoS(I Think thats right spelling), the WHOLE facility, ALL THE engineering, ALL THE equipment. Just after Black Mesa would make sense because the power is still running therefor indicating that this is before the governments and the facilities they ran were still operational before the seveon hour war.

B: Outside.
I know we only see a brief glimpse of it but when you are thrown outside you see the outside, have you noticed how healthy and normal the surrounding area looks? And we all know that the geography wasn't completely ruined till AFTER the Combine invasion and the seven hour war. And as mentioned in another thread the Aperture Science main facility was indeed located somewhere in Cleveland Ohio. I think it unlikely that the Combine would leave the area so healthy and wouldn't be able to find such an immense facility in a place that is so out in a place like Ohio, even if it was hidden.

C: Further proof.
I think my final bit of support would have to be Eli, as he mentions how dangerous the research aboard the Borealis is because its ALL thats left of the technology and research from Aperture Science. He of all people would definitely know if the main facility Aperture Science would still be in stable condition, it makes sense that since you destroyed the main facility the only worthwhile size of information on the research from AC is left aboard the Borealis.
Also in portal, to quote GLaDOS:

Things have changed since you last left the building. Whats going on out there is going to make you wish you were back in here. I have an infinite capacity for knowledge, and even I'm not sure what's going on outside.
Since the cake says 2006, I'm going for it bieng set in the portal storms.
The enviroment of Portal isn't the main facility of Aperture Science. I have comprehended that Borealis is the main research facility of Aperture Science and that the Aperture Science Enrichement Center was just a test facility used to test the ASHPD and most likely other Aperture Science inventions.
The enviroment of Portal isn't the main facility of Aperture Science. I have comprehended that Borealis is the main research facility of Aperture Science and that the Aperture Science Enrichement Center was just a test facility used to test the ASHPD and most likely other Aperture Science inventions.

From the sheer size of the AS facility in Portal im willing to bet three lambs and a bit of french toast that that is their headquarters and Borealis is a research offshoot facility.
From the sheer size of the AS facility in Portal im willing to bet three lambs and a bit of french toast that that is their headquarters and Borealis is a research offshoot facility.

Thats what I thought. I think that Borealis was built by Aperture after GlaDos went crazy, so to continue their own research.
I too believe this is when it's set. Most likely right after the portal storms first began just because everything outside still looked so pristine.
A: The power.
How would such a vast facility still be running AFTER the combine invasion?
You're Assuming that the vast Aperture complex doesn't generate its own power. The vast Black Mesa complex did, and it seems that the smaller Black Mesa East and White Forest do. Regardless, I always get the impression that the combine are pretty apathetic to the outlands.
B: Outside.
And we all know that the geography wasn't completely ruined till AFTER the Combine invasion and the seven hour war.
The 'Wasteland' is a retired concept, Look how lush Episode 2's setting is. Now consider that for thematic reasons, Valve set the Half-Life 2 continuity in Autumn and the only blot on the landscape in Episode 2 is the Citadel's death and subsequent skies. Combine rule doesn't stop the sun shining in summer, or the plants growing or anything.
C: Further proof.
He of all people would definitely know if the main facility Aperture Science would still be in stable condition, it makes sense that since you destroyed the main facility the only worthwhile size of information on the research from AC is left aboard the Borealis.
True, 'Aperture Cleveland' seems a bit too big of an over-sight for a combine force to not investigate. The only defence is that the only 'worthwhile' research was aboard the Borealis: Aperture Cleveland was just the ASHPD project, Borealis was much bigger. I don't see what Eli has to do with any of this though. All he has to do is assume that the facility was abandoned after one of three major events (Portal Storms, 7 Hour War, Portal) and not hear any more about it.

My person hunch is that the setting is after the Portal Storms, before the Seven Hour War. That's the sweet spot for GlaDOS / ASHPD to not have been sought by the Combine, for everyone to have abandoned the facility in a panic and for GlaDOS to know that something is amiss. It wouldn't surprise me if the Combine did go there eventually. I mean, the Overwatch announcer has the same voice :p
The "Wasteland" has largly been replaced by the "outlands" which are the non-combine occupied areas. The original HL2 had areas called the wasteland because they wouldn't harbor life - this was most of Earth outside of the cities.
The "Wasteland" has largly been replaced by the "outlands" which are the non-combine occupied areas. The original HL2 had areas called the wasteland because they wouldn't harbor life - this was most of Earth outside of the cities.

Ohhh ok - I see now. Thanks for clearing that up.
But we've said before that America would have likely put up a huge fight, possibly using nuclear weapons, which would devastate North America...its possible that parts of Europe and Asia did as well...just because most of where we have been has been forested and friendly doesnt mean there is no longer uninhabitable land mass...
I think it'd be cool if at the beginning "Portal 2" you suddenly move around and see another side of the outside, and there's a massive portal storm there :p
I think it's safe to say that GLaDOS was activated before the Black Mesa Incident, since Aperture Science wouldn't be still showing slideshows about Black Mesa after Black Mesa was destroyed (I got the impression that they just left the slideshow on when GLaDOS took over).

That doesn't mean that Portal took place before Half-Life - Chell could have easily been in stasis for a few years.
About this, wasn't that barren desert-like land mass you were on during the teleportation fiasco in Klieners lab the wasteland?
When Valve were working on Half-Life 2, quite probably. In the face of more recent evidence though, I guess it could just be explained away as being any natural wasteland on the Earth's surface.
About this, wasn't that barren desert-like land mass you were on during the teleportation fiasco in Klieners lab the wasteland?

I thought that part was a part of the sea floor, because you can see the water to your right, and as you travel highway 17 you can see the sea level has dropped alot.
You can also see a crane or something there...but if its the sea floor, why the wrecked cars?
You can also see a crane or something there...but if its the sea floor, why the wrecked cars?
If the Sea floor is a desert, they have as much reason to be there as they would in any other desert.
I believe that portal takes place during the storms and 7 hour war since GlaDOS says that it dosen't even know what's going on out there. This could however, be a lie since GlaDOS is self-admittedly a liar. It could also mean that it knows exactly what's going on in the outside world but doesen't want to tell Chell.
But GLaDOS couldnt physically look outside, and would be dependant on media she can obtain, like news and web broadcasts, which would likely no longer commence after the portal storms are in full swing...
But GLaDOS couldnt physically look outside, and would be dependant on media she can obtain, like news and web broadcasts, which would likely no longer commence after the portal storms are in full swing...

Well there is a newspaper article on the 7 hour war in Eli's lab.
But GLaDOS couldnt physically look outside, and would be dependant on media she can obtain, like news and web broadcasts, which would likely no longer commence after the portal storms are in full swing...

She would presumably be linked to the security cameras outside, and she'd probably be able to intercept some of the radio messages that both the Combine and rebels use.
You can also see a crane or something there...but if its the sea floor, why the wrecked cars?

I think it's a pretty clean seafloor, comparing to how much trash there was thrown in it.
Trash? In the Black Sea?

No, i don't really know, but in the river where i live you can find trolleys, bikes and other stuff that do not belong there (and probarly in most of the waters around where people live). The black sea is or were polluted anyway.
But we've said before that America would have likely put up a huge fight, possibly using nuclear weapons, which would devastate North America...its possible that parts of Europe and Asia did as well...just because most of where we have been has been forested and friendly doesnt mean there is no longer uninhabitable land mass...

No, we wen't over it. America wouldn't put up a huge fight because the communications would be disrupted as Citadels teleported in, which most likely included Washington DC.

It's not called 7 Hour War for nothing.
Why would there be rubbish if it was the sea bed? there's a good chance most of that would be buried.
GLaDOS hints at something strange going on outside, but she cannot fully comprehend it. I'm guessing Portal takes place just after the Portal Storms and the very beginning of the Combine Invasion. This would explain why the facility was evacuated (Powerpoint presentation still running) and yet the pristine exterior of the Enrichment Center compound/front gate. By Ep 3's time, she may be online again in the Borealis, or capable of being brought online...

What confounds me is the presence of Combine-esque power orbs in the Enrichment Center. Also, the power recepticles that accept the orbs and 'close up' ala those in the Citadel's lower levels (Ep 1)...