Power supply died, did anything else?

Nov 1, 2004
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My power supply recently died. I smelled something burning in my computer, so i checked it out. I opened up my psu and saw a stringy thing coming off of one of the capacitors. Before i buy a new psu, i want to know if it's possible any other parts broke down. The led on the motherboard stayed on if i kept the power supply plugged in. I tried to turn on the computer, every fan and light turned on for a split second, and then died. Also, i need a reccomendation for a power supply under 60 dollars. I need at least a 400 watt.
psu prob. burned out is it one that came with a case you bought?
Well, this seems like an okay 400 watt PSU for the money: CAD$ or USD$
If you're not in either of those countries then nevermind...why doesn't anyone fill in their damn location!?

There is a 500 watt version too if you're willing to spend a bit more.
It's pretty likely that the rest of your components are ok. The best way to check is to get a working power supply in there and test it out. Of course, you'll probably want to run through your case and look for obvious causes of the PSU's failure in the first place (e.g. shorts).

One way or another though, you're going to need a new PSU, so you might as well get on that. If the one that died on you is still under warranty, my recommendation is to send it back...

The reason your components lit/spun and then died is that there was some charge left over in your motherboard's capacitors from before the PSU blew up. If you had entirely unhooked the PSU and tried to turn it on, you would have observed the same thing. It's normal and nothing to worry about.