Problems Learning C++


Oct 13, 2003
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I'm having some problems learning C++; I find that the fact that I have to constantly look from a book to a computer screen, copying what the book says, or just switching 2 programs to learn C++ very hard on the eyes, and it just takes away the interest.

I really want to learn C++, and start going into the mod buisness, but I find it impossible with the methods of using a book or a text document, anyone have another idea of how to learn C++?

I've used videos before, and they don't help either.

EDIT: On another note, its just that I lack the interest when I open that book and my eyes start to hurt switching between the 2, other then that, from what I have learned so far is fairly easy.
I am currently writing a program that utilizes C# and C++. It's a C++ dll communicating with a C# program.

I find actually writing a simple program with online tutorials or a book is the best way to go. That way what your not just reading and writing what your suppose to. What your doing is reading and then applying that into your program. That takes understanding of what you just read.

My program right now is being a biotch though!! Dahh!! Most of your time will be spent debugging.

Ahh fixed it, was on the C# side.....stupid me!
Hardly. I personally think of myself as a more right-sided brain capable person yet my favorite subject is math and I find coding somewhat (SOMEWHAT!) fun. It's foolish to say/tell to/ someone/yourself they're/you're ( not made for it.

My valuable input into this thread (yeah right!) would be to try not set these high goals for yourself. That's what I did (and still sometimes do sadly) and I had a ton of trouble actually memorizing what I had read. That was because what I actually wanted was the finished product and the satisfaction it would give me, NOT the actual shifting through some large book ever so slowly learning the concepts of some programming language but not yet actually being able to apply those concepts to something I REALLY wanted to do (run-on, yes?).

Anyway.. what I like to do is get comfortable on my bed or chair (actually in reality my chair really ******* sucks as it is this cheap piece of plastic **** that gives me these God agonizing back pains everytime I sit in it) with a notebook and write down anything I may think I will have trouble with when I'm actually sitting in front of the computer writing code. A laptop is even more awesome as you can be comfortable while learning how to code while actually coding. Awesome! Good luck sir.
I know my brains got a nack for coding. BASIC and HTML when I was 11. Went onto Javascript and PHP and worked with those from 11-Now. At 14 I started learning C++. Im 15 now and I know C#.

I've learned a lot just on small projects.
I am designing a program for Starcraft a Trigger Editor. When I first looked at the API I had to work with I was just like...."uhhh....I don't get this..". Now I know it like it's the back of my hand. I just kept on dicking with it and eventually I got it. For things that I go for days and can't get I ask someone and then figure out what they did and how it works.

I don't like learning from books. I like learning and understanding a concept. Online tutorials work for me. Not type some shit the book tells you to.

What I do is I will start a simple unorganized project just for learning something. Then I will start a new one that is documented, organized, checking for errors, etc...
A. Take a class


B. Go through online step-by step tutorials

After you know the basics the best way to learn is to code simple little programs and make them increasingly complex. That way you'll learn all of the features in your own way, and won't just be copying some code. I started off learning the basics from my class, and then learned more complex stuff by coding my own little games. The first thing I made was a simple text based game, which helped me learn how to convert strings into other values, and then I made a dice game, which helped me understand graphics and randomness a little bit, and then I made a simple fractal program which helped me understand recursion, then I made a "zombie infection simulation" program, which did a great deal towards learning how to optomise code and learn advanced features, and currentley I am working on an Asteroids clone, in which I am teaching myself how to code AI's and use advanced functions.

So really, learn the basics, and then experiment!
u could just learn java. same concepts as C++. plus u could get the borland student compiler for free. yeah....if that doesnt work. u might want to learn some other code before learning c++ or java. perhaps php. javascript is nothing like java or c++ so its a waste of time, and html and xhtml are just too easy. not real code. if ur planning to make webpages u should learn htmnl, xhtml, css, php, javascript, and what not. but...for hardcore game programming...yeah......there really isnt much. maybe u shouldnt write down a single line of code until u understand how a thing works (such as a for loop, etc.). then use it without the book's code (for example create a simple program that will output letters for with the forloop depending on what the user imputs). copying code line for line is really a waste of time (in my opinion), and seriosuly boring. i would learn the concepts and then start my own project. the book's programs are way too lame. adios guys.
oh btw, i'm not a professional programmer. just a student....still in highschool. so...if ur forcing urself to learn c++ so u can get a job or something...thats a bad way to learn. kk later.
I would go with xhtml or html and PHP. PHP will introduce you to basic concepts like Functions, While's, If's, variables, etc..

Then move onto maybe VB or C++.

After you know the basics the best way to learn is to code simple little programs and make them increasingly complex.
This is the best way to learn and move forward.
One of the best languages to learn from imo is Ruby. It's an object-oriented scripting language that's just neat.


I also agree with what carnage said about not forcing yourself to learn just to get a job. If you like the idea of something but haven't any experience with it then it's better not to decide that's what you want to do as it's discouraging when you realize it's not anything like what you thought. I noticed lots of people like the idea of jobs, not the work they entail.
The biggest hurdle for any new programmer is learning to shift your mindset. Learning how to write in C++, and learning how to think in C++ are completely different things. For this reason, I recommend looking around for some courses, and trying to fully immerse yourself in a programming language (in much the same way you would do if you were trying to learn a new spoken language), and focusing on changing the very way you think about problems as opposed to just learning the syntax.

What you end up finding, is that a lot of people learn how to hack their way through a particular language, but never really understand what they are writing. They just write a bit, and if it works, they write some more, and if that works they write some more, until eventually they get a bug they don't know how to fix. Because they never understood why their code worked in the first place, they can never understand why it went wrong either.
They just write a bit, and if it works, they write some more, and if that works they write some more, until eventually they get a bug they don't know how to fix. Because they never understood why their code worked in the first place, they can never understand why it went wrong either.
This is very true. When I first was learning C++ and even now I don't understand some things. New concepts can be very hard to grasp. What I like to do actually is set up a project and just experiment with some new code that I don't understand.
Like Pointers and Refrences wern't something I understood right away. I had to single them out and kind of mess arond with them until I finally understood them.

Or right now with the Win32 API. I never really got into it and never really understood what each individual code was. I've come back to it and found everything much eaiser to grasp. Although I do need a resource editor! Right now im modifying all the resources by hand via a notepad type system. Damn em for not including one in the express versions.
The best way i find to learn programming is to go and get dug in with the code. Change something see what it did, add something see what that did,etc.
You know learn as you go along.

I am now rather fluent in c++, but now i mainly use c#. As a byproduct of c#, I should now be able to get into java easy enough.
Whenever you use an online programming course, do NOT copy and paste the code. Retype it. Your brain will get used to C++ a LOT easier.
Przemek said:
Whenever you use an online programming course, do NOT copy and paste the code. Retype it. Your brain will get used to C++ a LOT easier.

I just had exactly this bite me in the bum in the final exam for the C++ paper I've just finished. I had always copied and pasted the file headers and sometimes even the basic structure of a class, and then modified it to suit my needs. Then in the closed-book written exam, I was asked to write these things completely from scratch, and I wasted far too much time just trying to remember the syntax for it... Which brings me to my next point... If you're doing a university paper, be wary of the ones that ask you to write code on paper with a pen as part of your final exam... It's bloody HARD to code when your precious syntax highlighting and compiler tools are stripped away from you!
I've created some simple stuff like checkers with graphics, and using pointers and dynamic arrays. Can I ever learn to mod?
It takes alot of patience......i tried some online tutorials but can never seem to get started coding.....I have written the hello world program a bunch of times so I think im getting somewhere at least :)
Yes but it more deals with learning the SDK's API.
If your having trouble with stuff off screen try alittle on screen VTM learning.

This is a huge bundle of stuff you can buy in VTM's on that page is the breakdown of what your money buys you, If your unsure if you want that bundle they give the first part away for free. Go to the main page and click on the "Video Training Tab" and click "I agree" and then you should see the C++ logo amongst others click that and the first part is yours for free and gives you a taster of how the module will be built. I bought this bundle and can say it is well worth the money, which is $149 or £80. Highly recommended, if you would like more info on the quality of that course, check out the C++ area of there forums and it has a thread for C++ Module testimonials, found here.