PS3 trailers from TGS05


Jul 18, 2003
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Hey guys.

Okay, I thought I would gather all the PS3 trailers from the TGS show to this thread. If something is missing, please tell. :)

-->Vision Gran Turismo<--




And an HD-res of the MGS4 trailer just got released, unfortunately it's not the whole trailer just clips, but it's really worth it because of the high quality.
-->MGS4 video<--

Good work, but you are missing perhaps one of the coolest titles to show up there: Project Assassins(working title). It looks like a Thief type game on steroids--very very cool. Definitely one to keep an eye on.

Warhawk is looking better and better, as is Gran Turismo--incredible! The Getaway 3 looks fuggin beautiful too--hopefully the gameplay can match the graphics this time ;).

War Devil looks AMAZING as well, and its good to see that there are some developers talented enough to take on the task of coding a game for two very different multi-core systems. Guess they didn't listen to Gabe about how difficult next-gen programming is going to be! See? It can be done and done very well :).
War Devil looks AMAZING as well, and its good to see that there are some developers talented enough to take on the task of coding a game for two very different multi-core systems. Guess they didn't listen to Gabe about how difficult next-gen programming is going to be! See? It can be done and done very well

Find me a quote of a programmer making one of those games that says they are having a fun time creating all this multi-core code and you will receive a cookie of immense proportions. Nowhere does it say in these trailers how difficult it is to program for the systems.
Iced_Eagle said:
Find me a quote of a programmer making one of those games that says they are having a fun time creating all this multi-core code and you will receive a cookie of immense proportions. Nowhere does it say in these trailers how difficult it is to program for the systems.

The point is that they are engaging in cross-platform development for 2 very different multi-core architectures in a time when very few are doing-so, no matter how many people say how hard it is to get it right on one of the next-gen consoles, let alone two!

Digi-guys ftw!!!
VictimOfScience said:
Good work, but you are missing perhaps one of the coolest titles to show up there: Project Assassins(working title). It looks like a Thief type game on steroids--very very cool. Definitely one to keep an eye on.

Ahh, yes. I saw it a while ago, it looks very cool. Thanks for pointing it out.

Of the previous shot - no frickin way will the game be that detailed! Even if the hardware can handle it, you'd still need a 600-man army of artists and modellers to make an entire game to that standard.

Real nice pic though!
Warhawk looks Meh..
The first trailer I saw blew me away.
This just looks like "fly around and shoot planes that don't even seem to react to you, at all".
MiccyNarc said:
Warhawk looks Meh..
The first trailer I saw blew me away.
This just looks like "fly around and shoot planes that don't even seem to react to you, at all".

It obviously has a long way to go in development yet. Give it time--if its anything like the first one, then we are all in for some major fun!
No one has talked about Lair?

I'm actually doubting to buy the Xbox 360, I'll miss Halo 3, and Perfect Dark Zero though...
Iced_Eagle said:
Find me a quote of a programmer making one of those games that says they are having a fun time creating all this multi-core code and you will receive a cookie of immense proportions. Nowhere does it say in these trailers how difficult it is to program for the systems.

It's not supposed to be fun, it's their job. Besides, developers don't have a leg to stand on when bitching about rising costs. For years they've been selling ridiculously overpriced games, especially in comparision with production costs. We're paying premium prices but as a whole the industry doesn't come close to the quality and production costs of movies - a far more reasonably priced hobby. It's about time developers are forced to justify these prices.

On the other hand it makes it harder for independent developers to get a game out, but they usually develop for PC anyway.
It's not supposed to be fun, it's their job. Besides, developers don't have a leg to stand on when bitching about rising costs. For years they've been selling ridiculously overpriced games, especially in comparision with production costs. We're paying premium prices but as a whole the industry doesn't come close to the quality and production costs of movies - a far more reasonably priced hobby. It's about time developers are forced to justify these prices.
Guess who takes 70% of the profit when you buy a $30 game?
The Developer gets...lets see here... $9 per copy for a $30 game. The publisher gets the rest.
Take a look at steam for a change. Take a look at upcoming games costs. They cost a bitch load less than retail games do.(You can't count HL2, Valve had to price it reasonable with retail store). Take a look at Aftermath or the Sin Episodes.
All the Developers pay for Steam is the bandwidth costs(and possibly a little to Valve if there not valve). The rest goes to them. This allows them to sell games for a much higher profit at a much lower price.
Steam is helping small developers, one in which the publisher will take a ton of money from them, or wont fund them. These small developers wont have to worry about a publisher to ship the games.

Developers don't get as much as you think.
Yes it's not suppose to be fun but multicore processing makes it much mroe difficult. And games arn't even taking full advantage of it either for the Consoles because of unknown results. They can take a little advanage of it, or seperate what core does what but they arn't gonna have 2 cores for physics. That would create alot of unexpected results. 1 processor is doing an equation....another processor goes ahead on that equation. Yet the first equation needs to be done first so the second equation works properly. What can happen is, they will go through at the same time at not work.
It's like current gen games, the only reason dual core will help is for one doing background processes, the other with the game. They both arn't working with the game. It will take alot of work to get games working perfectly with multi-core processers for games.
Minerel said:
All the Developers pay for Steam is the bandwidth costs(and possibly a little to Valve if there not valve). The rest goes to them. This allows them to sell games for a much higher profit at a much lower price.
Steam is helping small developers, one in which the publisher will take a ton of money from them, or wont fund them. These small developers wont have to worry about a publisher to ship the games.
Yeah, and you don't even have to have a pain-in-the-ass digital distribution method like Steam if you are an independent publisher--look at what Telltale just did with Bone: download the demo for free and then pay $20 to play the rest of the game. Very simple and all of the money goes directly to them. Not bad if you ask me. I am excited for more devlopers to do this in the future.

Minerel said:
And games arn't even taking full advantage of it either for the Consoles because of unknown results.
Ha, they're barely taking advantage of the current gen tech! FINALLY developers are really pushing the current systems(PS3, for example) to the max with games like Shadow of the Colossus and God of War and GTA:SA. About time too, really, but since MS is forcing the next-gen so they can try to gain market share with a FTM product, we may never really know what potential lies within the current gen.
Minerel said:
It will take alot of work to get games working perfectly with multi-core processers for games.
It sure will, but just imagine what games will be like when they start getting it right! :eek:
why would they have 2 cores doing physics ? why wouldn't they have the first doing 'normal' things, second doing physics, and third doing ai, or some sort of set up ..
Minerel said:
Guess who takes 70% of the profit when you buy a $30 game?
The Developer gets...lets see here... $9 per copy for a $30 game. The publisher gets the rest.
Take a look at steam for a change. Take a look at upcoming games costs. They cost a bitch load less than retail games do.(You can't count HL2, Valve had to price it reasonable with retail store). Take a look at Aftermath or the Sin Episodes.
All the Developers pay for Steam is the bandwidth costs(and possibly a little to Valve if there not valve). The rest goes to them. This allows them to sell games for a much higher profit at a much lower price.
Steam is helping small developers, one in which the publisher will take a ton of money from them, or wont fund them. These small developers wont have to worry about a publisher to ship the games.

Developers don't get as much as you think.
Yes it's not suppose to be fun but multicore processing makes it much mroe difficult. And games arn't even taking full advantage of it either for the Consoles because of unknown results. They can take a little advanage of it, or seperate what core does what but they arn't gonna have 2 cores for physics. That would create alot of unexpected results. 1 processor is doing an equation....another processor goes ahead on that equation. Yet the first equation needs to be done first so the second equation works properly. What can happen is, they will go through at the same time at not work.
It's like current gen games, the only reason dual core will help is for one doing background processes, the other with the game. They both arn't working with the game. It will take alot of work to get games working perfectly with multi-core processers for games.

That's nice. In real life when I disagree with people I run up and yell "YOU KNOW ABSOLUTE SHIT." I find it very productive.

If you want to make the case publisher's come away with more money than they deserve then go ahead. It's my opinion that with 95% of the games on the market both the publisher and developer come away with more of MY money than they deserve (even though I hardly ever buy games now, they charge more than it's worth). Games simply aren't worth $50, the quality level is too low at the moment. There are exceptions like HL, MGS, GTA, etc. but overall the games industry is a ripoff, much like the music industry.

Games cost too much, and in order for them to justify it I expect them to spend more money to make the games so we get higher quality products (I know pumping more money into something doesn't always make better, but with games that's generally the case). Besides, isn't it the publisher's who usually foot the bill, or at least a large part of it? Multi-core processors allow for better graphics and it's good that game companies are being forced to halfway earn their money (although I still doubt the budgets or quality will justify a $50 price tag).
KagePrototype said:
Do all PS3 games have to be grey? oO
Haha! Well, we can't all be Kameo now can we? :p

Seriously though, if you watched the trailers you'd realize that there's some serious art direction going on there, just using a less cartoonish palette than my above example...but that's only until Kid Niki:Radical Ninja PS3 comes out!

Chromatic Death ftw!!!
videogames developers get so few money?

dam I think better not decide to be gamedeveloper
Games cost too much, and in order for them to justify it I expect them to spend more money to make the games so we get higher quality products (I know pumping more money into something doesn't always make better, but with games that's generally the case). Besides, isn't it the publisher's who usually foot the bill, or at least a large part of it? Multi-core processors allow for better graphics and it's good that game companies are being forced to halfway earn their money (although I still doubt the budgets or quality will justify a $50 price tag).
Give up with the $50 price tag use the actual value they make. You are bending the truth with such a price tag.
Developers would see you there games for $20 if they didn't have to go through the publisher. Yes I'd say about $20 for a full game. Thats $30 less. So Developers know games cost alot, they also are trying to cut that by cutting out the publisher. So don't get mad at the developer, the ones who are trying to cut costs.

-look at what Telltale just did with Bone: download the demo for free and then pay $20 to play the rest of the game. Very simple and all of the money goes directly to them. Not bad if you ask me. I am excited for more devlopers to do this in the future.
Yes, it's a very good method. And it's similar to steam just you don't use a program to download the game. Thats really the only diffrence...and it's Digital distributing which is exactly what im talking about. The Developer still has to pay bandwidth costs, and all the money goes to them.

Ha, they're barely taking advantage of the current gen tech! FINALLY developers are really pushing the current systems(PS3, for example) to the max with games like Shadow of the Colossus and God of War and GTA:SA. About time too, really, but since MS is forcing the next-gen so they can try to gain market share with a FTM product, we may never really know what potential lies within the current ge
No, they are really pushing the current gen tech on these systems. They are pushing it to there limits.
Plus how can they be just taking advantage of it and really pushing it at the same time? It's one or the other, and it's really pushing them. They have been taking advantage of it for a while, now they are pushing it to the limit.
Minerel said:
No, they are really pushing the current gen tech on these systems. They are pushing it to there limits.
Plus how can they be just taking advantage of it and really pushing it at the same time? It's one or the other, and it's really pushing them. They have been taking advantage of it for a while, now they are pushing it to the limit.
We seem to be having a communication problem, even though I am pretty sure we both agree here. :)

When I use the phrase, "taking advantage of," in terms of the current gen technology, I mean taking full advantage of everything it has to offer--all of the power of the system--pushing it to the limits of its capabilities. I just think that devs have only recently started to do that, meaning that if most devs could get up to the standard now set by the God of War developers and such, then the current gen would last longer than it is destined to. :(