Question for HL2 fans :handling superman

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Jun 2, 2007
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if superman ran havoc on earth, do u think gordon freeman has the necessary measures to apprehend the Son of Jor-El?
If his suit was made of cryptonite, yes

oh thats a quote from a book called 1984 by George orwell. its a really good book, also made into a film.
Superman would probably zip up behind Gordon, smash his fist through his chest and shove his heart out the other end.

That's right, Gordon would lose!
Superman is the lamest living being in the universe, so therefore he automatically fails at everything.
na gordon will call up his bird alyx and preform a roundhouse kick on the superman's behind while Barney does his Chinese burn on his wrist!
I absolutely love this guy. You're my new favorite guy. Come, join me at the Table of Awesome, where all the cool people sit.

And the answer would be that Batman, having heard about Gordon Freeman's prowess twenty years earlier during the Black Mesa Incident, had constructed a kryptonite crowbar and deposited it in a location in City 17 where he knew Gordon would happen by. When Superman goes rogue--and he will--Gordon Freeman will be equipped for the task at hand by a mysterious benefactor.

Thus Batman saves the day again.
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