Quick Question


Jul 20, 2003
Reaction score
Quick question. I KNOW its already been talked about but i dont know what its called so cant realy search the forums ;)

But what is the effect called when you have a camera in a dark room and you look at bright light it looks VERY bright untill you move into the area??

Just a quick answer of the name of the effect and a link wouldnt go a miss ;)

Im trying to explain the effect that apears in the new vid when hes under the wooden deck and he looks out into the sun.

Hehehe, cheers guys
Originally posted by nsxownzme
What's a ''n00b?''

A n00b is someone that is up themself and cant admit when they are wrong. They also post meaning less answers to simple questions trying to convince others that they do infact know the answer when infact they dont have a clue themself ;)

Originally posted by BWMASTER

high dynamic range rendering

Thank you very much kind sir :cheers:
n00b = Newbie = Someone that is new to something and still has a lot to learn about it

Though, people often use n00b to describe really ignorant people... damned popular usage turns things into insults.

Just like how if you say "queer" to someone now they will think you mean "homosexual" although it used to mean "strange."