Radical Mod Ideas

re: Survival.

Survival could be a fun hunter/hunted game.

One hunter, armed with his choice of binoculars, 1 knife/bladed weapon, one pistol, and one rifle/sniper/machinegun.

and the hunted. armed with their ingenuity, and whatever they can find.

Large enviroments, where the hunter has to enter from a set location. The hunted can find things like knifes, peices of metal/glass, rocks, etc that they can use. Rocks do little damage, but can distract, knifes and blades can be insta kills IF they manage to attack from behind, ala CSSource.

and finally, the enviroment, with set things you can do in it. Lets make it class based, where the hunted can choose different skills.

1: Diggers, someone that can place pit traps on any dirt surface. this area can easily be done via a teleporter. walk over it, and be teleported to the pit, clime out, and be teleported back to the surface of the pit. does ~50pts damage. Can be spotted, but only if the hunter is careful
He can also cover himself in dirt, forms a small pile/bump in terrain. Illusion is broken if the hunter steps on him. however if hunter walks past, the digger can easily sneak behind and kill the hunter with a knife.

2: woodsman: Has the ability to set 2 different traps
a: he can hang branches from other branches and set trip wires. (Done by finding a branch on the ground, and then a suitable place to string that branch to, and then the trip wire. hunter walks over tripwire, branch/log slams into hunter. Insta kill. Can also be done with logs, file cabinates, or most any physics object. however things like soda cans naturally won't kill the hunter
b: Spike traps, can take things like kifes, glass, peices of metal, and place them on any vertical (Lets say 45-90*) surface. Or attach to a pole/piller. Then set a place for the weight, and choose a weight. then the trip wire which will trigger the weight, pulling the spikes down.
Can be used to kill the hunter, or trap him in an area. (Like a room)
*Can also clime trees/scale some surfaces

probably come up with others, but now to common attributes:

all can pick up heavy objects. All have an infinate amount of string/rope. However these are only good for trip wires, or for connecting two objects together.
All can fashion weapons out of things they find. So all the hunted have an inventory. Lets say you find a peice of glass, a wood rod/stick, and a branch. Select those three and it will give a list of things you can do with that.
1: Attach the glass to the branch, and make a spear
2: attach glass to stick for an arrow, and make a bow with the string.

or if you have a large rock and a branch, make a club, etc. Make as many of these as possible.

Now, the way gameplay works:

Hunter is randomly chosen after 10 seconds, or inside that ten seconds, the first to click on the hunter in the class section. Hunter goes to fireing range or somewhere with a locked door/gate. In here are all the weapons on racks, or whatever, with ALOT of ammo, so he can spend time practicing on a fireing range, or whatever...give him something to do.

The rest of the players are hunted. They can choose their class and a few starting objects that they will have an infinate supply of, saw three in this section. So an infinate supply of rocks, glass shards, and string, or wood dowel rods, etc.

there is a 5 minute timer, in which the hunted spawn at a common location, and can set up their traps/coordinate a plan.

after 5 minutes, the hunter is released. Lets say the first...30 yards from the gate are 100% off limits to the hunted. Hunter has to kill on the hunted to win the round. Hunted have to kill the hunter. the hunted that deals the killing blow (Either through a trap or through direct means) becomes the hunter.
I want to see an adventure game in source. Think of the puzzles in your average adventure game and how they're all scripted. now we have the power to put players in interesting situations and let them find their own way out.

For example, and since I'm bad at making up stories, let's set it in HL2's world, with the player as an average citizen. You could have the player sneak into places they aren't supposed to be, in order to accomplish some task. And if they get caught by civil protection, give them a chance to run, or talk their way out of trouble through dialogue menus. Since fighting the combine is basically suicide, don't let the player use weapons.

I have a notion that you could, with some thought, abstract the action of your average multiplayer FPS and make it into a card/board game. I'm not sure how you could do it to take advantage of the engine, though.

antichaos's cat idea reminded me of an idea I had quite a while ago. I was in a very cluttered shed and I was trying to catch this kitten who ran from me whenever I tried to get it. It was VERY challenging to coax this cat out of hiding and for some reason I started to think about making it into a game.
How about a battle bot style game, but as teams. Each team gets together to build their own crazy vehicle, based on set parameters. When completed each team rides the vehicle, controling a certain part of it, (ie, a gunner, mobility, armory, etc). and have to work as a team to beat their opponants. Could also allow scalability for more devices on vehicles, upgrades to engines, armory, yadayadayada. Teams could save vehicles for playing other rounds, on other servers... Sounds fun to me :)
The only problem with hunted/hunter type games is the pace. There has to be a balance of fast pace type gameplay and slow paced strategery.
Da Vinci: No, I'm afraid I haven't read it, though I want to.

Cat game: This sounds like it could be cool, though the target demographic isn't the same as the people who download mods. This is something for Sims fans it seems to me. Still, I like this idea.

Crazy vehicle: This could be really cool if the vehicle components were good. It would require you to hack deep into the game code in order for this to work, especially online. Doeable, but probably not by me (I've got a year of experience coding games but I'm still not that hardcore. Mostly an artist/designer type). You might end up with a problem where people figure out the ideal vehicle and just build it the same way every time. Avoidable.

It reminds me of a really old game where you build floating castles from components and then fight with them. Done in modern tech it could be very cool. Good stuff.

I've thought about making a game that is similar to the social sim idea on the first page, except you add minigames with some sort of overarching competition. Try this: Each player has money, and they bet that they can win minigames against other players, the minigames are chosen through some method (not decided) and players can win money against each other. You could add a teams or pairs arrangement. Nice, and it hits the collector/gambler instinct.
I posted this in another thread, but elborated upon the idea more below.
I would love to have a mod where the 2 sides are combine and rebels.

But unlike HL2 DM this would take place in a pre-built mini world with combine headquarters and rebel underground locations and stuff like that.

Each trying to bring the other side to it's knees, you could try to infiltrate, or just wage an all out attack on the other side. There would also be many buildings around the map that you could capture, and would give you a chokehold on that certain area. Once a building is captured, bunkers automatically go up out front (or you could have a builder class that makes them) and the whole building is barricaded up.

On top of all this though, put it in a scenario so that it's like you're playing in an already existing world, not some random arena where you kill eachother. What I mean is that in Deathmatch, they just throw you in some random arena and you try to kill eachother. What I'm proposing is more like an MMORPG of sorts involving the combine and the rebels fighting for control of a city (City 17 most likely). When one side eventually emerges victorious the map resets and both sides are back to where they were. The point is to make it so the matches don't end within 5 minutes.

The main point though is having it so that it is different from your standard DM/Team DM match. It shouldn't be that every corner you turn you encounter an enemy. You should be able to walk amongst the city streets in the town without constantly fighting. Say you're walking along peacfully as a rebel and since you blend in with the other civilians, any combine who are walking wouldn't notice you. You start causing problems and then suddenly, they turn around and chase you, but you eventually escape making your way to the rebel underground.

The combine could have a large base like the place in the game where the supressor is located, and the rebels could have several small locations underground.

I'd love that. Citizens walking around, 2 sides opposed to eachother, the combine with an iron grip on the world, but the rebels with the ability to blend in with the citizens.

Of course the whole idea is pretty grandiose. You'd have to have the AI react to combine as if they were police and to rebels as if they were just normal people. You could have AI combine and rebels serving as guards for the bases and whatnot. The map or maps if you please, would have to be huge.

I know I couldn't pull something like that off but I'd love to play it. I'm sick of going into games that don't immerse you in the universe of the game. Half-Life 2 immersed you in those first moments in the beginning, and all the times when you got to rebel locations and had to fight alongside them. You felt like you were in a real city, being dictated by doctor Breen and the combine. You were part of the rebel movement, but being constantly hunted down.

If someone pulled that idea off properly, I think it would be an amazing mod.
Wow. This Thread really inspires my imagination. That survivor mod made me think about something like Robinson Crusoe :) It would be damn cool. The other type of survivor with hunted and hunters sound cool too.

The cat game sounds interesting, but I doubt it would work in a game. Like, how would you simulate eating a goldfish? You point at it and press "e"?

That sieging idea is thrilling too - with a castle and a bunch of dudes with crossbows and boiling oil in there and the attackers with catapults, barricades and stuff :) btw, has anyone tried the trebutchet map? That was amazing.

And then Split Infinitys idea. Zowie. Quite mind-thrilling :) You could have like combine raids when they find a rebel base, you could fly a dropship and things like that. Then the rebels could try to destroy the overwatch with some sort of guerilla warfare. And sometimes you could have short full-scale wars. Absolutely thrilling.
I'm glad you liked it Cukel =) It would of course have to have vehicles like dropships and striders like you mentioned. I'm not sure what vehicles could be used for the rebels, but I'm sure something could be worked out. (A large pilotable Dog perhaps?)

Makes me wish I could make such a mod =\
swampbug said:
Katamari Damaicy SOURCE MOD. roll a giant ball of garbage you collect around.

Roll over other players and collect thier dead bodys too. Whoever controls the ball of garbage is the KING baby... the KING!

1 vs 1. Who can get thier balls the biggest!


16 people.. one ball of garbage.

Already working on it. :)
"Doom as a tool for system administration" (for Linux)

Anyone seen this before? Each process the system is running spawns a baddie and killing them kills the process.

So, basically it's like the Task Manager, but the processes can fight back! Also suggested is making more important processes more powerful, so a lower rank or less experienced sys admin would have a harder time killing it.

The basic idea, taking a game and making a system tool out of it, is about as radical as I've heard for any mod. I could imagine an entire user interface in Source: a large room with several wall-sized VGUI webbrowsers, a room where you could pick up your mail (heck, they could even be physics objects that you could categorize in piles), program launching either with a MS-Bob (sorry for bringing that up) type interface or going directly into a representation of the file system (using teleporters?). And, of course, having a PvP (player vs. process) area for when something needs killed. Hmm... might be best on a multiprocessor system for that, otherwise gameplay would suffer when the other program hung...

Ah well, it's an idea.
Tynan said:
Strip off all the graphics and theme and story because ultimately that stuff matters very little in this type of production. Thus CS would not be terrorists shooting at counterterrorists. It is hit cylinders which float around in levels projecting lines at each other that lower "damage" counters. You control one cylinder.

Considered in this way, substance over style, comparisons gain a different perspective. A new WW2 mod and a new Star Wars mod could be exactly the same game

The number of gamers who do not understand this point is astonishing.

I was trying to explain the abstract concept of 'gameplay' to some people a while ago - how 'gameplay' is something distinct from graphics, theme, story.
It was exasperating! To them, a Star Wars game is a Star Wars game, and is therefore entirely different to something non-Star Wars.
Noobulon said:
The number of gamers who do not understand this point is astonishing.

I was trying to explain the abstract concept of 'gameplay' to some people a while ago - how 'gameplay' is something distinct from graphics, theme, story.
It was exasperating! To them, a Star Wars game is a Star Wars game, and is therefore entirely different to something non-Star Wars.
Ignorance is bliss, let them live in their own little world, we should not interfere with their happiness.
Qhartb said:
"Doom as a tool for system administration" (for Linux)

Anyone seen this before? Each process the system is running spawns a baddie and killing them kills the process.

So, basically it's like the Task Manager, but the processes can fight back! Also suggested is making more important processes more powerful, so a lower rank or less experienced sys admin would have a harder time killing it.

The basic idea, taking a game and making a system tool out of it, is about as radical as I've heard for any mod. I could imagine an entire user interface in Source: a large room with several wall-sized VGUI webbrowsers, a room where you could pick up your mail (heck, they could even be physics objects that you could categorize in piles), program launching either with a MS-Bob (sorry for bringing that up) type interface or going directly into a representation of the file system (using teleporters?). And, of course, having a PvP (player vs. process) area for when something needs killed. Hmm... might be best on a multiprocessor system for that, otherwise gameplay would suffer when the other program hung...

Ah well, it's an idea.

That's very cool. Sounds a lot like most of the computer interfaces of the future in books that take place 20-30 years from now, more visual and in a three dimensional environment I mean. Everything is represented by familiar objects.
When a program "Is Not Responding", I'd smack the git around the room until it bloody well starts responding. Satisfying.

Yeah, it would take some interesting coding to do that I would think, but a Source version of the same program (or something in the same vein, anyway) would be pretty awesome.
I always wanted a pirate mod.

One that places you and an opposing ship in the middle of the ocean shooting cannons back and forth while other pirates swing on ropes to board the enemy's ship and start swordfighting. Melee combat is always the problem with a game like this though. I wish more people could make it like the Jedi Knight series.
I remember back in the good ol' days, speculating about Source's capabilities and all the possible mods, even very small ones, or really cool maps.

One idea that always struck me as awesome, was when someone asked Valve if they could, in Hammer, build a house with wooden supports that could be shot out, and thus have the building collapse into the ground.

Simple, awesome ideas like that, had me dream about Source at night.

My brother had a few excellent ideas a while back.

You're a patient in a mental facility, and the whole game just revolves around you trying to escape. Realism would play a large role, and you'd be able to pick up and use, as if they were a weapon in your inventory, virtually any portable object.

You're a shark, and all you do is kill people. You hunt boats, swimmers, anything in the water, and you kill them. Sick, but could make for some fun things.

You're a private eye in a large city, such as Batman's Gotham, and everything is in first-person. A real-time newspaper system is present, which is one way you pick up cases, and people randomly come to you with their cases. This, I think, would be an amazing game. The only thing is, the developers would have to make many, many, diffferent scenarios, so no one gameplay is ever the same as another person's. That's where this game would excel. Completely random incidents, to high-priority mass murders. The possibilities are wonderous. You'd travel to crime scenes in ghetto apartments, examining areas in real-time with an in-game maginifying glass, and as you find clues, you add notes to a book.
I would like a mod which shows the Ulitmate Graphic Map for Source.. Which shows of Beauitful Scenes (Providing u have a good graphics card) and if u include HDR = Bliss. It would also be bliss if they could animate the canal yellow grass..
Make a matrix (or something similar) mod where u can duck kicks and stuff and lock onto your enemy when using hand to hand combat. It'll be good if u can beat 3 other players by counter attacking and stuff if u good enough. Also u should be able to disarm the enemy by doing a hand to hand combat move.
I was just thinking of something... I was mainly focussing on having deep storylines while still having a bit of innovative gameplay (which should always be the case).

It's a game about a secret mind-controlling government agency that controls the mind of a local do-gooder police-officer to do a mission (a nice, campy, retro style I hope). You play the mind controller controlling the cop and the game plays like a third person shooter except that certain physical traumas (temperature, pain, sudden noises, etc) can cause disturbances or losses in mind control. This can screw up your control in certain ways or make the officer suddenly regain consciousness. "Puzzles" can be set up to find ways around these control problems while doing a mission.

As the game progresses, however, you find that the do-gooder cop has a mysterious and ominous history. To uncover this mystery you have to bring the character into certain places and situations, deliberately find a way to lose control of him (usually done via a device placed in his house, but on the streets you have to improvise), see how he responds and acts, and use these as clues to figure out the game.
I'd like to see a Morrowind style game. Kind of an offline MMORPG, with an expansive, seamless world and a non-linear quest system. From what I know of the Source engine this would be hard to do, though; huge load times.
well if u know about the specialists then you will probably know that they refuse to even attempt a source mod, well im not much of a modder, surely some else can give it a go?

i love playing max payne 2 with the ragdoll physics, watching bullets hit in slomo and the bodies fly back realisticly.
i dont understand why the specialists team bother about making ts 3 version, i dont play hl1 mods n e more. mainly bcos of the lack of ragdoll physics, i hate looking at bodies fal inot walls on death, looks so tacky.

ts really does NEED a source conversion, even if its by sum1 else and its not called ts.
You know, pointlessly reviving dead threads is generally frowned upon.
CommandoSR said:
Source Kombat...Fatality. Gordon KOs Dr. Breen.
*Gordon sticks Gravity Gun up Breen's anal cavity*
Sulkdodds said:
You know, pointlessly reviving dead threads is generally frowned upon.

Sulk.... you have suffered noobs for a long time, to long for any forum staff member.

It is time... DESTROY THEM ALL!