Ragdoll demos are fun

Wesisapie....we need that old news pic!
Woah that's amazing. Imagine what Valve has made if somenoe can make this for the web!
guinny.. you need a new avatar... :flame:


  • positive7.jpg
    22 KB · Views: 351
::radio:: Wesisapie...come in wesisapie...come in! I need reinforcements! Old news posters are overrunning the area! Requesting immidiate backup! Anyone!::radio::
Radio::: 10 - 4 guinny... Now change ur god damn avatar!::: Over and out:::
The news might be old, but this ragdoll demo never gets old, I think I'll pay with it till HL2 comes out.
lol.. its a good 30 min of my time....

you can also try the karma demo... search it up on google.. thats awsome too!!!:cool:
ragdoll really seems to have had a huge impact on gaming community. i remember myself when i first played hitman 1, probably the first game using ragdoll. I was just sitting there doing the same sequence (shooting a chinese barkeeper) over and over again, just to look how he fell in different ways.

Anyway, the link you wrote doesnt seem to work for me. it just never stops loading. i see you can dl the demo as well, but its only a zip file containing some texture files and other smaller data files. anyway i can get the demo to work?
joey whered u get ur avatar? i wanna find some good gifs :(
lol hey mate I made it :P i have a couple.. you may want one i duno :P

heres 1... all made by me :p
well old news is so exciting, remember ? ;)
That Karma is new to me, that was friggin fun. But the view is really annoying.
Yeah hey.. its a demo.. but hell of alot of fun! relly shows off what physics can do...
Joey, i think us having the same avatar is cool lol. we look like bros.
just lettin yall know, Omlette is a stuck up brat. He got me banned from Gamefaqs, and couple others, just cuz their keyboards space key didnt work :dozey:
Funny thing is, I posted this yesterday, and everybody kept complaining how old it was so I deleted it.
Joey, m8, what do you animate those with?? I never liked the proggy i sued to use...

lol i use paint + Animation Shop 3 (off of kazaa :x)

Draw the image with paint with my.. well.. eh.. skills.. hehe
then animate them with animation shop 3

What did you guys think of the karma physics demo i sent? Actor demo...?
I liked the Actor Physics Demo. I wish Havok had more tech demo's we could try so we could get a feel of the Half-Life phyiscs. Just watched the E3 demo again for probably about the 10th time. Just sitting there watching it. It just FELT like it was a Half-Life sequel. It felt like it was the same shitty quake engine but with amazing graphics and extra features that improve the gameplay so much more than the gameplay of HL1... and that's saying something :eek:
yeah we need more demos...

I agree.. you know i havn't been this psyced for a game since.. well never... I remember waiting to get my hands on battlefield.. but the bf1942 demo sucked.. so i wasn't sure... but now i love it.. lol..

I have a good feeling about this sequel... a good.... gut feeling..
The Wake demo ruled though!
Seriously, I played that about 1,004,435 times before release.
oh yeah.. i meant the first demo.. I saw potential.. but they had alot of work to do since that... but their work payed off.. got game of the year.. which was well diserved!
Originally posted by Joeyslucky22
yeah we need more demos...

I agree.. you know i havn't been this psyced for a game since.. well never... I remember waiting to get my hands on battlefield.. but the bf1942 demo sucked.. so i wasn't sure... but now i love it.. lol..

I have a good feeling about this sequel... a good.... gut feeling..

dude, the bf1942 mplayer demo was the most fun ever!! sure it was only that one map, but it was crazy fun. maybe you were playing online with people who sucked, or didnt understand teamwork.