Rate Calvin and Hobbes...

What would you rate Calvin and Hobbes?

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    Votes: 30 69.8%
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  • I hijacked the pie cart...

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad...

    Votes: 3 7.0%

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Sep 27, 2003
Reaction score
Calvin and Hobbes... one of the best cartoons to ever exist... even Charles Schultz, creator of Peanuts, was a fan...

This comic, about the adventures of a strangely learned (which is not always the same as wise or intelligent) little boy called Calvin, and his tiger, Hobbes, was by turns witty and insightful. In one comic, Calvin would be driving his babysitter Rosalyn mad while pretending to be a superhero, in the next, he would be musing on the meaning of life.

Bill Watterson, it's creator, was regarded as a bit of a loose cannon by the comics syndicate he worked for. He spent a lot of his non-comics-drawing-time arguing that newspaper editors should set aside more room in their papers for the funnies. He eventually suceeded, to a degree, gaining the right to design his own format for his comics.

I'd personally rate this strip five out of five stars.

Well? What do you think? Feel free to quote. This comic, sadly no longer in production, meant a lot to a lot of people.
5, probably even 6 (;)). I have all the large collections of the comics, and never get tired of them. It's truly fantastic, my definite favourite cartoon by far :thumbs:
They certainly stand up to repeated reading.

Also, anyone who posts here: Want to mention your favourite book, if you've read any?

Mine's Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat!
Mine has to be 'Attack of the Deranged Mutant Killer Monster Snow Goons' That whole story is fantastic.
Calvin and Hobbes has always served as one of my big inspirations. I love the really existential strips especially now that I'm older, and some of the later art justy can't be beat.
7 out of 5. :afro:
haha, yay! someone took my advice.. FOR A CHANGE! erm, yeah so i had to go with 5, even though the numerical scale just doesn't do it justice..

fav book? hmm, that's hard, Homicidal Psycho Jungle Cat! is certainly great, but i think i'll go with The Days are Just Packed because it contains probably my favorite series of strips, the ones where calvin goes forward in time to pick-up his paper (that he didn't write) from the future calvin, and the two hobbeses end up writing it, i'm sure you people know what i'm talking about. It's a Magical World is great also, and commands a special respect since it contains the last C&H strip. honestly, the best one is which ever one i haven't read in the longest time (i go through them all at least twice a year).
I had The Days are Just Packed, but I lost it during our move to Melbourne ;(.

That time-travel strip just ROCKED.:E
YAY!!! :bounce: Calvin and Hobbes!! I love the comic.

Erm,...Rose is Rose is pretty funny too. I like the cat.

Brian what is that cartoon about, I have no idea, please give some pics.......:frog:
Calvin and Hobbes! Best cartoon ever!...or maybe not...but it is the best cartoon ever after Hagbard Handfaste and Zits! So there! :cheers:

/me gives 5½ out of 5
Originally posted by G0rgon

Brian what is that cartoon about, I have no idea, please give some pics.......:frog:

It's about a small boy (Calvin) and his tiger friend (Hobbes), whom he sees as a real walking, talking tiger, but everyone else sees as a stuffed toy...

Calvin is basically an egomaniac and a little brat, but he does have his redeeming features and can be surprisingly deep and insightful sometimes.

He is also a dreamer, and has three different alter-egos; Stupendous Man, a very funny superhero, Tracer Bullet, a detective, and Spaceman Spiff, a Buck Rogers-type character.

He hates school, and has a love-hate relationship with Susie, a little girl his age down the road (He loves to annoy her, she hates him. They both have a crush on each other, though.).

Hobbes is basically a laid back person, with a catlike tendency to only think about the next meal. He's more sensible than Calvin is, and acts as a good counterpoint to Calvin's philosophy of "If it feels good, do it.".

He often plays the little voice of reason, and also likes to make fun of human mannerisms.

He's still definately a tiger, though, as one of his favourite pastimes is to pounce on Calvin from behind... or meet him at the door after school, in mid air, at high speed...

He openly likes Susie more than Calvin does. Heck, he likes girls more than Calvin, even though both are members of the Get Rid Of Slimy GirlS club (G.R.O.S.S.).

Calvin also owns a cardboard box which, depending on it's physical orientation, can be a Transmogrifier, Duplicator, or a Time Machine.

Basically, the two of them get into loads of adventures; Calvin clones himself (Twice, the second time he only creates a duplicate of his good side), they take a trip to Mars, they time-travel (twice back, once forwards), they get lost in the woods, they attempt to move to the Yukon (which they think is just a few blocks away), Calvin creates a new race of evil snowmen, Calvin renames himself (Calvin the Bold), and loads of other things...

Hilariously funny, worth getting the book collections.

I'm not sure about posting pics... Bill Watterson, the creator, hates that kind of thing, and I'm not sure if the mods would like it either...
Jeebus Brian.

I gave Calvin and Hobbes a 5 because it's a simply awesome comic strip.

Thanks for the big layout. :) :thumbs: ;)

Now I would give it 4 stars.:cheese: Ah and I could give it 5 But I hate 2D cartoon I like 3d Such as Shrek, Final Fantasy, Nemo....ETC.

I used to love 2d when I was between the age of 3-12:eek:
Well...err... It's a comic strip, in the paper. Never got made into a cartoon, Bill Watterson thought that it'd cheapen it.
Calvin and Hobbes RULES! All the stars I can give it, it gets! And you can all suck my dust! :)
Calvin and Hobbes were/are awesome.

I always wondered with the "Scientific advances go "Boink"" ...or something like that..

The one with the overturned cardboard box that "duplicates" Calvin. At one point.. wasn't there a Calvin at school and some at home doing things?

EDIT: What the deuce?! My prowler-ness has been taken away...
Originally posted by AmishSlayer
Calvin and Hobbes were/are awesome.

I always wondered with the "Scientific advances go "Boink"" ...or something like that..

The one with the overturned cardboard box that "duplicates" Calvin. At one point.. wasn't there a Calvin at school and some at home doing things?

EDIT: What the deuce?! My prowler-ness has been taken away...

Yeah, the real Calvin was duplicated five or six times, and he worked out with his duplicates that they would each only have to spend one day a week at school. It kinda fell through, however.

Calvin found a neat solution...
1. Charlie Brown
2. Calvin and Hobbes
3. Garfield
4. Dilbert
5. Doonesbury

Those are my top five. So of course Calvin and Hobbes rox!
My top 5:

1. Calvin & Hobbes
2. Far Side
3. Zits
4. Dilbert
5. Definitely not Home Soup or whatever that cartoon is...
you fools!

1. calvin & hobbes!!!!
2. peanuts
3. far side

everything else is a distant and unimportant 4th.
I think they have been discontiniued right?

Anyway if you wanna read some (a whole damn much?) heres the site


They are EXCELLENT!! :cheers: :afro: :dozey::cheese:
<Steps carefully away from Frank, while giving him a funny look>

Originally posted by Brian Damage
<Steps carefully away from Frank, while giving him a funny look>


Why does that always happen?
Originally posted by Brian Damage
<Peeks around the corner of the block>

It's gonna get ya!! IT'S GONNA GET YA!!!
Originally posted by Brian Damage
<Chucks a stinkbomb just prior to fleeing>

Ewwwwww! FOR ****S SAKE!! *coughs*
*(Calvin): People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. (Hobbes): Isn't your pants' zipper supposed to be in the front?
:cheese: :cheers: :bounce:
Originally posted by _-_-SELAS-_-_
Great, you posted the same url that I did u just did it twice...
which by any serious guaging system means he wins. nice try though. oh and my link give more content than yours, so i'm the most winest!