Reclaiming Black Mesa

May 30, 2003
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You're the officer in charge of reclaiming the Black Mesa Facility.

At your disposal you have a certain # of troops, V-22 Ospreys and Apache Attack choppers, M-1 Tanks and Bradley Fighting Vehicles. The Air Force will be there too.

So I'm brainstorming about all the things that it would take to reclaim that facility. BM is big, we get a good idea of it's size in the three games. We can surmise how many soldiers there were,
I've put the estimate at 300 grunts, 50-100 black ops. At least 3 Apaches, and a bunch of Armored Vehicles.

Seems this wasn't enough for such an ambitious plan as to reclaim BM, while killing everything in it.

What would you have done? How would Gordon's leaving BM for Xen change the grunt's tactical situation? I mean aside from Gordon the grunts could have taken out all the aliens and personell, in my view. Especially if the Black Ops were sent in to reinforce, not kill, them.

Black Mesa was nuked at the end of Opposing Force, you can't go back........:P
I mean in the original story. Basicly what would you have done differently if you were in charge of the grunts.
If you made this into a mod, make it an RTS, the C&C: Generals engine is cool....although the game itself is pants....
Originally posted by mrBadger
If you made this into a mod, make it an RTS, the C&C: Generals engine is cool....although the game itself is pants....

Ummm.... toward a epistemological hermaneutics of post modern social theory.

Can you say that in the King's English?
make it into a modification.....a real time stratagy....engine....a game engine....i.e. the game code itself....the game C&C Generals is BAD.....i think i've explained myself?????
Sorry, I'm just clueless. I buy the game, play it, think ablut the story. But I couldn't tell you anything about code or anything like that. Hell I can't even type.
ah don't worry then....I was on about really creating that vision of yours. Check out the General Editing Forum, and look up Operation Everlasting Shadow (thats the black ops mod) and Grate Expectations.....see what my mods are like there and other people talk about their mods there too, you don't have 2 have any technical experience.... just post :), in any of the threads and maybe you will learn something about the workings of games :)
Grate Expectations..har har :)

Between the two of us this is a hoppin' thread

I'll check out that forum.
Fear not. For i have joined the thread. That isnt to say im not scary if i want to be LOOK! :flame: Roar! Roar!.....Anyway none of that matters. Its sounds like a cool idea to be honest. Although the facility was nuked some of it may still be intact, it was pretty large and all those doors and stuff are bound to contain the blast slightly. Anyway. It would be fun to be able to take charge of the grunts. Although im sure you could do it in source engine if you wanted to. Rather than use C&C generals after all a game engine is a game engine. There was one mod that vanished where it was gona be a strategy using the HL engine and have all the units and stuff. That looked like it was gonna be really good.
If you did it in the Source engine, you could make a sort of Urban Assualt style mod.....yeah, that would be cool
Well first of all, I'm talking about this being HL1, before BM got nuked.

I'm sure somobody must have already made a similar mod by now. Even a multiplayer situation, where small teams are inserted by chopper in different parts of the facility and work from there.

Of course doing the entire facility would be a hell of an undertaking.
Everlasting Shadow....set as the forces in the Black Mesa Research Facility fight to get out.......before the nuke goes off
Been sick as a dog the last couple of days. I'm feeling better now, although not planning on running any marathons.

I looked at looks interesting.

I can't wait to pistol whip the female characters while listening to atmoshperic music before running off into the wilderness to brood over my conspiracy theory plot, all while using NV goggles.

What no badgers?!
Originally posted by Lordblackadder
I can't wait to pistol whip the female characters while listening to atmoshperic music before running off into the wilderness to brood over my conspiracy theory plot, all while using NV goggles.

What no badgers?!

glad you're better mate :)..... The no badgers bit is just for now ;)......for now the moddb site is the only one with content on it, sadly because moddb is one of the worst communities around ..... im looking forward to .Dev, since that looks cool and good for games development in general....
MrBadger with regards to that mod your with

On the wesite at the top you cant see the first and last letters so it says 'verlasting shado' :)
Xen Invasion force.

How about a mod of human soldiers leading the invasion of Xen, the results of wich we see at the end of HL1.
That sounds kinda like waht Opposing Force nearly was.... and I think there is already a mod in development, but its for the HL1 engine, not HL2....
Originally posted by mrBadger
That sounds kinda like waht Opposing Force nearly was.... and I think there is already a mod in development, but its for the HL1 engine, not HL2....

OpFor was going to be about that? How do you know?

Did they change it when everybody started dissing the Xen levels?
Is this just a Mrbadger and lordblackadder thread lol :)
I heard rumours that was what the ending levels of Opposing Force were going to be that..... but I doubt the hearsay is true though..

EDIT: yes Simmo it is....get out! :flame:

only j/kin :E
Originally posted by mrBadger
I heard rumours that was what the ending levels of Opposing Force were going to be that..... but I doubt the hearsay is true though..

The Ending to OpFor,.. how should I put this mildly...

Sucked Moose Balls! The creature sucked, the gameplay sucked, it's like gearbox had a hot date and left their little brother to finish the game.

Xen would have been better.
Yeah I kno....the end was a TOTAL letdown.....I was so dissappointed with the ending, with Gman...I hated that
After the 15th time you jump over to the other side, you're like "am I doing this wrong, or should I just go get a smoothie"

It Sucked Buffalo Balls.
*bumping in the conversation*

I agree with Lordblackadder, Op4's boss was stupid.. just like Nihilanth IMO.
Originally posted by righte0us
*bumping in the conversation*

I agree with Lordblackadder, Op4's boss was stupid.. just like Nihilanth IMO.

Nihilanth was at least well done, and the level had depth.

OpFor's ending just... well it just sucked Rhino Balls.
Lord Blackadder. Is there something you havent told us. You seem to have this obsession with sucking large animals' balls. So far there has been a Moose, a Buffalo and a Rhino.
Originally posted by Farrowlesparrow
Lord Blackadder. Is there something you havent told us. You seem to have this obsession with sucking large animals' balls. So far there has been a Moose, a Buffalo and a Rhino.

Hmmm... I guess I can't argue. Perhaps my thereapist was right, I am obsessed with Moose Nuts. :eek:
Get OUT GET OUT of my thread :P.....j/k :E

Yeah Op4's baddie sucked majorly, was a return to all the things bad about the pre-HL FPS...
Talked to my therapist again, he said I misunderstood him. I'm actually addicted to cashew nuts. Whew!:D:D
Glad to hear you cleared it all up..... :) thank god we aren't going to be 'treated' to more graphic descriptions... :P
Originally posted by mrBadger
Glad to hear you cleared it all up..... :) thank god we aren't going to be 'treated' to more graphic descriptions... :P

Oh no I didn't say I would stop painting disturbing mental pictures. Besides that's all we have left to do until 9/30.:cheers:
True..... but how are you gonna kill time until my (team's) (supposedly) amazing mod...??? :p
By playing halflife 2? Just a though. i know valve cant compare to the might of 'Mrbadger' but it will have to do.
well, it's not team mrBadger..... I just happen to be the team leader..... nah we all know here that HalfLife2 will be only half the length of there


I pity those who have to wait for my mod (j/k, of course HL2's gonna b better...:P )