Release Candidate in September?

believe me ppl the sign of release is now depend on how soon is "de" 3rd phase of release. by the time it happen, we shall all have an answer in our heart.
richpull100 said:
This is... You, and you have been running in circles with a hammer in one hand and a panalshe knife in the other; with a gay guy behind you. Imagine this, all the while you are on television, and you know that you can't be gay because you will be judged by your audience. So you try to pretend your straight, but you still get all hot in the pants about the gay guy grabbing your ass as he caught you from behind so you fall down. Ohh, realize now you got stabbed with your knife and hit hard with the hammer, which was in your other hand!

Thats just how it is in the world of Video Game Makers.

They take you down! Like gay guys!

What the hell are you on about?
But you got to admit, it's pretty amazing that a big company such as Valve can't see the simple difference between STFU and "blab on and on about fictional releasedates (or release seasons) that never occur"... I mean, how hard can it be?

Instead of shutting up and saying "It's gold!" (when it really is), we hear stuff as: "ahh dudes, we got 16 days of bugs to clear out" (jeez, I work with software development, that sure is an accurate thing to say)

And then "we'll be releasing an RC to (whoever) on (whenever)..."

Come on, that means absolutely nothing! An RC is nothing more than an RC. We are interested in the finished product!!! An RC could be interesting if, let's say MS or someone else intends to release it to the public so they can test it or something, but this is internal stuff, who really cares?

Valve, STFU and release the game WID!


I think that the pre-loading is a good sign.. maybe valve are just trying to spring the release on us.. fool us into thinking it will be November, then release Sept/Oct.. :)

me.. I'm happy to wait if it means the end product is great.. cos I have to say most of the shit being released at the moments is only staying on my harddrive for 30 mins.. I refuse to play console ports anymore!!

I'm sure HL2 will kick ass - fingers crossed hehe :)
what a joke. Valve is full of shit and were now way past my forgiveness thresh-hold. They stuck to sept 30th up until a week b4 the game was due and anyone who has seen the leak knows it was like 20% complete.

Then they say "q1 2004" oh but wait no its summer defo summer!! again no ! um what about september ? "we might get an RC by sept 15th" FFS!!! wtf are they playing at?
poofyfinger said:
Why does it say that a locked copy of Half Life 2 is available on my PC

yeah i saw that too after the second pre-loading but i think we have one more pre-load at least before the game is complet
There's still at least one more preload to go I think. You only have a partial download of HL2 at the moment.
richpull100 said:
This is... You, and you have been running in circles with a hammer in one hand and a panalshe knife in the other; with a gay guy behind you. Imagine this, all the while you are on television, and you know that you can't be gay because you will be judged by your audience. So you try to pretend your straight, but you still get all hot in the pants about the gay guy grabbing your ass as he caught you from behind so you fall down. Ohh, realize now you got stabbed with your knife and hit hard with the hammer, which was in your other hand!

Thats just how it is in the world of Video Game Makers.

They take you down! Like gay guys!

What the hell dude?
Valve has to spread these kind of rumours just to keep people interested in HL2. Don't be fooled!

I'm a weird kind of a fanboy, I'm more interested in the game than the waiting, or the release dates.
i believe because of all this shit , alot of people will download the game and not buy it. a crack will be made for single player and people will not buy the game because they hate valve. im also pissed off but im going to buy it anyway.
smacky said:
i believe because of all this shit , alot of people will download the game and not buy it. a crack will be made for single player and people will not buy the game because they hate valve. im also pissed off but im going to buy it anyway.

well while that is true anyway, a load of people will buy the game & valve will clean up in the money stakes...

i doubt piracy of HL2 will affect valves profits greatly, not getting it out on time is already doing a good job at that!! :naughty:
HL2 will make plenty of money dont you worry and if they dont pay for it they cant play online.Which is one of the games elling points.
yeah , peopel who download it will have a hard time playing it, im sure valve keeps track of all the cracks out there so they can disable them with steam updates, forcing people to buy the game.
i think this is the first real anti piracy tool that proves to work.
hl2 will be the fastest selling pc game, sorry, game of all time. just chill guys.

valve will, and im sure are, do everything they physically can about getting the game shipped. once they do that, they can start making hl3 (as the hl series is a trilogy). though i can see people going into shops and getting told its been delayed for another two weeks due to a problem/glitch with the box cover...

gordon is coming...
Dougy said:

The joke that is Hl2 and its release continues for another 11 days at least.


nah maybe a week then again maybe a month.... or or or a year? :thumbs: :farmer: :rolling:
cadaveca said:
i complain about having to wait, because the $700 i spent on a vid card because the game was supposed to be coming out, could have been about 400...oh wait...the 9800xt is 350 now....
do you understand?
i wasted $350....i've been waiting for 6 years for this when they said it was coming out i jumped and upgraded! now....that money could have got me a card that performs twice as good as my current. had i known that HL2 is not coming out, i would not have bought my card. Valve, and thier lies, COST ME HARD EARNED DOLLARS. FAR AS I AM CONCERNED, I HOPE SOMEONE DOES HACK'EM AND LEAK THE GAME ALMOST...LET THEM LOSE MONEY LIKE I HAVE. thankfully i am patient, and forgiving, and damn well addicted, or they wouldn't get the money i still have saved to buy the GAME when it comes out.

so wait you wouldn't of spent all that money if the game was released already? :farmer:
look it's very simple if Valve release these rumours lets say "Novemeber release.." everyone gets mighty pissed off and angry. They then release earlier than the fake release date i.e. september/october and everyone is then like "OOOOOO we love Valve what a good job getting it out earlier" and people are happy. It's a classic marketing tool to promote a corporate image which has been tainted in the past.
If they weren't so damn sure of themselves each time it wouldn't be so ridiculous.
NeoNight said:
so wait you wouldn't of spent all that money if the game was released already? :farmer:

i sure would have...but i would have been able to buy hardware that performs twice as fast. the packaging of the box made me and other believe the game was coming i jumped the gun and purchased hardware to make my HL2 experience the best it could be. Heck, they even put the game in the box! :eek: Oooops! :flame:
here we are a year later.. and i have a great graphics card, but the same money could have bought an x800 or a 6800. :flame: