REPO! The Genetic Opera.

I don't know about it, but it looks kinda gay.

BTW Paris Hilton plays a slut. That honestly surprised me... (I think that one chick is PH)
I got home after 3:00 last night, and nearly died. It was pretty sweet, that movie. Good reccomendations to all of you.
My spider sense is telling me that it will have nothing to do with genetics.
I think I might see it. It looks/sounds pretty cool.

It sounds a bit scary though. I mean, it has Paris Hilton in it! :eek:
Oh, but this time, she's perfect! She gets to be herself! A self-absorbed slut! Now an actor that gets to portray themself will do nicely.

Paris Hilton is one of the Five Pillars of Skankdom.
*folds arms*

Seems like another thing for Hot Topic to cash out on and groups of goth teens to annoy me with. *cough* Rocky Horror Picture Show *cough*

*Walks out quickly*