
Oh yeah. I felt something down my back when I watched the trailers.
Scary stuff, man :) I'm not one for jump-scare slasher flicks, but I just may see this one... looks pretty original.

I watched that trailer in my physics class last year. Good fun :p
I just got back from going to see this...

Basically it's one of them films that has the only good bits in the trailer - the stuff you pay to see is actually a lot worse than that.

It's also one that makes you think a lot - but at the end (after all the crazy and seemingly pointless storyline twists) it becomes so blatently obvious and stupid that all the thinking you've been doing all along is rendered completely useless.

To summarise: Crap film, don't see. No gore, nothing. Tame. Meh. ;(

I want a refund, damnit.
I remember I got flamed when I posted about this movie because it was too violent.
Cannot WAIT TO SEE THIS MOVIE. Been following it for over 4 months. Sadly it was cut down to a R rateing for the movies. Dvd will be Nc17 tho which will kickass. Getting a Nc17 rating for GORE is SUPER RARE!