Scariest HL experience


May 25, 2003
Reaction score
In response to the favorite HL1 level thread, this one is about what is the scariest thing that you experienced in HL1.

I say in apprehension when you first see that big fish. First time I played it I didn't notice the scientist get killed by the fish. I jumped in the water because I saw the door over there. So I jump in and see the red marks on the HUD. I look down and nearly crap my pants at what I see. Some huge fish keeps biting me and I can't shoot my gun underwater and I die :(

Another one is when ur crawling in the airducts and then the headcrab comes out.

"OH DEAR" as Walter says.
Blast Pit, anyone?

I think my scariest HL experience was when entering the room with the scientist trying to set those.. things on fire on Blast Pit.
then that thingy snapped through the glassed window and took the scientist down with him :E
haha. oh yeah those f*ckers scared the shit outta me. the black nose of one of them just came jabbing through the wall
Well loque, to be fair, the name of my post there doesn't indicate what this post does. It was just me expressing my opinions (again..) which then turned into a "Scariest part of HL was..".

So assuming the dude who started this post only skimmed the topics of the entire forum, he didn't do anything wrong.
and if you really want to be an anal retentive asshole, this thread is talking about what you thought the scariest part in HL was, the other thread is simply saying that HL can still be scary.
Yeah sorry to burst your bubble there, bud. But my thread is asking your scariest HL1 experience not saying "Half-Life is still scary...go play On a Rail and turn off lights", ect, ect.
I never realy got scared in HL. But the headcrab in the ventilator surprised me. :P
The headcrabs scared me too.

The scariest was probably when Barney was talking to you and then he falls dead without finishing the sentence.

"In response to the favorite HL1 level thread, this one is about what is the scariest thing that you experienced in HL1.

I say in apprehension when you first see that big fish. First time I played it I didn't notice the scientist get killed by the fish. I jumped in the water because I saw the door over there. So I jump in and see the red marks on the HUD. I look down and nearly crap my pants at what I see. Some huge fish keeps biting me and I can't shoot my gun underwater and I die

Another one is when ur crawling in the airducts and then the headcrab comes out.

"OH DEAR" as Walter says."

lol yeah, same here. I saw the massive pool of water, and I just had to jump in. I actually screamed when I saw the Icthyosaur (or whatever) coming right for me! I was terrified! (I was 10...) That was the only time I had to pause a game to calm down a bit. :P
Lol yah the dinofish was the scariest for me too. I played a mod the other day "Azure Sheep", a very long mod, you had to get into the water and I saw two of those fish's and didnt get in. I shot all my ammo above water till I killed them. Kinda like your playing "Hide and go seek", you know that they are around the corner hiding but they still scare yah... The fish still scares me..
Thing is that i saw the fish eat the scientist but when i was walking along the platform i slid in. It was horrible, i was so scared i couldnt find the way and i just died trying to kill it with my pistol.

I remember at one point we had borrowed this video projector so we could watch Tv and play games on the wall and i was on that one level where you have to give power to the train. Well i couldnt kill the Garg so i had to run past it so when I got power on i had to just try and outrun it on the train but before i could get up to speed i pressed the talk key by accident without noticing, so i ended up going about half speed with this huge freaky alien after me. When i finnaly noticed i had talk on I got up to speed but then while shooting the Garg I fell off the back of the train. So im sat there with this HUGE projection of a Garg on the wall (my ceiling is 11 foot high so it was big) in a dark room almost wetting myself with fear as it got closer, I almost died of a heart attack when it got to me and flamed me. That was the first time i had played that part so i wasnt expecting it at all.
I always go fishing for the Icthyosaurs with the satchel bombs -- just float them out in the middle of the pond and wait till the big fish drift close by and then detonate... it can take a fair while but then self-induced boredom is what fishing is all about...

Scariest moment in HL? That large warehouse full of marines below you: got seen, heard the calls "move on in!" and then 2 nades came sailing in over the top of the railing and landed right next to me. Sworn I could of heard the timers ticking away, whilst I just stupidly crouched there of course, thinking; "can computer controlled blastable nasties do that?...". It was just the shock value of having grenades thrown at me as opposed to just being able to sit back behind cover and pick them off a bit at a time.
Originally posted by Zeus

Another one is when ur crawling in the airducts and then the headcrab comes out.

Yeah the airduct is the one that got me .. I had a feeling Valve was going to put a headcrab in there .. which made it even more scarier.
Spies. When they are running around on the panels above you(first time you meet em) it reminds me of signs. Just all the fast-paced footsteps, man, every tim i fight em it still creeps me out.
That headcrab in the vents scared the shit outta me too.
In Questionable Ethics, I ran down the corridor to where the grunts are, so they chased after me + then I was gonna press the button to close the door and do the zappy shit, so I stood there waiting for this grunt 2 come in, but after ages, I thought that it must still b down the hall, so I turn around + he's stood right behind me + he starts kicking me, bloody hell that made me jump.
my scariest experience was in op force when with some fishes... your walking around on a slippery walk way while you have water below you and thous electrik shooting ailiens transporting in all the time... i fell into the water and saw emedietly a fish so i starded to swim bakwards wihle shooting it, i figured i was 3m from getting out when another fish comes and bites the shit out of me...
the finniest experience was also in op force when you are in the ventilation system and you have a big fan right on top of you and on top of that you have a lot of headcrabs that are jumping to get you...:cheese: lets just say like this they werent any more thret after that...:cheers:
im was so scared when gordon entered the black mesa and the scientist all say hi! I got a social phobia!
yeah me to, I was in opposing force when I fell through a walkway over a pool, fell in that made me jump, then a massive great fishy thingy was coming for its dinner!! "RUUUUUNNN" , urm...yu can run underwater so..."AHHHHHH"
The beginning is scary, you have no clue what's going on, no weapons, and that sound.......

remember when you first notice the sound in the air?

Kind of underwatery, kind of alien?...... creeeepy.

Simmo I think the part you're talking about is in HL, Apprehension.
Originally posted by h00dlum
im was so scared when gordon entered the black mesa and the scientist all say hi! I got a social phobia!

Haaaa! Good one.

If you play it again, walk over to where the barney is sitting and press the red button.
Headcrabs... make me shiver... Only in vents though:cheers:

When I first heard the sound of that Garg, it made me jump out of my seat and smack my head against the cupboard...
The Garg is fuukin' scary. When I first played, I was on Xen and didn't realize there was a Garg on the other side of that rock pile. SO I go about trying to get the rocks out of the way, or jump over them without noticing the Garg. Well he noticed me and lo and behold comes crashin' through the rock pile.

I fraggin' ran, didn't stop till I was on the ledge waay outside.

Had to put down the game and get a drink.
In that canyon in surface tension i fell off the ledge, and hit quicksave instead of quickload on my way down. I was stuck in an endless loop of dying. Scary in an extremely annoying sort of way
how about when you beat hl1 and nihilanth (i think that right, sorry if its not) starts going into a fu<king epileptic seizure. he played to many video games i guess.
anyone remember in the near-beginning, u pass one of the halls, and u look in the window and the room is pitch black, but in the far corner theres a computer screen flickering with a zombie scientist sitting in the chair spazing out? that was the freakest to me
shamboo's post reminds of this time after i had detonated a bunch of satchel charges inside nihilanths head. when he started freaking out and the screen got all dark suddenly i heard an alien slave charging up. it zapped and killed me. needless to say i was pretty pissed off when i had to replay from my last quicksave
I would have to say when your in that building full of trip mines. After spending 18mins trying to get passed it i moved a crate and behind it was a trip mine i was like -_-. The second time i went through it a headcrab set off the mines lol. What about when you have to call in the air strike to kill the garg that was scary.
not the scariest but the most awesome partsd were when the fire came through the vent from the grenade, and when the marines shot the vent out in the garage scene. and all the fights between marines and aliens were cool.
the scariest would be when the garg i think it was, was in the garage and you had to electrocute him to kill him..***nning down that tunnel/hallway with him right behind me was scary heh.
I have to say that the assasin scene was rather scary. When Barney tries to tell you something and gets sniped in the head .. ;(

Also I have a habit of making my monitor very dark, which didn't help in the particular area. I just eneded up running around like a maniac with a shotgun and killed all of them eventually.
Originally posted by killmequickly
shamboo's post reminds of this time after i had detonated a bunch of satchel charges inside nihilanths head. when he started freaking out and the screen got all dark suddenly i heard an alien slave charging up. it zapped and killed me. needless to say i was pretty pissed off when i had to replay from my last quicksave

Dude that same exact thing happened to me in another game!
Proect IGI 1. I killed the boss and protected the NPC chick and the game was won with barely a single round left in my arsenol and a hairs breadth of health left. But at the last 100th of a second some henchman dude takes me out with a hipshot from the other side of the level. I lept up from my chair with my eyes bugging out of my head yelling at my computer. I told myself I'd won the game despite that incident, packed up the game, and brought it back to EB. It'd only been less than 12 hours since I purchased it and they gave me a full refund when I told them I thought it was a multiplayer game I was buying. Man did that piss me off though.

Anyway to stay on topic. Scariest moment would probably be the first vent/headcrab incident, and then being be chased by Garg as I made a mad dash for the power generator not even knowing where I was going, or what I was doing but just wanting to not die. Garg is a perfect example of why they invented the saying "Run, and don't look back!"
When you are getting chased by the giant blue monster. Scariest game moment i've ever had. ;(
Headcrabs in the vents... when it's pitch black and your flashlight is drained and your speakers are all the way up and it's 2:00.
I remember looking at that vent and thinking - "in there? NO WAY!!!"
Scariest part for me was those assassins. I remember running around and I could hear their footsteps and it sounded like they were coming from behind me so I'd turn around. But nothing was there so when I turned back around to continue on my path one of the assassins was right there like in face. I wasn't expecting it so I like jumped in my chair and scream it scared the sh*t out of me. Also the first time I fell into the water and I was swimming and I saw a blurr and I thought it was an object. So i started moving towards it and it started coming at me and when I saw it I was like Holy Sh*t! I didn't expect a fish to be in Half-Life.

The funniest was right after you created the cascade and you're running around and you look through a window. Theres a scientist jumping around avoiding this headcrab and he finally manages to kill it by pussing a file cabnet on it. Then he starts jumping up and down cheering then another headcrab jumps on him. I thought that was funny.

Most annoying I would have to say when I was fighting Gonarch and those baby spiders kept jumping on me and to top it off Gonarch sounded like a baby screaming it way so annoying.
Ah its gotta be the weird tentical bangy things on the metal thing, i dunno how u got past him but i stealthed all the way past him just waiting for bang bang bang that scared the shit out of me :'(
You had to throw grenades and theyd start banging where the grenades landed