Science and industry 2 - release 3rd of july


Mar 28, 2006
Reaction score

"Why? Because we are finally going to release Science & Industry 2. Yes, you heard that right, and yes, for real this time. We are going to release this thing on Thursday, July 3rd. To play, you're going to need to own and have installed Half-Life 2: Deathmatch and Source SDK Base. Also, if anybody is interested in hosting a dedicated server, send an email to [email protected].

Anyways, I hope to see lots of people coming and trying this out."
I never realised this before but this is almost an FPS/RTS: the tech tree being the weapons and the resources being the Scientists. Interesting...
Oh shit, that's a blast from the past.

I remember playing this fairly often back on HL1, it was hilarious chasing people with scientists slung over their backs.
Awesome. A lot of mods are getting finally released these days ^^
Wow, terrible mod.

It doesn't look like a v1.00 at all, looks more like a pre-alpha release.
Yeah, it's not really worth it at the moment.
I'm shocked this has been released at all, so I'm going to reserve judgment. I used to be a fairly big S&I fan back in the day. Shame my PC is kind of screwed at the moment.
25mb? Was surprised a bit by the size. Must not be a lot of original content.
Yeah, there's a lot of content from HL2 and CS:S. Everyone's basically running (well... most of the time) around looking like the Phoenix Connection terrorist from CS:S. Impossible to tell friend from foe unless you aim at the person.
What a disgrace of a mod. Pathetic compared to the original. Why even bother releasing this?
What a disgrace of a mod. Pathetic compared to the original. Why even bother releasing this?
Hmm... See, the thing is, that the original had exactly the same release model. It came from a time when mods were developed out in the open, piecemeal, nothing like their later products and people latched onto them until they got good. It's a shame from both angles: it's a shame that people no longer tolerate mods that could blossom into something better, forcing most teams to embark on underground, monolithic projects (the end result of which is surely that the project vomits blood and chokes to death), but it's also rather daft that the S&I devs think they can get away with such an olde-timey approach 4 years after the release of the game they're modding for.

They've also got their work cut out in doing a sequel as people will always view it as the next version of the original, and not as a new 'from the ground up' mod. Everyone who jumps onboard S&I 2 with memories of the original may never go back if it's all well below par.
That approach still works and people still embrace that type of development as do i. Look at PVK 2 and Goldeneye Source for example. You don't however release a mod in such a piss poor state as this, regardless of your previous work. This version has been in development for years now and this is all they could come up with?