SDK system requirements


Player 17

Hey, I am stuck on a machine too slow for HL2 for a while, so I'm wondering if I should try to make some levels on it instead. Should I try, or will it be way too slow?

I have a P3 500mhz 128 RAM, Windows 98.


And along those lines, if anyone know's of any tutorials on hammer, please let me know.

Thanks again.
Go to the steam forums for tutorials, and if you open Hammer in SDK theres help in there as well. SDK is demanding, but not as much as HL2 obviously, you might get away with it, if you dont over do it. You get SDK when you buy HL2, so if you are prepared to pay for a game and only be able to use SDK, not HL2,CSS or HL2DM then your choice. Good luck.
I know from experience that Hammer/Worldcraft for HL1 will run on that system. You could always start mapping in HL1 and then port it over to Source later and add all the extras (npcs, physics items, etc). As for running the latest (Source) Hammer on your machine, I haven't tried it but I suspect you will have problems (it's a bit of a memory hog). If you turn off the 3D textured camera and model viewer and use the wireframe view instead you may be ok.