shotgun question



correct me if I'm wrong,but the HL shotgun only has 1 barrel,correct?
so why does the ALT.Fire act like its a duel barrel?
also,on obsevation,the shotgun only has a single trigger,most double barreled shotguns have two triggers to fire each barrel individually
hmmm...thats an odd way to model a double barreled shotgun,but thats a very good reason
why would VALVe design the shotgun like that though?
ahhh,then it should've looked a lot more like that,thats were I got confused
most HL guns look like the real thing
Most HL2 guns are real. Except for Tau, RPG, Xbow, Pulse, Grav Gun, etc.
One above, one below.

Wrong. The SPAS 12 has one barrel.

The double-blast can best be explained as firing one shell normally and then the bolt very quickly cycling back, feeding another shell, and firing it.
that requires the spring to stay heated,so the shell cracks and breaks off,to release the actual bullet/shell
Wrong. The SPAS 12 has one barrel.

The double-blast can best be explained as firing one shell normally and then the bolt very quickly cycling back, feeding another shell, and firing it.

Okay, then.
It's based on a real gun. It's real *pats*

It's ok. Accept it.
I had a toy shotgun exactly as the one in the game. And yes, it has one above and one below :)
the smg doesn't have a gren launcher but it fires grenades. (out of the middle of the screen)
Tbh the weapons in HL2 where poorly done, but I already made a long thread on that.

The "below" barrel should be the magazine tube.
hmmm...thats an odd way to model a double barreled shotgun,but thats a very good reason
why would VALVe design the shotgun like that though?

Not really. I'd say MOST double-barrel shotguns these days are under-over models. It's what bird hunters traditionally use. In the movies, you see many more side-by-sides just cause they look more badass, and it's easier for the non-gun-firing public to tell that it has two barrels.
sorry,I stick with classic shotguns
my Remington is side-by-side shotgun
Liking your side-by-side is fine by me, I was just saying over-unders are more common. :)

Personally, I'd rather have a pump any day, cause I like having a magazine, but that's all personal preference.
As cool of the HL shotgun is I'm not sure there are any guns of that type that allow you too reload both barrels. As far as I know all double barrel shotguns require a manual reload after firing.
As cool of the HL shotgun is I'm not sure there are any guns of that type that allow you too reload both barrels. As far as I know all double barrel shotguns require a manual reload after firing.

I bet I could design a pump-action double-barreled shotgun. Not sure I would know how to make it so you could pump and only reload one barrel, but I could certainly design one where a pump reloads both.
I bet I could design a pump-action double-barreled shotgun. Not sure I would know how to make it so you could pump and only reload one barrel, but I could certainly design one where a pump reloads both.

Really now? Amuse me.
Really now? Amuse me.

The simplest way would essentially be to stack a right-handed and a left-handed shotgun next to each other, and have one trigger group that fires both, but have separate magazines underneath each barrel. The pump arms of the two shotguns would be linked on to one pump handle, cocking both actions simultaneously.

It would be massive, and probably look like the Super Shotgun from Quake 2, but it's certainly possible.
Oh. I thought you where going to actually talk gun smithing with me.

Sorry, I meant "design" in the conceptual sense, not the machining or engineering sense.

I'm only 22, and I'm a Computer Science major. Firearms certainly interest me, and while I enjoy reading about engineering problems and their solutions, I don't have many mechanical skills myself.
I guess they made it that way because a majority in the American market simply don't care, and because the rest of the world has never actually held anything more dangerous than a water-pistol.
Amazing!Cheomesh isn't:| now!
also,its time people stop being scared of guns and actually learn how to disarm a dangerous person

but water guns can be fun sometimes....

when your bored
Amazing!Cheomesh isn't:| now!
also,its time people stop being scared of guns and actually learn how to disarm a dangerous person

but water guns can be fun sometimes....

when your bored

Yeah seriously. People need to realize that if you outlaw firearms only outlaws will have firearms.
Amazing!Cheomesh isn't:| now!
also,its time people stop being scared of guns and actually learn how to disarm a dangerous person

On a side note, I noticed that you live in Finland; I heard that suppressors are considered essential hearing protection there. You guys rock. :D
I had a spud gun once!

Ah, you poor British bastard. I pity you guys, and will weep silently for your plight as I clean my rifles, shotguns, and pistols ;(

I heard Britain is now banning 'samurai' swords. Ridiculous. Good to know that Scottish claidhmors and dirks, French and Spanish rapiers, English longswords, Nepalese kukris, American civil war-era sabers and Indian scimitars are still on the 'free to own' list.

Are baseball bats still legal?
Are baseball bats still legal?

No. They were made illegal when we found out what you were doing with them.

Seriously, there was such a threat that someone would attempt to start doing it here. I mean, it's a frickin' baseball bat fgs!

And you were... playing... a game?!?
At least when the home team wins a baseball game, we don't flood out into the streets and turn over cars with our bare hands (i'm looking at you, soccer!)
At least when the home team wins a baseball game, we don't flood out into the streets and turn over cars with our bare hands (i'm looking at you, soccer!)

Well, that does happen occasionally (Red Sox making it to the World Series in 2004, for instance, but then again, that was an 86-year streak broken ;)), but nowhere near as much as soccer/football.