Signing your Map


Aug 30, 2004
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I'm just now running through the last compile or two for my map. One of the finishing touches I added was a brief gameplay instruction on the maps load that then fades out after 30 seconds, just giving people a hint that they may not be aware of. Now, I come from the Unreal mapping community, where you can actually write a little intro story describing your map, which can be read on the map selection screen. It's not uncommon for a mapper to add his or her name to this file, so people can see who made it.

My question is this: is it too ostentacious to put your name on a little intro text tag that shows briefly as the map loads? I'm not mapping for fame or fortune or anything, but I would like my work to be recognized as such. On the other hand, it might just be obnoxious.

So would seeing a little message: "map by pur3r4ge" at the beginning of the map for 10 seconds or so bother anyone? And as mappers, wouldn't you like to have your names appear on your work as well?
I know what your talking about with UT. And I can see where your coming from with wanting to have your work recognized as yours, as such I wouldn't have a problem with this message being shown. I might even do it on my map (if I ever finish it)
i dont like it when people put credits that im forced to see. what im doing with my map is making a little message made out of brushes in a remote space that only an observer can get to if hes actively searching for something secret.
I think you could add a level title name, like when you get to a new level in hl2, it appears for a few moments, then fades away.

Look under the map options.
make a decal and put it on the map, like on a bulletin or signpost ect, or make you name ( or nick name) from brush's and put it in a out of reach spot, but viewable
I wish all mappers did this so you could find their other works of art!

I think it would be a great idea and wouldn't bother me :)
I have hidden areas in my maps that are hard to get to by foot, but not impossible. A few are even hidden behind brain puzzles which must be solved.

My "sig" is just a modeled "Doctor Gordon"....with special goodies around. (items as of yet, not....something else)
I have a set of signature geometry - it's in every map I ever make.
Everyone is suggesting hiding themselves within the map. What I was really asking is about presenting yourself along with your work. In the world of film, or television, or any other kind of art, the creators are usually as well known as their works, to some degree. Anyone could probably name hundreds of TV and movie actors.

I know people often hide signatures, but I just thought it might be nice to shift that paradigm a little bit, to help give a little more focus to the people who put so much work into these things.
pur3r4ge said:
Everyone is suggesting hiding themselves within the map. What I was really asking is about presenting yourself along with your work. In the world of film, or television, or any other kind of art, the creators are usually as well known as their works, to some degree. Anyone could probably name hundreds of TV and movie actors.

I know people often hide signatures, but I just thought it might be nice to shift that paradigm a little bit, to help give a little more focus to the people who put so much work into these things.
Yeah but, no but, yeah but, no but, yeah thats the problem though, people on the net don't use real names. So its harder to really prove anything

eg: you could sign it with pur3r4ge.. but thats hardly easy to remember, and anyone could claim to be that really, or you might decide to change your handle later on, or use a different one on different sites. Making it harder for you to be recognised.

Sign it with your full name and there's more chance of being remembered.
Also don't make a signature decal if you plan on entering it into the comp, just incase you forgot :)
I don't think anyone would be against signing a map really, as long as it's not obtrusive. I certainly sign all my work in one way or another. pur3r4ge does look a bit like a random collection of letters and numbers though but maybe that's just me.
MrMan said:
Also don't make a signature decal if you plan on entering it into the comp, just incase you forgot :)

I know. I thought that was a pretty good idea (you could sign your map like a painter signs a painting: with your actual signiture), but didn't want to do it on this map for that reason.
i know that in dod_caen, there is a little bookcase in a room and if you go up to it and hit use, a book pops out that has the logo and name of whoever made the map. i think this is really cool because its like a secret, and people will be pretty pleased if they find it
Loved the 'Little Britain' reference Dark Elf :D

Oh and as for the sig thing, yeah I'd ben fine with that man

I'm also planning on signing my name, but since my map is a CS:S map, I plan on making a cs_office copy, where if a stray bullet hits a certain place, the wall crumbles to reveal my logo. It's my RL name in an ambigram, but the name is vague enough that I don't think it's a problem.
I like the idea of signing but I agree with DarkElf - if you change your name or anything, its over - LevelLord is now a recognised name but there is nothing stopping someone from just putting that name somewhere or all through documentation or something (unless he has it trademarked or has registered with all mapping sites!!).

It would be cool to be able to be recognised (as long as your works were good)
I don't think that you should sign it, when they download it include in the readme a link to your website and your name and if people enjoy the map they shall go check out your other work, if it's consistently good then you'll get a name for yourself.

I agree with the use your real name thing ^check my user name. Just make sure people can find out who you are if they want to, but don't force the issue.
I think it's fun to have little unobtrusive easter eggs. Something small and easy that won't distract from gameplay or command attention, but is pretty nifty if people are looking for easter eggs. Tie some small roof tiles [on the ceiling, so you have to look up] to func_breakable so that you can shoot them down and reveal the mappers name + a logo. I'd go with your nickname if you've had it for a long time [several years] and have established it in several longlasting communities; overwise, go with your real name and some contact info [if you want].

What's the deal with valve not wanting signatures in the map entry?

Just to clarify however, whatever you do, DO NOT have a 10 second bit of text that comes up at the start of the map saying your name. Just don't.. how would you feel if every time you played de_dust or some map in any game, there was a short intro to the map, like a cutscene with information and credits? Let the people who want to know find out for themselves, and don't annoy the people who just want to play your map :)
eediot said:
What's the deal with valve not wanting signatures in the map entry?

The didn't say anything about signatures as far as I know, but they did stipulate that the map couldn't use any custom textures (like a custom decal with your signiture, for example).