Site is Dope


Nov 20, 2004
Reaction score
This site is the dope now, i just wish valve would relese something for me to play. I love the concept art more than anything i've found on the net for the past month - good score! Man where is that new hl2 gameplay that they said was coming (hdl or whatever name they have made for it ;0), someone guess an eta! I want to play some more source!

For once HL2net updates more often than Valve.
Well it's valves fault that we expect so much ;0)
You are up to date. You're winner!! Thread 1000 for site feedback~
wassup said:
This site is the dope now, i just wish valve would relese something for me to play. I love the concept art more than anything i've found on the net for the past month - good score! Man where is that new hl2 gameplay that they said was coming (hdl or whatever name they have made for it ;0), someone guess an eta! I want to play some more source!

For once HL2net updates more often than Valve.
Well it's valves fault that we expect so much ;0)
HDR - High Dynamic Range lighting. You're talking about the Lost Coast level.
Ya diz site be da shiznit fo sho G dawg imma blast a cap in yo crack ass
At first I thought this thread was titled "Site is Done"

My immediate thoughts were "Yes! And now we must ascend! Distribute the poision, Munro!"
Respect brethren!

In all seriousness to the original poster - thanks very much for the kind words. Hope you carry on enjoying the site - plenty of more stuff coming soon :naughty:
THANKS for the positive wordz! Dis shit is hot!

Icy Hot Stuntaz, Immortalize!
samo said:
betta chek yo self. hizzy aww nah dat hizzle jus' chill wizzay be n wizzy!

What the **** is that supposed to translate into.

African Americans sure have [SARCASM]awesome[/SARCASM] ways to express themselves.
Pesmerga said:
What the **** is that supposed to translate into.

African Americans sure have [SARCASM]awesome[/SARCASM] ways to express themselves.
I'm pretty sure the first 'sentence' is: "Better check yourself."

But I'm not going to begin translating the rest tbh, this took me two hours :hmph:
There are alot of promising modifactions out there, they will be ready to play in around a year. A huge gaming promise for all.