So I've got all the symptoms


Feb 3, 2005
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How can you tell if you might have swine flu and should see a doctor? Here's a checklist of symptoms linked to the disease, which is suspected of killing more than 150 people in Mexico and sickening hundreds more around the globe:

# Fever

# Cough

# Sore throat

# Body aches

# Headache

# Chills

# Fatigue

Some people have also reported diarrhea and vomiting.

The symptoms are similar to those experienced by people infected by other flu strains. In the past,

pneumonia, respiratory failure and deaths have been reported with swine-flu infection. Like seasonal flu, swine flu may cause chronic medical conditions to worsen.

Sources: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Associated Press, Mercury News reporting

So I've got all the symptoms, including the worst diarrhea of all time.

What should I do?

Helplife go
It's amazing the bad/good luck you have. First you had bird flu and survived without any treatment, now you have swine flu? I wonder if you'll be fine without medical attention this time too...
Well, there is no cure for a flu. Paying for treatment might help it go away faster, but that is a luxury I can't afford.

I know I am sick. What it is, I don't know. Have known something was wrong for several weeks, and I have mentioned this.

I cannot afford medical care unless it's life threatening.

I don't feel that bad. I've been really ill before and I don't feel anywhere near that bad, like when I had mono, and when I had 'the bird flu'.

I've just had this sore throat for about 3 weeks and a bit of other symptoms. I thought it was allergies due to spring/pollen. I'm not known to have any allergies, but maybe I never noticed it.

People keep waking me up after only getting a few hours sleep, and so my immune sys is vulnerable from lack of sleep. And yesterday, got only 5 hours sleep, then I began to feel worse.

Woke up this morning feeling worse, and took the diarrhea of a biblical scale.

I've also thought that I may have had a temperature for a few weeks, but I don't know, my thermometer is broken.

A lot of these different diseases have similar symptoms, so I don't know what to think
Oh it could be nothing.Go to the doctor and don't be so paranoid.

I swear a thread ago you were calling people stupid for going to the doctor.

Actually that might have been Xendance.

Anyway, call a doctor, then go.
I've been thinking about going to the doctor, because I shouldn't have a sore throat this long. To me that makes me think it won't go away on its own.

The diarrhea might just be food poisoning, as my bowels felt ill almost immediately after dinner last night, and I went right to bed.

Even after a good nights sleep I feel really fatigued and my head feels like it's burning up ATM.

I'm going to try to find another thermometer, brb
One thing that I should mention is that the day I noticed my throat began to get sore, I had gone to the store, and after leaving the store, I ate something and I hadn't washed my hands yet. When my throat began to get sore, I remembered that the store owner had seemed to be sick. Though I didn't really pay attention to it when I was there.

I came back to that store about 2 weeks later and he was still sick, in fact he seemed much worse. But he was blowing his nose, and I don't really have that issue.

When I got back from the store, I went for a hike. Later that night, I had a tick bite, and I flushed the tick.

So, that's when it all started. But it could have just been something I got from family or friends, though none of them were/are ill.
I doubt the doctor will do anything for you, or be able to do anything.

Stay well hydrated. Make sure you eat food. Get plenty of rest. Perhaps take some vitamin C and zinc... which is what I always take when I feel my immune system needs a boost. Don't take those on an empty stomach though. Because they will make you feel nauseous as ****.

Make sure you have somebody who can check up on you regularly. If things get too bad, such as incredibly high fever and shit... you do need to consult a doctor.
been reading about Lyme Disease from the tick bite. I have also had those symptoms. Apparently it's pretty common.

Unfortunately, while the bite did feel sore for a while, the bite was on my back and I couldn't see it. So I don't know if it was a hive from the bite.

I think I'm just going to check my temperature and go back to sleep as I just feel really tired and sore ATM
Stop reading about diseases on the internet, or you'll end up with all of them.
I'd get officially checked out first. And if so, your name finally makes sense. D:
It was good to know you.
I know you guys are all hanging in the balance here, pressing F5 over and over, praying for news of my condition.

I'm happy to report that my temperature is normal.

It was all in your head huh? You whacko!
Well, I'm sick, but I don't have a temperature, so it must be something else. What? I don't know.
Sounds like a case of bad aids to me.
It could be good aids, you just can't tell at this stage.
Test results are positive... you are H+ for Hypochondriasis.
How can you tell if you might have swine flu and should see a doctor? Here's a checklist of symptoms linked to the disease, which is suspected of killing more than 150 people in Mexico and sickening hundreds more around the globe:

# Fever

# Cough

# Sore throat

# Body aches

# Headache

# Chills

# Fatigue

Sounds like a good night out to me :D
All the times I've had any kind of flu, I haven't been able to raise my arms enough to come and post on a computer :arms:
Yeah, no, that's what I'm saying. I don't feel very bad at all.

It's like I've been fighting this for a month, and it is slowly getting worse.

Probably, I've got multiple diseases. I don't think the sore throat is related to the stomach virus because the stomach thing is really sudden, just beginning last night, after having a sore throat for nearly a month.
Eat lots of vegetables, relax, and rest a lot. Your body should be able to handle the flu, and if it can't then the vitamins will allow it to do so.
I think I spoke to soon. Holy **** I can hardly fix anything to eat. Muscle aches, fatigue. Stomach still bubbling. I think this party is just getting started.
Tick bites are usually a little sore and stay on your skin visibly for a while after you get the tick out, I doubt you have lyme disease (but if you do... see a doctor). It's also unlikely you have swine flu, it's probably just the normal flu. Still, you should think about seeing a doctor at least.
I think I've found a new symptom of swine flu. My middle knuckle has been itching like crazy for 2 days and there's obviously no other explanation for it.

but on another subject, ennui, I was losing in scramble the other day on my iphone and one of the words I failed to find was you.

Oh jesus christ it's the perfect storm. I am absolutely ****ed.

Super painful aches and chills

I too have been sickly as of late =(

not too concerned tho, had some pretty damn bad flus and lived
Everyone on the forum are getting ill lately.

Fishy, fishy, fishy, fish.