So the FF VII Re-release...


The Freeman
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Is anyone Actually going to buy this? I didn't know Square Enix were such colossal idiots.

The game requires a constant internet connection to play, and is, for some reason, DRM protected (they've already had to pull the first release because SecuROM ****ed up for a lot of people).

Not only that but it seems they've kept the music from the original PC version instead of the original OST from the PSX version, which is terrible. Think early 2000's cellphone tones.

I was going to buy this, but I don't think I will now. I can't be so against all these things and give them money for it anyway.
BadHat: Somehow they made the prospect of buying the most beloved game of all time unappealing
BadHat: video games

I have nothing to add.
I really don't care about the internet connection thing since I'm already connected to the internet at all times.

As for the music, the PC version is the only one I ever played, so nyeh :v
General midi is where it's at.
there's a FF VII re-release?

i thought people guffawed and ridiculed the idea of this possibly happening after that re-made version of the opening cinematic appeared a few years back?
there's a FF VII re-release?

i thought people guffawed and ridiculed the idea of this possibly happening after that re-made version of the opening cinematic appeared a few years back?

It's not a complete remake, just a 1080 friendly version with achievements, cheats and all other aforementioned shite.
I still have my PSX copy, so can still play it whenever I want. The achievement whore in me is needling me to go and have a look at this download though... o_O
I have no problem with MIDI and I think the AA-smoothed PC version looks a lot better than the PSX, but no thanks to this one. Not as long as it's tripping everybody's AV with weird DRM.
Wow you have the first PC version? OK I guess no one else needs the game then.

Wasn't relating those 2 points but seriously, if this was aimed at the kiddywinks of today, it would be on xbox. Why a rerelease on PC? There are many better ways to get it and longtime fans have beat it thoroughly
I was eagerly awaiting the re-release of this. Guess my plans can go on hold because of all the crap involved to play this.
I don't mind the idea behind this re-release (although the web site doesn't seem to show screenshots of the actual game - just FMV images). FFVII is one of my favourite games, so I certainly welcome any "improved" versions. But nevertheless, I have to admit that I'd love to see a full remake appear on console (Wii U might actually be a great candidate for that) - and when I say remake, I mean re-built graphics and sound. I doubt that will happen given the obvious cost and time involved, but you can bet that it'd probably sell quite well.