SOE screwed me over


Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score
Well I'm peeved. Big time.

So I go and buy some stuff, to find out I have no money on my card, I go check my bank statement online and see a EverQuest 2 subscription, in fact, looking back I've got charged for several months and I only paid for "1 month" - or so I thought.

I talked to live help to find out, not only are they charging me for 6 months (£50 worth I never even played or knew about paying for) I couldn't get a refund or cancel the months upcoming I will be charged for. I could only cancel my subscription AFTER I paid them! :(

Here is the support log, an intresting read of arguing, the full story, CLICK ME!

What a nightmare. So next time you go paying for a Online game subscription. READ their policies. :(

I thought it was grossly unfair.
Yeah..mostly when you click 1 month, they mean that you are paying by the month..and the billing cycle repeats until you cancel your account.
TSR Andrew C.: I found the account and it is- ****

Yeah..mostly when you click 1 month, they mean that you are paying by the month..and the billing cycle repeats until you cancel your account.

Yeh, that's why I'm not really raged.

Just annoyed the hell out of me that I can only cancel the account after I have paid them. :sleep: Oh and having no money to buy what I wanted.
Ouch, my brother got 1 free year of EQ2 because they messed up on fixing his subscription, long story short, he got one free year of EQ2, and he wasn't suppose to get it
Another year is no good to me, hate MMORPGs for life, they play and feel rubbish but most of all cost too much in time and money.

I'm going to take it in the butt with this and get over it fast. Sucks, man I would love £50 right now. :(
Sod them, they've taken your money, fair enough, they got you with the ****ing small print, but don't let them take any more. Whatever that global collect thing is, put a payment block on either it, or SOE, and forget your account. Don't let em get a penny more than they already have, especially when they are ****ing you over with that active bullshit.
Another reason this damn pay/month thing is a bad idea. Companies make SO much money off that. Granted server maintanence and everything, but damn.

There's always fine print that' kicks ass.
You could always tell your bank that you were a victim of internet fraud, tell them that you don't know what the **** SOE and this suscription fee is all about, they'll probably believe you and reimburse you the last month. It's a bit too late to claim the five other months I think.
You could always tell your bank that you were a victim of internet fraud, tell them that you don't know what the **** SOE and this suscription fee is all about, they'll probably believe you and reimburse you the last month. It's a bit too late to claim the five other months I think.

This is what I was thinking the entire time.
you can cancel the subscription as soon as you put in the card information for youe first free month of playing time. not to sure about soe, but with wow it states it clearly on the page that it will continue to subscribe until you change it. which can be done right away. but from the looks of it its your own fault for not reading everythign in the first place
I hate SOE, I hardly ever ask them for help. They really don't help much, they f*ked up Star Wars Galaxies, and when I ask for help in-game. they have a 5 paragraph essay stateting that I must check the forums.