Splinter cell delayed just one more time :P

  • Thread starter Deleted member 56031
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Oy Vey! 3 years of delays. This better not disappoint.
Well, I'm not holding out much hope seeing as how they have removed the ability to remove any bodies you leave in your wake, or knock anyone unconscious. Sam's strictly a killer now.
EH?! I didnt know that. ****!!!! *screams to the skies*

I was really looking forward to Conviction. Worst news of the day.
Just because I believe it'll be ****ing amazing, I don't mind another delay.
I'm still more disappointed at the lack of any mercs vs spies multiplayer. Hearing that the MP was only coop and spy vs spy made me lose a lot of interest :(
Disappointed. But the videos of this game so far has not disappointed me. Mass Effect 2 will hopefully tide me over until April.
Well, I'm not holding out much hope seeing as how they have removed the ability to remove any bodies you leave in your wake, or knock anyone unconscious. Sam's strictly a killer now.

I am very frusturated by this. I hate how the main focus is on killing people now. With all the older Splinter Cell games I would always try to leave as many people alive as possible, unless killing was absolutely necessary.

However, the co-op looks quite interesting, and I never cared much for Spies versus Mercs, so Spy versus Spy could be cool.
I loved spies vs mercs, simply because when you played as mercs versus good spies, you truly get this feeling of terror you don't quite get from other multiplayer games.

Hopefully this will be great with all the polish!

And, for Q1, I can save my cash for Heavy Rain and ME2.
Well, I'm not holding out much hope seeing as how they have removed the ability to remove any bodies you leave in your wake, or knock anyone unconscious. Sam's strictly a killer now.

Interest just dropped to dangerously apathetic levels.
That's a very short delay and I'm not particularly fearful of its effects.

I still believe Splinter Cell Conviction will turn out to be a good game when it releases.

Honestly, I have a lot of faith in Ubi's Montreal division(s).
I honestly wonder how many different conceptual changes this game has gone through to reach it's current state, considering how long it's been in development and how far removed from the previous games it is. The last trailer I saw looked... horrible, frankly, and nothing at all like Splinter Cell. As I remember it, he's facing a barricaded door with 5 guys on the other side, so what does he do? Busts it in, takes a bunch of shots without flinching (no body armor of course, can't ruin the hobo aesthetic), and takes them all out point blank. It's about as stealthy as... well... Chaos Theory. :p

Meh, whatever. Enjoy your bathroom torture deodorant commercials.
It's about as stealthy as... well... Chaos Theory. :p

You shut the **** up right now. Chaos Theory was the best of the series, and just as stealth based as any of the ones before it, unless you specifically tried to rambo it.
I don't mind the kill-everyone approach. He's out for revenge. The game's atmosphere is darker and more sinister. Hasn't anyone here seen the movie Taken? This is pretty much Taken: The Video Game.

As far as body-moving goes, that's...disappointing. Ubisoft addresses this question:

Why can’t we move bodies anymore?
This was a design decision,we really wanted to have an emphasis on a more fluid, quick-paced type of stealth game. However, if you want to play the slower, more considered game you can take your enemy into a human shield and then move them out of the light into a quiet corner somewhere – this is a great way to dispose of lone guards and make sure that any patrollers don’t notice the body. Of course, taking a human shield also earns the right to use Mark and Execute!

They removed a stealth mechanic (which isn't even that hard to program) so they can put more emphasis on a new gimmick they added. :-| I'm unamused.


. Is it possible to go through the whole game without being seen, heard, or using my pistol...
Basically, can I use only stealth the whole game??

Absolutely, all the maps can be played completely in stealth when special circumstances do not require you to play otherwise. It is up to the user to decide how they play the game. We have crafted a versatile and rewarding experience for all gamers. With that said, Conviction is designed to give the player an edge if they play intelligently. For example, playing smart will allow you access to Mark and Execute, as well the ability to gain information from interrogations, among other benefits.

Bah I hate it when they keep making that plug about Mark and Execute. We get it.

Wow wut, did they forget to hire texture artists or something? The AI looks bad too. And the desaturation filter? Hope you can turn that off. Don't wanna play in black and white.

It also looks way too easy.

I bet you could get your 3 mark and execute charges, use sonar goggles, tag up to 3 guys (since you don't need LoS to tag them while the goggles are on) and use the tags as a lo-jack to track their movements if you need to turn the goggles off. Then you can stealthily and easily take them all down considering there's a noob-friendly cushon delay in you being visible and them actually seeing you. Also, sound no longer seems like an issue. If you need to you can simply your mark & execute charges and insta kill any real threats without skill.

Boo :(

Give me Spies vs. Mercs dammit!!!