Squad Following prob.



i'm up to the part of half life 2 where i have a squad following (now of 5 people)...i saved my game, and when i reloaded it, my squad was not following me and i could not tell them to go to a designated area (by pressing 'c').
anyone know how i can fix this?
You can never have more than 4 following through a save point, I think it's a bit like it used to be on HL where a barney would only follow you so far, then it would be like you weren't there anymore.

As for the squad command not working, I'm unsure - but I tended to find that they did a good enough job of getting around a level by themselves wihthout telling them where to go.

As for Peabody's post above, well that's just uneceessary and doesn't help anyone.
Peabody McFee said:


If you have nothing constructive to say, then don't post it. Could you tell us exactly where you are, sometimes the squad is not supposed to follow you past a perctiuclar point.
There's a bug that Valve need to address, where if you send your squad to a location, they automatically disobey you and return after a certain number of seconds have passed. Thus the recall squad command is useless, as is the actual potential tactical element of using your squad.
i'm in a house about 1 minute after i aquired my squad. there are 2 tripod centuries downstairs and if i go to the street, and make a right, i will be by a big combine barracade. anyways......thanks alot and one other question..........will i aquire other squad members as i go along?