Station Unrest needs a team


The Freeman
Dec 31, 2003
Reaction score

Station Unrest is a multiplayer modification that takes place on a space station that is home to the last remnants of humanity in the year 2587. Choose one of three factions (though only two on each map), each with its own unique weapons and abilities, and battle for supremacy, survival, and control of the space station.

Features of the Mod Include:
- Several vehicles, from unarmored maintenance trolleys to improvised mobile battle transports
- Three factions, each with unique weapons and special abilities
- Dozens of weapons, including a railgun, sentry turrets, mines, and more
- Novel teammate-based spawning system
- Well-designed, large levels

Station Unrest is a brand new mod, recently conceptualized and still in design stages. Therefore, we need every type of team member for this mostly-conversion modification (we will be using some HL2 textures, but that's it). We are looking for talented, experienced modders - if you're a beginner, you will probably not be hired unless you have some good examples of your work. Feel free to apply for multiple positions (if you can do both modeling and skinning, for instance, sign up for both!). If you're experienced, you're probably in.

- 4+ Modelers - We need at least one modeler talented in organic modeling, because we are going to need player models in addition to weapons and vehicle models.
- 2+ Animators - Capable of making lifelike walk, crouch, and firing animations.
- 5+ Mappers - Advanced knowledge of Hammer required.
- 3+ Skinners - Skinning weapons, vehicles, player models, props, and more.
- 1+ Coder(s) - We either need one uber-coder, or 2-3 coders who will work on seperate parts of the code (one for gameplay, one for weapons, one for vehicles, etc). Extensive C++ knowledge is required and HL modding experience is preferable.
- 3+ Texture Artists - For making both tiling metallic floor, wall, and ceiling textures as well as special banners and signs.
- Concept Artists
- 2+ Sound Effects People - Primarily gun sounds and player communications, but also general ambient sounds.
- Musicians - Ambient techno similar to that of HL2. If you use FruityLoops, you better be damn good at it.

I am working as designer, website admin, leader/general manager, and mapper on the mod. I'm dedicated, experienced, and knowledgeable about Half-Life 2 mod making. I will keep the team relaxed but efficient - this is one mod that you'll have a lot of fun working on. If you want to join, post in this thread and send me a PM notifying me that you wish to join, then send me an email at [email protected] with the following:

Real Name:
Online Name:
Position to Apply For:
Examples of Previous Work:
Why You Want to Work on Station Unrest:

If you wish to apply for more than one position, simply repeat the Position to Apply For and Examples of Previous Work fields for each different position.

To read a much more in-depth description of Station Unrest, read the extensive background, and join the forums, head over to the temporary website at (will soon be moved to a real host). The current site is temporary and only to display information; the real site will be available in a few weeks and will look a lot better.

This mod has potential and I am capable of leading it through the process; now, go ahead and join up!
News update:

the site has a new, permanent layout, and the forums have been created. Also, the storyline has morphed a bit:

It is the year 2597, and Earth is dead, a barren wasteland of death and entropy, scarred by war, disease, and pollution. The surface is uninhabitable, populated by a devolved, feral race of savage creatures that can hardly be called human. The ten million surviving civilized humans have left the surface, perhaps forever, to live in a self-sustaining space station, fittingly called Hope. Two major factions among the people have risen, and over a hundred years, tension between them built up, finally breaking out into open hostility. Now, blood stains the walls of Hope, and the entire station is embroiled in the battle for supremacy and control. Each team has unique weapons, abilities, and classes; which faction will you side with in this multiplayer Half-Life 2 modification?
I like the concept. And the fact you only want one coder - you're a realist.

Still, I've got my own work to tend to. Best of luck with it though.

-Angry Lawyer
Yep, I've had enough experience to know that coders do NOT enjoy working together on the same thing.

I either need one godly coder (since there's a special augmentation system that's going to take quite a bit of work in itself) or two coders that can focus on different areas of the code so they don't get in each other's way.