steam - non-beta - today?

  • Thread starter Thread starter kohoyin
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for some odd reason, isnt working on my browser right now...


i just got home from school, and i am trying to get the non-beta right now.
My guess is that with everyone trying to get a low number, it was like a DOS attack on their site. Just a guess though

if you already have steam beta just start it and it will update its self to 1.0
EDIT::: everytime i try to start steam it says updateing steam.. the update bar stays at 0% for 5 mintues then crashes.. anyone haveing this problem?
there getting a Denial of Service attack, wait a while for the skript kiddies to calm down
the steam site isnt down.. im on it right now.. just keep refreshing the page. .also it says its down but on the download section it said that there are no downloads but under that it says that steam 1.0 downloads will be up sept 10th 11:00 am pst.. 2:00 eastern time which means the download should already be up.. but its not.. also whne you start steam beta and it says updateing steam it just keeps crashing so that doesnt work.
AH!!!! wut happened to the steam website, it's not green... it's all white and purple...
its just messed up for now.. dont know why.. it happened to me.. the site is the regular color for me right now but like 2 mintues ago it was purple and white and everything.
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Steam Delay [02:39 pm] 2 Comments
The water isn't boiling just yet, as the Steam website mentions that the new release of the Valve content delivery system has suffered a delay. While the Steam dedicated server will be released tonight, the client file will now be released tomorrow instead. Thanks Funluvncriminal.
well they changed the download section of the steam site and changed the date when the installer will become avalibale.. it was The Steam 1.0 (non-beta) installer will be made available on wedensday, September 10 at 11:00 am pst.. but now it says The Steam 1.0 (non-beta) installer will be made available on Thursday, September 11. ... so tomorrow it will hopefully be ready to download.. and lets all hope that there wont be another delay. heres the download section that says this
yea, it wasn't working this morning. and yea, so apparently it's delayed till tomorrow according to the website.

all is good
I was updating my server and found that DoD is now part of Steam again...
im already annoyed that i wont be able to play hl2 in DX9 becuase i have a geforce 4 and it's not going to work.. but now that steam site is screwed up and you cant get steam 1.0 yet or anything im even more pissed...... i hate this day.
well i know there are going to be a lot of idiots making new posts that say "ITS UP!!! STEAM IS UP!!! ROXXORS!"
i dont think they ever said the time on the site. just the date

hey, steam just reached 1000 topics woot!
they said 11:00 am pst on steam which meant 2:00 pm est which its now 4:00 pm est so that time means nothing i guess...

EDIT - well it used to say 11:00 am pst, doesnt anymore
The latest update on FAQ from #steam on gamesnet
FAQ from #steam on gamesnet
1) Yes, 1.6 is going final with this
2) Yes, you have to register again. If you use the same email address, your friends list will come over though
3) **update** you WILL have to download a new client for steam. Existing beta installs will not upgrade automatically <<-- yes, I know it conflicts with the webpage. We pointed that out to valve
4) Steamid's are first come first serve basis
5) We do not know the time the client will come out, please be patient. We will post in channel when client is released. Pacific time is GMT-7 and CET-8. (normally gmt-8 but Daylight savings time)
6) You will need a valid Halflife or CS Retail key to use steam
7) *UPDATE* WON will be up for some time. Timeline has not been established. 1.5 will be playable until WON is gone
8) Steam does not work on LAN only servers. Offline mode is coming
9) HLDS is for Dedicated servers only. NOT clients. Servers will NOT get steamids and do NOT need cd-keys
10) Mods and items like hlsw are supposed to work with 1.6
11) league questions need to be directed to the leagues themselves
12) New clients will be available off of and mirrors shortly thereafter. Remember, its just an installer.
13) There will not be patches like before. Steam will download the required content automatically.
14) *UPDATE* Keep your 1.5 install in place. Steam will use it so it won't download as much for 1.6. Steam will prompt for deletion of the 1.5 install.
15) You must use the steam final to register for your steamid (either from the update you get from item #3, or from straight final installer you get from valve)

note the updated items...this was just verified with valve
the only thing that i really will care about when steam comes out is the hl2 movies... and i guess cs 1.6.. but i really hated the riotshield.. but im going to shut up about cs 1.6 becuase i dont want this thread to turn into a cs thread....
Whats SO good about getting a "low" steam ID ? What are the benifits?and whats the ID for?
theres no difference between a id that is 1 and a id that is 2939393.. i think .. the only id that matters is 1337. :-D
I want the id: 666, cause I am really the -=-D E V I L-=-, and I have come to own joo all !!!!

/me does a maniacal, evil, and somehow pathetic imitation of the Lord of Darkness...:flame:
yeah but still no steam 1.0.. and they havent posted any news about why it isnt out yet or anything.
I just know I'm gonna have nightmares about this:

There are currently no download locations available.

The Steam 1.0 (non-beta) installer will be made available on Thursday, September 11.

I've been refreshing like a crazy person all day (I can't help it - I want a low id! :) ... anything up to 5 digits would be nice). I got something new, at least for me, a while back:

CGI Error

The specified CGI application bisbehaved by not returning a complete set of HTTP headers.

so maybe something's happening. It's now 5:57ish Washington time... they're working O.T....

If it does slip another day, it's going to make a lot more people lose faith in 9-30, but I'm still hopeful...
they must be going nuts at the offices, trying to get it out.

Getting it a day late must put some pressure on them, 2 make them race like mad (wo)men to finish.

that a good thing? i dunno

maybe it will come out at 1:00 in the morning (central time) like the traptown vid did, lol
Yes nice avatar orange....

/me has epileptic fit!!!
