Steam Weekend Deal - Prey only $4.95!

Wow, I found Bioshock a whole lot better, worth the $54 I paid for it. I'd give Prey only up to $10. What I didn't like about the game was the limited use of weapons, super simple puzzles, and story. I DID like the spirit thing (although pretty strange), the random radio things with Art, the graphics were pretty decent for the environment, and the mystery of wtf was going on was a bit intriguing (although a bit of a disappointment, so it doesn't quite cut it more than one time through).
Prey isnt even worth describing how bad it was. Let alone worth 5 dollars. I could get a large bag of M&Ms for that, and it would be 100 times more enjoyable than Prey.
I guess I just lucked out. I'm not real big on weapons. I can go a whole game with a few weapons (which is why I wasn't complaining with HL2Ep1). Although, looking back, I guess I can see how the puzzles were a bit simple. Strangely enoguh, I found the story and atmosphere excellent. I was always compelled to go forward and find out more. I didn't care for how Tommy regaurded his grandfather though. :\
Again, I ask for some reasons why Prey was horrible. All anyone is saying is how much PREY IS TEH SUCK. I'm not looking to get in a pissfight. I thought Prey was wonderful and I'm just a little surprised at how much everyone dislikes it.

I mean there are titles I dislike. Dislike A LOT, like Bioshock. But I could give you a whole list of reason why I didn't like it.

First off, there were a few things i like. Graphically, it did a pretty good job using the Doom 3 engine, i'll give it that. It had some large environments and gorgeous scenery in places. But what i hate is when developers adopt an engine, and the game moves and feels just like the game that showcased it. Imagine if Half-Life felt just like Quake I with a makeover...that's what Prey felt like, doom 3 with a makeover.

With regards to gameplay, it was boring and repetitive. I felt like i was playing it just to play it. Another game i have to beat, so i don't have to worry about it later. That's something i hate when playing games. I'm far enough into the game to know that it's not going to get better (which it didn't) but i feel somewhat obligated, since i paid for it.

One of the game's biggest flaws was not being able to die. I just walked into a room, spray at the enemy; repeat. If i died, big deal, i'll just get dropped right back where i started. It threw any form of strategy or sense of purpose that the game could've had right out the window. I even found it hard to run out of ammo. Again it reminded me of Doom 3, in that it was more of an FPS simulator. While other FPS's are moving forward with the genre, this one took a few steps back from the norm. It offered nothing new in the forms of gameplay.
Yes, i know it had those skywalk things and portals, but they were only there for show, and didn't affect gameplay all that much, other than a few puzzles here and there.

I can't recall the AI being anything special either. They just stood there shooting. Never took cover or anything. Some would teleport on the skywalk, so they were shooting upside down. The flying things flew. Yeah.

The vehicle was garbage. Developers make the mistake of adding vehicles as if they have to keep up with the competition. And it followed the same routine, spray and hope you don't die (not that it mattered); repeat. Golden Rule should be if they're not fun, leave them out. Half-Life 2 and Halo's vehicle's were implemented well and enjoyable. I felt the same way about Prey's vehicles as i did about Quake 4's, pointless dog shit.

I just didn't like the game. I'm probably missing some stuff, but i don't really care to remember. To each his own i guess.
Doesn't seem too old mentally, but it came out back in 2006!
Bah, Prey is like Doom 3. You play it, you finish it, you never look at it again. It's not horrible, but it's certainly not great. :/

$5 is a good price for it. For those who can get it.
Again, I ask for some reasons why Prey was horrible. All anyone is saying is how much PREY IS TEH SUCK. I'm not looking to get in a pissfight. I thought Prey was wonderful and I'm just a little surprised at how much everyone dislikes it.
Well it ran well and contrary to the above, I liked the fact you couldnt die, meant you could sit back and just enjoy it. But it had some huge flaws too.

The game was as linear as hell. Some of the areas were fairly open but half the time you were still stuck on a catwalk in these areas giving you a few meters to move. For something as massive as this spacecraft that had planes going about and everything it never felt like you had alot of room to move.

They also didn't capitalise on any of the unique aspects they had. The walking on walls ect might be an exception but you saw all the creativity they had problem solving wise in relation to that after about the 1st 10 mins. They could have done something quite novel with it using the physics engine to manipulate rooms to manuvour objects or something like that.

Other than that spirit walk was something they did not take advantage off and it was a huge oversight IMHO. at no point did you ever get forced into combat outside your body apart from the spirit scenes as far as i remember. The ability to leave ones body opened up a lot of potential but all they used it for was flicking switches which required you to move maybe 2m.

Lastly portals in this game were really just doors, didn't really provide anything new. Again a missed opportunity.

Ohh and the vehicles did suck too.

It's not a bad game at all, I played it to the end and found it quite enjoyable which I can't say for Doom 3 which I gave up due to boredom. If anything it was disappointing because they had all these unique ideas but didn't take advantage of any of them in anything but the most trivial way and what was left was a pretty standard FPS.

for $5 I'd definetly recommend it but as it was fairly fun if very flawed. The saving grace in that regard is possibly that the games also quite short.
If you live in Australia you have too much ****ing money.

No. Average income is around $30K. There are just as many poor deluded souls here than every other 1st world country.

Wait what? Doom 3 was ****ing pitiful. It was the same gameplay, same areas, same everything over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Its like a Scout in TF2 spamming "Need a dispensah here!"

At least Prey had awesome environments, more enemies than an Imp popping out of the corner from the dark every time you'd turn, the game play was leaps and strides beyond Doom 3. You wouldn't believe how more wrong you are saying Doom 3 is better.

Well I'm not so quit your bitching. I said as bad if not. I found both to be horribly boring experiences. Both games are remarkably shitty and quite a lot of people agree with me. The overall opinion of the majority > opinion of the minority. Deal with it. Fair enough you like it as long as you realise why it's such a bad game.
Well it ran well and contrary to the above, I liked the fact you couldnt die, meant you could sit back and just enjoy it. But it had some huge flaws too.

The game was as linear as hell. Some of the areas were fairly open but half the time you were still stuck on a catwalk in these areas giving you a few meters to move. For something as massive as this spacecraft that had planes going about and everything it never felt like you had alot of room to move.

They also didn't capitalise on any of the unique aspects they had. The walking on walls ect might be an exception but you saw all the creativity they had problem solving wise in relation to that after about the 1st 10 mins. They could have done something quite novel with it using the physics engine to manipulate rooms to manuvour objects or something like that.

Other than that spirit walk was something they did not take advantage off and it was a huge oversight IMHO. at no point did you ever get forced into combat outside your body apart from the spirit scenes as far as i remember. The ability to leave ones body opened up a lot of potential but all they used it for was flicking switches which required you to move maybe 2m.

Lastly portals in this game were really just doors, didn't really provide anything new. Again a missed opportunity.

Ohh and the vehicles did suck too.

It's not a bad game at all, I played it to the end and found it quite enjoyable which I can't say for Doom 3 which I gave up due to boredom. If anything it was disappointing because they had all these unique ideas but didn't take advantage of any of them in anything but the most trivial way and what was left was a pretty standard FPS.

for $5 I'd definetly recommend it but as it was fairly fun if very flawed. The saving grace in that regard is possibly that the games also quite short.
This is what a good critique looks like. Now that I think about it, your points hold a lot of damn water. I guess I just found these new features so cool and novel that it didn't hit me how underutilized they were. Kinda sucks when I look back on the game in this light tho'. :\

Although I'll say the linearity didn't bother me, as most games are incredibly linear.
This is what a good critique looks like. Now that I think about it, your points hold a lot of damn water. I guess I just found these new features so cool and novel that it didn't hit me how underutilized they were. Kinda sucks when I look back on the game in this light tho'. :\
Yeah, I do hope they make a sequal and really make use of what they had idea wise. Still, I found it a pretty fun game. It only lasted me 2 days so despite it's flaws it didn't hit the point of tedious unlike some other FPS which despite probably being better produced probably dragged on in sections.

I do think they could have had more problem solving and the like but given the abilities one had. Woulda added a bit more variety to it.
Gulp. Doesn't look like Prey has done too well to sink to $5 less than 2 years after release. I wonder if/how this will impact development on DNF.
prey was awesome from what I played...

it didnt deserve the negativity it got