- Stormwreck - A Half-Life RPG

David Caboose

OOC: I just couldn't really think of a Way he could escape

Caboose rubbed his eyes clear on a tattered piece of Cloth, Looking around the base he saw just how much damage the wave of mud had done, among the dieing screams of Comrade he shouted "How many have we lost?" As he Francticly searched for a life to save
David Caboose
OOC: Me neither, I was hoping you would try to explore around and try to find something and I could invent something more creative... but that's okay. Remember, when I give you an update, the environment isn't all displayed in front of your eyes immediately. If your character pokes around he may just come up with something new to use. Just constructive criticism.

"Don't worry about that, Caboose... The ones that can be saved will be saved. They are draining the building out now. We've got to get out of here, though, we are expecting another, much larger mudslide in about an hour. This whole... valley is coming down."

OOC: I'll give you some liberties, if you want. In this next update. I want to get a feel for your squad and whereabouts.

R.J. MacReady
"I'm the flank guard, Sir! You can call me Aaron." he yells over the whistling wind in the alleyway. "What should we do? It'll be a minute before the others can get their gear together."

Derreck Jones
Heaving in exhaustion, you crash wave over wave, nearly losing the soldier on the way. He was barely awake, and trying to help as much as he could, be it was hard staying afloat. At least he wasn't panicking and bringing you down with him.

You reach the life preserver. In the rain and wind you cling to it and pull it around the young man. After resting for a second, you lose your grip due to a sharp jerk on the string. Not seconds later something passes underneath you. The soldier, barely awake, looks down and his eyes open up wide. The next moment, the Icthyosaur has him in one snap. You catch a glimpse of its steely flesh and gripping muscles and a large malignant eye. Then he's gone.

OOC: Read below.

Tim Barratt
There is a jerk on the life preserver line. And then-

Something big starts pulling you. You slam into the railing and over you go, along with the soldier behind you. Flying through the windy air you sail faster and faster towards the water's dark surface, doing everything you can to hold on. Whizzing through the air, you realize that whatever is pulling you is submerging deep into the water.

You hit the water with such force that you black out for a second. Waking up, you realize you are underwater, and your visibility can only detect the life preserver rope, continuing to pull your deeper and deeper.

Then, the line goes slack. Either the creature that has snagged you has dropped the life preserver... or it has reversed direction.

Leon Highwind
A Combine missile hits not a few yards from your trench, shell-shocking all the soldiers, including yourself. You smell urine along with the filth. This is so much that you put your head up to get a good breath of ozone.

You can't hear any more gunshots. Maybe the battle is over? Visibility has gotten so bad its near twenty meters, and you can't see the barge or the horrendous creature.

James Chaplin
"I... I... ugh" the man is exhausted, "Ship sank... Floated here... What... those creatures?"

As if on cue the wood of the door splinters as something crashes into it on the other side. A projectile shoots through the window, and green acid splashes over the ceiling, burning out a small hole.

A second later, something slams into the door. The creatures aren't giving up.

Jonathan Teoh
So, you sit on the roof of the house, and watch the waters rise. The storm raises, and a couple people fall off. The place is crowded, and you expect some of them to die just because of this.

"Hey." a guy says, Latino of some sort, "You look sane. Why not help me get some supplies from the basement?" He and another have some flashlights and are looking to get off the roof. The water hasn't reached the top of the hill yet, but it looks like one more gust and the makeshift dams erected by the people could change that. The house is untouched. Its safe here, and you might be able to afford going below the roof. It would be drier, at least.

Stefan Najdecki
Your blades fly this way and that. You make a lung for the closest, and it leaps away before you can get to it. Pulling up, a smack down a headcrab in midjump and plunge your sword into its back as it struggles to flip over. The wind and rain conceals the aliens, and you don't expect one of them merely nibbling at your shoe. But before you can guess its there, it puts a pincer into your ankle. It soon meets metal.

The other headcrab is hard to locate. You look around, paranoid and on alert, for it could come at you at any second. Or maybe there are more headcrabs than you thought.

There is a headcrab gurgle in the background, and you can only guess at its direction.

Shane Teriyani
The sled continues. Forever and ever, until it seems like it would run out of gasoline or whatever powers it. Hours, definitely. Night comes soon and the sled motors through it, shield humming. The wind picks up and a storm breaks, rain hitting your flesh like bullets in your high-speed environment.

You start getting dizzy. Going this fast for this long isn't meant for humans. It's because of this that makes it so surprising when you see lights in the distance become larger. Combine lights, and they are getting closer.

The sled slows down to a human level, as it starts to ease inside a plasma wall. A Combine compound, you can bet Taniy on it. The ground goes by suddenly at a slower, deaccelerated level.
Shane Teriyani
Shane couldn't get up, feeling very nauseas he clutched his belly and rolled on to his back the entire room was spinning. He slowly stood up stumbling in an almost drunken fashion. He leaned against a nearby crate as he heaved violently. He stood up after this feeling a little better, hopefully no one had heard him. He slowly staggered forward trying to get a grip on his location. He could tell he wasn’t getting out the same way he came in, unless he shut down the shields. He noticed that the doors in side the compound didn’t seem particularly strong, they looked like any other common doors, but were probably locked. He also realized that Kaniy was very alert bouncing around in an odd manner ready to deliver big sonic wave to anyone who attacked. He pointed at the door , “Kaniy kill!” he commanded.
Shane leaped back and Kaniy set off a substantially large sonic wave. Shane readied his gun hoping that the blast was enough to send the door flying.
OOC: That a good length?
R.J. MacReady

"Aaron huh?" He looked around, feeling uneasy in the cold rain.

"Well for starters, we could do a little exploration, I wanna know if there is anything of interest around here. I really feel like pumping some lead into somethin' right now." MacReady fought his itchy trigger finger, trying not to accidentaly blow his ally to bits.

"Well, let's get a move on. You lead the way."
Jonathan climbed to his feet. "Sure, I'll help you out." he said as he followed the man and his group down some stairs, passing more crowds of people on the way.

The noise inside was oddly muted, as though the walls were somehow blocking out more sound than was physically possible. "I'm David" said the Latino guy as he walked down the stairs, "and I think..."
James Chaplin

'Crap...' James quickily pushed the new-comer away from the door and took up a position on the unhindged side, waiting for the creature to burst through. How hard can it be? Killing two slobbering acid producing aliens bent on killing you. James was horribly reminded of the Alien movies he used to be such a fan of. At least these didn't look as agile.
tims actions

"son of a bitch!" he thought. He was snagged on the rope, with no time to think he knifed the rope as a siloheted(sp?) shape sped towards him and swam for the surface.... quickly.
Stefan's Action

A good man knows when to stop. Quickly Stefan sheated his short sword, throwing his other knife into his right hand. Limping (sp?) ,as fast as he could, towards his old forge.

His eyes darted franticly and he let his ears hear whatever noise there was. If this battle was to get any worse, he would need his 'pet project' to help during the battle
Derreck Jones
Speechless, I sat there in the water. I watched the soldier taken by the Icthyosaur float below the waves, and the man on the boat flung over the railing and into the sea.

OOC Sorry if its short, but an unnamed member failed to check their mailbox and converse with me as to our possible actions.
Leon Highwind
Reloading his magnum Leon stepped out. Partially blind and dazed he stumbled around, attempting to get home but he knew the wandering could be in vain. Finding some suitable cover he slumped down, and tried to shield himself from the downpour.

OOC: Sorry for the length and the lack of actions, I didn't have much to work with this time around :)
Krabjuice said:
Derreck Jones
Speechless, I sat there in the water. I watched the soldier taken by the Icthyosaur float below the waves, and the man on the boat flung over the railing and into the sea.

OOC Sorry if its short, but an unnamed member failed to check their mailbox and converse with me as to our possible actions.
That was me but why didn't you put it in the thread?
Because you're underwater. I'm above water. We can't converse between the two mediums. I would have prefered that we strategized, possiably linked brains on how to take out that 'saur.. but since we can't actually talk (without gurgling at each other), I figured telepathy was the best course of action.
Ah, i see

we'll let the GM take it out.
Agreed. Remember those grenades? Perhaps something evil, or fun could happen. Like: a grenade spitting 'saur.
Krabjuice said:
Agreed. Remember those grenades? Perhaps something evil, or fun could happen. Like: a grenade spitting 'saur.
A 'nade spitting icky would pwn. *Contacts VALVe* Hey guys.... I have an idea for you............. :)
Where Are You Darkest90? Whhheeeerrre?
Gone walkabouts... He should be back soon.
I hope.
Well, if he doesn't show up soon, I suggest we give him a break and do a pannel ourselves. We'll all just choose another character, further the story, then send our results to a centralized account who will post it them all in a single reply...Darkest90 style.
Leon Highwind
OOC: I don’t want to play your games for you, do something eventful or useful or you’ll remain in this state of limbo. Not that you have to be out of character or anything, just be wise to new opportunities.

Behind some random stormblown, tied down and under canvas, you lay down until something clears up. The tarp keeps you dry, and partially hidden. You stay there, noises outside sending chills up your spine. A little bit of gunfire, a few screams, all barely audible over the wind.

The storm doesn’t let up. The noises do. You wake up from a short shut-eye and its quiet outside except for the pitter-patter of rain.

Derreck Jones
You tread water there, the waves rolling past you. Ever moment you think you detect something swimming under you. Nothing happens. You hold the grenades tightly until you think your hand might start bleeding. Suddenly the man you had seen bursts through the dark surface right beside.

You move through the wet, rubble-strewn streets, eager to find your way back to your forge, ever-wary for remaining monsters. Finding your location, you realize where you are, and make for your residence.

Only, something is different. Turning a corner, knife ahead of you, you see flickering shadows, cast by fire. A helicopter still whirs, crashed into a building you once raided for metals, its flames still burning despite the heavy rain. Lightning strikes in the distance, and you wonder what evil lies inside. It clearly blocks the road to your home, and to get to your forge, you’ll have to sneak dangerously passed the wreckage of the helicopter.

Tim Barrett
The rope and creature disappear into the black, though you know at any time it could return. You see shadows, and you don’t doubt it could be IT.

Your lungs burn, and you wonder if this may become your end. Then you burst through the surface, with its curiously freezing air hitting you in the face. The water had been warm, and for a strange reason you wish to submerge again.

There is a man, conscious, drifting next to you.

James Chaplin
Only moments after you hear clawing at the door, and something slams into it. You smell chemicals, and notice that the bottom part of the wooden door is melting away to the same green substance you witnessed earlier. They are coming through. The lock seems to be holding them remarkably well, and for half a minute you wait in adrenaline-shock, ready for them to charge in.

Holes in the door let you see them before they enter. You peer down on a speckled, amphibious hide through one of the holes. It looks back up at you, red tentacles flicking this way and that.

The man lying down moans a little, and gets to a sitting position, still extremely tired and too fatigued to run upstairs.

Jonathan Teoh
You move past some more citizens, lying on wet mattresses downstairs. The house is pretty big, but still crammed with refugees. Many more remain down the hill. At the first level, David and his friend slide open a trapdoor. It looks small and ominous.

“This used to be a naval stockpile in the Civil War, if you remember that.” David says, laughing slightly. His friend pipes up, “Builder said it was a food reserve, but it goes down deep. Levels and levels of places to hide things. Used to have a lot of fun down here, a long time ago.”

They start talking some language with each other as they squeeze down the small staircase. Flashlights go on, and you enter the depths. Dripping can be heard everywhere, and the smell is horrible. The first room is full of shelves, with this and that hanging here and there. Most of it has been raided. But David soon shoves some crates to the side and there is another small trapdoor, which he quickly dives into.

“We don’t have a flashlight for you, mang. But we might find one down here. Kept a little of everything they did.”

The sound of running water reaches your ears, but you see nothing, and hug to the light of the two heading down the trapdoor.

R.J. MacReady
Aaron moves down the streets slowly towards the copter. You think you see things out there, but nothing fires at you or leaps at your throat. Safe.

“Movement!” Aaron whispers, ducking way down low beneath their computer.

Looking beyond the helicopter, you definitely catch something, humanoid, creeping in the shadows, strangely stealthy.
Jonathan Teoh

The smell was damp, the air muggy and oppressive. It dripped, somewhere in the darkness. The splashing of dozens of tiny feet meant that the rats were, metaphorically, leaving the sinking ship.

Jonathan climbed down into the darkness, warm trenchcoat slightly damp from the general humidity. He did not remove his sunglasses. David and his friend were exploring, slowly, knee deep in the muddy water, torchlights held over their heads.

"Hmmm..." said David, looking at about a dozen crates floating in the murky basement. "We'd need something to get these open, first... but let's move on. There's gotta be something here we can grab..."

(OOC) I want to interact with the other guys, too :D and I can't find my own flashlight; that's an abuse of the game system, is it not? :D
R.J. MacReady
"Ok Aaron, since your armed, you lead, I'll stick beside you if it tries to make a run for us. First things first. I need a weapon"

Looking around the debris of the Hunter, MacReady found a nicely sharpened tail rotor lying near the back.

"Alright let's go. Check your clip first, every bullet counts." MacReady followed Aaron toward the shape, cautiously.
James Chaplin

'Aww, crap' James cursed himself. Almost without thinking, just to stop the other man from being melted, he stepped infront of the door, and unloaded as much of his clip as possible at the green speckldy alien...
David Caboose

They started to make their way through the ruined base towards the Armoury, as they did so Caboose looked around at the Group with him..

Paul Thompkins, One of the Few Survivors from Ravenholm and a Damn good Demo guy to match though he often used abit too much and yurned for the Girl he liked back in City 17..

Steve Sunder, The Thug of the lot, We all know he used to be some sorta thug..Just from his Mood, The way hes alwats Surly, Rarely ever tslking much unless its about killing something..we wonder if hes normal...

Peter Caboose, David sighed in relief as he saw his Brothers Son alive, Even if he did miss his Sister alot..He was an ok Medic and a Half Decent Shot..
Should we sort stuff out between us? like some dialgoue 'n' stuff before an update (me and Krabby)

Tim's actions
"Quick man we've got to get the cluck outta here" he pointed towards the ship "GO!"
Moving carefully, like a character he couldn't remember, sometime to do with a Snake... Not knowing what horrors hel breath inside the chopper he moves with stealth. Swords would not do well against whatever it is, so Stefan's trusted balde met it's sheath, as he pulled his pistol from it's holster. Shotting a rifle might work for the young Australian but he had less chance with a pistol than a Bow and arrow.

OOC: I'll be gone for the next week, camping! So either leave me in hiatis or just take control of me untill i get back.
evilsloth said:
Moving carefully, like a character he couldn't remember, sometime to do with a Snake... Not knowing what horrors hel breath inside the chopper he moves with stealth. Swords would not do well against whatever it is, so Stefan's trusted balde met it's sheath, as he pulled his pistol from it's holster. Shotting a rifle might work for the young Australian but he had less chance with a pistol than a Bow and arrow.

OOC: I'll be gone for the next week, camping! So either leave me in hiatis or just take control of me untill i get back.

What the hell sloth??? You spelling and grammer are absolutly shocking in that post.
So, this guy pops up from the water and starts yelling at me. With my own head bobbing in and out of the water, I can barely hear what he's saying. Nonetheless, the idea is clear, get to the boat. Naturally, I begin struggling my way back to the ship.
Now, those grenades--as much as it surprised and deligted me to be holding on to them, I simply didn't know what to do with them. However, I kept a solid grip on them, and kept a watchful eye out for the Icthysaur. Maybe I could combine the two.

He was barely audiable over the sound of the wind but tim had managed to convey 'get to the boat' to that bloke. Now he needed to get to him and make a plan.
Dude, totally sorry lastHOPE_lambda! My bad, for some reason my update for you didn't get in that post.

Shane Teriyani
OOC: Yeah, that was good length.

The door flies off and noise blasts through the room. Through it lies a hallway with ceramic tiles. Such a hallway is very good at giving off echoes. You hear gunfire. Someone is fighting.

There is a door to your right, a fluorescent light and a ventilation shaft above. The hallway branches about twenty five feet down to the left and right. Combine symbols denote some kind of directions, but you can't make them out.
Darkwolf said:
What the hell sloth??? You spelling and grammer are absolutly shocking in that post.

Sorry, was in a rush, can't really re-do it. Still in a rush :(
Shane Teriyani
"So much for stealth," Shane smirked. He quickly but gently piled some stuff up to reach the fluorescent light unscrewing the bulbs as quickly but as gently as possible these could come in handy later, Then he carefully took the lid of the vent letting Kaniy go in first followed by him. Once he was in he reattached the cover to the vent. He wrapped the lights in a thick cloth and put them in his pack. They ventured through the vent slowly listening to the sounds below them ready to fight at any moment. Shane wasn't all to certain about the stabilty of this vent, not sure if it could support his weight for long.
/me wails!

ME want Stormwind!!!

What's happened to our glourios GM?

EDIT: Last Activity: 04-02-2006 11:38 AM
Our Glorious GM has deserted us once more... *me cries*