Subversion - New Introversion game, fully blogged development


Dec 8, 2004
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Introversion, makers of Uplink, Darwinia and DEFCON, have announced their new project. It's called Subversion and its development is being fully blogged on their website. Not just regular development updates, a full blog.

Here is the blog archive:

Every single post is worth a read because it's absolutely fascinating. And as if the fact that its Introversion's new game doesn't send you chomping at the bit, these pictures should do.



These images are from their procedural City Generator which perhaps indicates a more constructive process compared to their previous destructive games.

There is a video in the It's all in your head, Part 3 blog.
Man procedural city generator. That'd be awesome if it was full 3D and you could walk around it.
I havent read the blog yet, but wheres the game in this?

Read the blog and you'd find that they haven't released the actual gameplay yet for fear of it being stolen. I'm expecting some sort of management sim twist.
I thought it was being kept secret not for fear of it being stolen, but for fear of it disappearing in a puff of legal wrangling and/or pitchfork-wielding gamers angry about unfulfilled promises.
I thought it was being kept secret not for fear of it being stolen, but for fear of it disappearing in a puff of legal wrangling and/or pitchfork-wielding gamers angry about unfulfilled promises.

Hmm... possibly.

I think there are reports of both cases.
I've been paying attention to Interversions' blog for a while :)

Procedural generation FTW!! A true indie game savior.
That first pic is beautiful. I must play defcon.
It is now time for me to read this every single day. I'm so happy you linked this.
i don't get that how the game looks or soemthing ? :(
Akira go play the Darwinia demo on steam and come back after...
do you have to pay for it?..

and what;s this game? i found no information on it with the link the guy posted..

do you build your own city or something? somebody rescue me from my stupidity! :(
It's nothing more than a programming prototype at the moment - basically, a tech demo.

But with a name like Subversion... maybe it's something like Civilization, only you're building cities and economically destroying competing ones?
There have been no gameplay details announced.... Not even a hint on what's on their mind really besides what we can interpret from the stuff they've shown.

What's interesting to me is that not only do they show how their system can generate entire cities, but it also can generate inside of each of those individual buildings.

So what comes to my mind is immediately something with a lot of scale where I can go from city-scale to building-scale and focus on issues where relevant, that seems like a daunting task for little ol' Introversion... It would be interesting though.

I can't wait until they let us know more on what their game is all about.
I hope they add in little darwinians that populate your town!
Geez Introversion rule. So many devs could learn A TON from these guys. This looks great great great. :thumbs: