Super Gravity Gun - get it early!

Pi Mu Rho

ValveTime Admin | Enemy of fun
Staff member
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score

Load a savegame from the citadel where you have the gun.

Using the console, do a changelevel back to an earlier level ( changelevel mapname)

then give weapon_physcannon will give you the Super Grav Gun. Enjoy!
Yep, I love this gun.

I'm playing on HARD, again, and using only this gun. Must say it makes things even easier, but it's fun to play with it! :D
Pretty crappy workaround I think.

Why didnt they just include a weapon command for it :/
There probably is one. I don't know it, hence the workaround.

However, it changes the way the game plays - no matter how you kill a combine, their weapons always disintegrate, and it has a very strange effect when used on certain NPCs.

Also, it crashes HL2 for me if I try to grab a Combine APC.
Is anyone getting these to work?

Cheat: Weapons
Enable cheats and use the “give” command.

* weapon_ar1
* weapon_ar2
* weapon_bugbait
* weapon_cguard
* weapon_molotov
* weapon_manhack
* weapon_immolator
* weapon_irifle
* weapon_crowbar
* weapon_extinguisher
* weapon_flaregun
* weapon_frag
* weapon_gauss
* weapon_alyxgun
* weapon_hopwire
* weapon_iceaxe
* weapon_physcannon
* weapon_physgun
* weapon_pistol
* weapon_rpg
* weapon_shotgun
* weapon_smg1
* weapon_smg2
* weapon_stickylauncher
* weapon_stunstick
* weapon_thumper
* weapon_sniperrifle
* weapon_rollerwand
* weapon_slam
* weapon_hmg1
* weapon_cubemap
* weapon_binoculars
* weapon_ml
* weapon_brickbat

Got those from the ign website. Would be awesome if you can get all that.

Those are from the stolen build, which is why a lot of them don't work.
Just tried it out... on Dog. It kills him but he stays alive. It copies a Dog from Dog. Like tearing his soul out of him.. :LOL:


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I was trying to use those as well because I only had like 2 shells left in my shotgun, my crowbar, the manipulator, one grenade, and health under 50... It was not fun at all.. I was more towards the end of Ravenholm. When you get attacked by a lot of those monkey zombies. Wow, I had to play that like 20 times.. Then I tried those codes, they didn't work. So I just hauled ass and ran through the whole level.
Pi Mu Rho said:

Those are from the stolen build, which is why a lot of them don't work.

Ah man! I really wanted to use some of those! Maybe they will be in the sdk? :/
in the sdk there is a command for destroyed boxes etc to drop a stun stick - probably dosent work though, i'm not 733t enough to find out
Damn. I wanted to start a new game and cheat like hell.. and I haven't finished the game - I'm still on coast, hoping to finish it this weekend. Tell me if you find it ;)