Supergiant's (Bastion creators) new game

Not a particularly grabbing trailer. Some nice art and so on but what little gameplay was shown didn't appeal.
Gameplay looks pretty similar to Bastion. That's enough for me to be excited.
Gameplay looks pretty similar to Bastion. That's enough for me to be excited.
Not to mention art style, visual design and sound/music. I need to see more though before I can get excited.
The art style is incredibly striking, and the gameplay looked interesting enough to get my attention. 2014 though so I'll just keep this way in the back of my mind for now.
Just seen a load of new gameplay out of PAX East. Its pretty easy for me to say I'm sold on this game for now and I'll most likely be picking it up at launch. I love the way they've blended combat systems from Bastion with some traditional turn based elements.

Plus Logan Cunningham is in it as a narrator again. Sold.
Looks pretty cool. Never played Bastion though. Seen it in sales a few times but always opted for something else. Is it worth getting then?
It looks a lot like Bastion, which kinda lowers my excitement. But I'm definitely interested and I will pre-order it once it's released because Bastion was incredible. And if Darren Korb is doing the music again, I'm hyped as ****.

Looks pretty cool. Never played Bastion though. Seen it in sales a few times but always opted for something else. Is it worth getting then?
It's a must-play.
Looks pretty cool. Never played Bastion though. Seen it in sales a few times but always opted for something else. Is it worth getting then?
What Edeslash said - plus you have no excuse since the Steam Indie Spring Sale is on.
What Edeslash said - plus you have no excuse since the Steam Indie Spring Sale is on.
Bastion isn't showing as being in the Indie Sale. Already checked this morning.
Get it for a dollar. I've only played a few minutes of it so far and it seems worth atleast that.

Shit, if you don't have a paypal I'll buy it for you. It's only a buck.
Shiny. It is already downloading. Thanks for the heads up.
What Edeslash said - plus you have no excuse since the Steam Indie Spring Sale is on.

Does anyone know what game this character is from? She's in the banner of the indie sale.
Yeah. Some indie game that's basically a remake of a DS game that was a remake of a Super Mario Bros. rip-off back in the 80's.
I still need to complete Bastion. I got pulled away from it by other games, but watching the Transistor gameplay makes me really want to go back and finish it.
Bought Bastion and played it for about 4 hours straight. I'm liking it much more than I thought I would. I love games like this where you have to build up a town or something, i.e Dark Cloud.
I'm hoping to try Bastion later today. Unfortunately I don't have much time, having a metric shit-tonne of college work I've been putting off for months, and moving house in less than 2 weeks. Bet I don't get to play it til after I move.
This sentence makes no sense.

Well when I watched the trailer I kinda felt like "That's it?" - if they called it a Bastion sequel then I'd probably have no problem with that. But obviously the fact that it's similar to Bastion is not any kind of valid critique.
Just played Bastion for a bit. Awesome. Absolutely love the music in it. Am gonna love this game methinks.
Looking forward to this game immensely. I love the art style in this new game. Sort of a mix of AKIRA and Bastion, which I do not have a problem with.
Just played Bastion for a bit. Awesome. Absolutely love the music in it. Am gonna love this game methinks.

Same here. Picked it up from the Humble Weekly Bundle as well as Hotline Miami and Super Hexagon from the steam sale. I did not get any work done this weekend.
Finished Bastion today, was a pretty good game. I sped through the last few levels because it was becoming pretty repetitive but I had fun.
Finished Bastion today, was a pretty good game. I sped through the last few levels because it was becoming pretty repetitive but I had fun.
Did you try turning on some of the idols?