Survival Versus

Jun 19, 2008
Reaction score
I'm probably not the first person to think of this, but thats what forums are for. A new gametype, Survival-Versus (or Versus-Survival, whatever you prever) that's, as the name sudgests, a mix of both. It's basically survival mode with an opposing team trying to kill the survivors as well as AI. (to keep the attacks up AI specials will also be spawning). Once the first team has died, the second team gets to be survivors, and they simply have to try to beat the first team's time.
I already thought of that, it'd be amazing. Probably someone will mod it.
is it possible? :O
are you... a mindreader???!!!

Thought of this too. Wound'nt be to big a problem for valve to make, just some tweaking in the spawn frequenzy of specials. the abbility not to choose yourself where to spawn. allowing you to spawn faster, so that the whole 5 smokers per second idea and Valve's fine spawn frequenzy drawings wont get ruined :)