Swans stole my bike!!


Space Core
Aug 25, 2004
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True story!

*Hl2net*: Pics or it didn't happen!

I was harmlessly strolling through the English countryside with my bike...

Then all of a sudden, Swans! Thousands of them! (One or two)

As you can see it assembled the S-foils into attack position and proceeded to fly out of the water at lightning speed attempting to literally bite my face off.

Luckily I managed to escape the attack unharmed thanks to my super human reflexes/cowardice
Unfortunately, taking my bike with me wasn't a part of my hasty strategic withdrawal/escape.


Every time I tried to get my bike back, the bastard tried to bite me...

Eventually, after a 15 minute staring contest, the swan admits defeat and leaves the arena.

I mean:


Thread of the day.
this thread would have been more exciting if this was the swan you were fighting


but seriously the attack of the bike stealing swans is hilarious
imaginate if you see the same swan looking at oyu trougha window of your house in the night

whit those eyes

It looks like a duck. That's for sure but the giant boner is just wishful thinking...
Thats fantastic.

But those swans will pay. Dont think they wont pay!
Hmm ... call me old fashioned, but that is a very tasteless use of that picture.

Swans are still protected by her majesty the Queen, aren't they? So you can't touch them (or the queen will attack you with her handbag)
Hmm ... call me old fashioned, but that is a very tasteless use of that picture.

Swans are still protected by her majesty the Queen, aren't they? So you can't touch them (or the queen will attack you with her handbag)

Just wait till they migrate and they're over international waters... and then BOOM! Wheres your queen now, bitch? :p
Hmm ... call me old fashioned, but that is a very tasteless use of that picture.

Well judging from where that particular incarnation of the picture undoubtedly spawned from, can you really say you're surprised?
That is ****ing wonderful.

Man, when I lived in the countryside my local village swans were very mellow. What the hell did you do to upset yours? Is this only the beginning?
The Swans; They gather. Increasing in number until...UNTIL...
That is ****ing wonderful.

Man, when I lived in the countryside my local village swans were very mellow. What the hell did you do to upset yours? Is this only the beginning?

Was just passing by, I think it was being over protective of it's young 'un that was nearby.
(nearby meaning nowhere near me but in the middle of the pond :|)
Holy crap... swans are some dangerous bitches i tell ya - If ya ever see one do as i do: KILL IT !.. with water
Holy crap... swans are some dangerous bitches i tell ya - If ya ever see one do as i do: KILL IT !.. with water

they use theyr killer moves

it has been prove that birds are very big fans of bruce lee
I think this forum needs a "Classic" board where topics like this get moved to and locked so we can cherish them forever.

Zomg IT'S A GIF!

ARRRGHghhHHh *claws out eyes*
The swans round here try to commit suicide. A few times now they have gone and stood in the middle of the main road and not moved. Traffic gets backed up for a lonnnng way because when someone tries to move them they get defencive. School coaches being late ftw.
The swans round here try to commit suicide. A few times now they have gone and stood in the middle of the main road and not moved. Traffic gets backed up for a lonnnng way because when someone tries to move them they get defencive. School coaches being late ftw.
They soon get out the way when your bumper is in their face. Sheep are the same.

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