Tables chairs etc...


Jul 3, 2003
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Does anyone KNOW if its possible to for example shoot a leg off from a wooden table? Or maybe shoot all 4 legs off to lower the height of it?

In the physics-demonstration movie its very impressive when they shoot the wooden "whatever its called in english" that are piled up, and seeing the structure fall realistically.

Would be really cool if all wooden objects, or at least some, are build that way from individual.....damn now I have to look that word up.....planks is the word for it (almost as in Swedish lol), that would be totally awesome so I guess thats not how it works though :(
:) hopefully, but I doubt EVERYTHING will be interactive, but lets hope thats not true :)
But noone that really KNOWS?
This may seem like a small uninterresting issue to most players I guess, but personally I think that it would be like the coolest thing ever to hit a game.....wooden structures that are really build up by individual planks and that will fall apart realistically when you shoot it.

If anyone knows that email-address to ask Gabe himself (if its still possible) I think this would be a relevant question to ask.

Are the tables/chairs and so on really built from individual planks with real physics on each of them, or are they complete solid objects that will break apart just as in other games.
Wow it would be so cool to shoot off two legs in the middle on a table, making it tint/slant whatever the word is :)
Seems I cant edit my previous post....just wanted to add that if it was possible I think they probably would have shown that in the tech-demo, instead of just throwing that table in the water :D
Im preety sure anything is possible, If wood fragments like wood then why can't it act like wood and hold things up?
welll in the 600MB vid. the last scene with the striders...when he shoots that desc at the strider it seems that it's able to be split apart in different locations(not everything seems to just magically fall apart simultaneously(sp?)) but I honestly don't know....but lets hope so it would be very cool if it worked that way.(also note that the in the vid. with the spinning blade-bots the shelves in a cabinet is able to fall apart individually, when he smacks the spinning-blade-bot into it)
Ok, I'll try to find that email everyone else is using to ask questions, cause I think noone asked this before, and I really really want to know.
Originally posted by Seb
But noone that really KNOWS?
This may seem like a small uninterresting issue to most players I guess, but personally I think that it would be like the coolest thing ever to hit a game.....wooden structures that are really build up by individual planks and that will fall apart realistically when you shoot it.

If anyone knows that email-address to ask Gabe himself (if its still possible) I think this would be a relevant question to ask.

Are the tables/chairs and so on really built from individual planks with real physics on each of them, or are they complete solid objects that will break apart just as in other games.
Wow it would be so cool to shoot off two legs in the middle on a table, making it tint/slant whatever the word is :)
i will email gabe about it when i get a reply from my current email.
Originally posted by Seb
Ok, I'll try to find that email everyone else is using to ask questions, cause I think noone asked this before, and I really really want to know.

I already send a mail, explaining my question in detail...really.
Dont know if it was the right address though but we will see :)
I'll post it here and/or in the other thread if I get any answer :)
Wood looks like wood, sounds like wood and acts like wood. I don't see how this woodn't work ;)
Well, maybe I posted it to the wrong mail-address, I dont have a clue. Still no answer though....but maybe not everyone gets answers in a few hours...

I posted the question to some official mail contact on Valves homepage....couldnt find any better :)
They could make a wooden table like this, it just depends on if they spend the time actually making it. There is no reason why you couldnt replace the default tables with homemade more interactive versions.

I hope they do it for us. I was playing the devastation demos last night. I kept shooting some wooden pallets hoping they should splinter. :( didnt happen though.

I hope the way materials are made they are flexible. Like you can make some wood not "burnable" or some that doesnt split when you shoot it. Just like the strength settings for objects in the old hammer. The higher their strength the more bullets it took before the object breaks.

I also wonder about object weights. How complete is this feature? If a heavy block and a light block are attatched by a chain/rope and are placed on the edge of a well and i throw the heavy one down the well. Will the light one be pulled down aswell once the chain becomes stretched? Or will it just not move (defy real life physics rules). Can you make the chain only strong enough to hold smaller blocks so it actaully snaps if the blocks are too heavy?

I thought about the well idea last night when i was watching LOTR 1. When one of the hobbits accidentally knocks a bucket down the well in the mines. The dead body eventually follows the bucket and chain down the well :) If youve seen it you can picture the physics questions i have.
Yes :you can do this, no doubt about it. Noy everything will be destructable peice by piece, but there is no doubt that you can build an object that is.
i sent an email to gabe asking this: if a table is floating in water, and u jump on it, what will happen
i kind of forgot about this the first time i read this post, but come to think of it....

in the e3 demo he shoots a wooden structure at the beginning, and it fragments perfectly as he shoots it. now, on several occassions valve has stated that everything in the game is made up of 'materials' and will act as those materials.

thus, if a table was made out of the same wood, it would fragment just like those planks.
Its just a case of are the tables saved as 5 seperate parts (table top and 4 legs) or is it just saved as one big thing ie you shoot a leg and the whole table splinters. I cant see them making it like that.
Originally posted by 82ross
Its just a case of are the tables saved as 5 seperate parts (table top and 4 legs) or is it just saved as one big thing ie you shoot a leg and the whole table splinters. I cant see them making it like that.

No, I think it's easy to make it out of 5 different parts like you said, especially since the engine supports it. Besides, I read somewhere that even after you break a wooden object once you can continue breaking it into smaller and smaller chunks.


WE all know that the physics are amazing, and you can move stuff around and everything, but i have a quesion about that. Do the physics give everything a "damage limit" or something similar so that after you shoot somthing enoguh times, it will blow up/shatter/ whatever? or is that jsut the wood. Could i sit there with a rocket launcher and hit a car a few times and then have it explode, or would it jsut keep sliding back or soemthing, a la Halo? And one final question: Does HL2 have destructable enviroments bulit in, or is that somehting us mod-makers will have code in?

David "SidewinderX" Petkofsky

It's really easy to create things that are destructible in HL2. Of course it's not limited to wood :) Mod authors can easily use, script, modify, or extend this behavior.

you didn't ask the right question sidewinder ...not the one that the thread starter wanted answered anyways.
Originally posted by PriNcE oF SpAcE
you didn't ask the right question sidewinder ...not the one that the thread starter wanted answered anyways.

Exactly, that question had NOTHING to do with mine.
Hope I'll get an answer, but I think I send my very detailed question to the wrong address cause I havent got an answer yet :(

Anyway, Firingsquad writes like this in an maybe we cant be sure the destrucability of the wooden planks are any special at all...hard to tell from the movie, so would be nice with a good answer on this. If I only knew what address you all are mailing to :(

"For example, when Gabe was highlighting material properties (like wood being made of digital wood) Gordon Freeman turned his gun on three wooden boards and shot them. They appear to shatter at the points where they were shot, but it’s difficult to tell since there is no crosshair. Even if there was one, the demo could have simply been designed to point the camera at the right spots, where the designers knew the boards would shatter. This is just one of those many things that can’t be identified in a pre-scripted demo."

Wow Firingsquad really bring out the bad sides of those movies...but they sure have a point it seems, for example this :(

"Other features, like the scientist telling Gordon to ‘be careful’ when he knocks over a monitor, are scripted events. The physics of the monitor being knocked over might work, but we somehow doubt that the AI of the scientist is capable of recognizing that the object got knocked over, never mind its value to said scientist and having him subsequently formulate a sentence to express his dismay. It’s a great bluff, and as Tom points out in his E3 overview, one of the pitfalls of non-interactive demos."
"It's really easy to create things that are destructible in HL2. Of course it's not limited to wood Mod authors can easily use, script, modify, or extend this behavior."

He's saying that you can do whatever you want with the materials.
Originally posted by SidewinderX143
"It's really easy to create things that are destructible in HL2. Of course it's not limited to wood Mod authors can easily use, script, modify, or extend this behavior."

He's saying that you can do whatever you want with the materials.

You as in the mod author, not necessarily the player.
Originally posted by PriNcE oF SpAcE
seb check your pm-inbox ;)

Thank you very much. If someone posted that earlier, we probably would have had the answer to my well formulated question by now. Hope he answers it....if not I will get very suspicious about the physics of those wooden planks, especially after reading that article on Firingsquad....

Now just lets wait :)
Seb, you can always try to ask Erik Johnson on Steam. I'm sure he'll be happy to answer your questions when he's not busy. ;)
Btw, what are your names on Steam? The only friend I have is Munro (hes a nice dude, only talked with him once...)
Mine is:
Anders Skutle
What about this Steam? What is it for, and what do you use it for?
Chatting on it for example it seems...
Steam is for downloading Valve products.
Also has some smaller abilities: Finding servers and keeping track of player friends.
To bad its not have to be a fricken subscriber........Bastards....Is it true I can get HL for free now??? WHERE CAN I GET HL!!!!
"Yes :you can do this, no doubt about it. Noy everything will be destructable peice by piece, but there is no doubt that you can build an object that is."

That would be my answer to the question - just build the chair/table out of its real life component pieces of wood induvidually, and then it will collapse when you shoot it.

I hope the damage system works with materials, like if you shot out a support of a 2,000,000,000,000,000 ton piece of wood, a person under it would be splatterd. I know the container in the video did this, but i was wondering if it would just be metal based :S
aha, and how exactly do you "shoot out" this 3,000,000,000,000,000 ton piece of wood?
That would take some pretty heavy firepower... :)
Originally posted by spitzfiya
To bad its not have to be a fricken subscriber........Bastards....Is it true I can get HL for free now??? WHERE CAN I GET HL!!!!

no, you don't have to be a subscriber.
check the "Steam Users Forum" part of this forum for answers.