TF2 takes on CS!

Doubt it'll take over CS any time soon, pretty impressive though.
im not surprised at those first 2 games but i doubt it will 1.6 maybe css
I expect TF2 will gain equality with CS:S, in terms of numbers, but I doubt it will conquer CS itself simply because it's so heavily invested in by the existing player base in terms of competitive leagues, and it requires a degree of dedication in terms of regular practice and play in order to stay on top of your game as a player. Most people aren't going to give up something they are good at wholesale in order to start playing TF2. TF2 is a supplemental.
I'm happy with TF2 as it is. No cheaters, glitchers or anything yet. It's nice.
the asshole quotient is going up daily though (I'm sure some would put me in that catagory though)..
I already know one asshole. He keeps killing me.

Pitz! :E
I'm happy with TF2 as it is. No cheaters, glitchers or anything yet. It's nice.
I've seen some map exploits though. Dustbowl, yesterday: one of the defenders on the next-to-last point kept rocket-jumping onto a clipping brush and shooting at people from above. It was cheap 'cause there wasn't any good way to take him out, since there were no nearby walls for splashdamagefication.
I've seen some map exploits though. Dustbowl, yesterday: one of the defenders on the next-to-last point kept rocket-jumping onto a clipping brush and shooting at people from above. It was cheap 'cause there wasn't any good way to take him out, since there were no nearby walls for splashdamagefication.

Better for people to exploit it, so that Valve can fix it. Kind of like shooting through the gates before round start on Dustbowl ><
I can't believe so many people are playing CS as opposed to CS:S.
I can't believe so many people are playing CS as opposed to CS:S.

Yeah. Why is this?

I guess one explanation is that you dont need a pc that is as good? But CSS doesnt have high graphical demands does it?
I've seen some map exploits though. Dustbowl, yesterday: one of the defenders on the next-to-last point kept rocket-jumping onto a clipping brush and shooting at people from above. It was cheap 'cause there wasn't any good way to take him out, since there were no nearby walls for splashdamagefication.

You sent in a bug report I hope duder
Yeah. Why is this?

I guess one explanation is that you dont need a pc that is as good? But CSS doesnt have high graphical demands does it?

No, it's just people are elitists, "CS IS SO MUCH BETTER CSS IS FOR NEWBS" is their usual mentality.
I've played CS:CZ and CS:S (both briefly) and i was quite pleased when i got CS:S because of the shiny new graphics. maybe it was just me.
You know you love it, Nitre :p
Pfft you are a free meal Mr Heavy to the Spy, I had a very productive game :)

Incredible that CS still maintains that amount of players, but I do find it more fun than CSS. I just don't find CSS fun for some reason. TF2 had an instant wow factor of fun that is hard to put down. I reckon over time it'll start creeping up even further.
I bet Natural Selection Source will manage to get in the top 5, if it ever comes out, considering the player base on the original is still pretty strong.
You its the 1st Valve game to beat a Counter-Strike game. I wonder how Left4Dead will do.

and i would really like to see the 360/ps3 numbers.