The biggest disappointment of Half-Life 2

The biggest disappointment of Half-Life 2

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how is "Headcrab Zombies can only be sliced in two, at the waist" a disappointment? I actually liked that
Actually, Valve never overhyped the AI or even said it was the best, they said it was "unscripted". :p
So basically Vlave should keep up on the things they promise....

::Anton :imu:
Stuttering, and ragdolls clipping through physics stuff.
the traptown didn't have very many traps (did they scratch the traptown idea?), and I was looking forward to those bink levels... :(

other than that its still amazing.
I voted stuff that got cut (levels, enemies) etc out of the end-game product but the problem is stuff always gets cut out of the end-game. in fact, it is almost the consumers fault for looking for every single looking f--king detail about the game. not to say that I didn't do that, I was so excited about this game, the only thing that comes close to it will be the excitement about the new deftones album...anyway, the point is, if you followed any game as closely as most did HL2, then you would always have that "disappointment" about the stuff that wasnt there. i was, however, a bit confused about the lack of more alien weaponry (gauss gun, etc). i guess that wouldnt have really fit. i think a lot of stuff will show up in the expansions.

people have to realize that E3 videos are not concrete, they are there to get people hyped up. and, yes, traptown and the bink strider video were flippin awesome, but if they kept it that same way it would kind of lame to play it. "oh, i've already seen this...meh it's pretty cool...i guess."

all disappointment (notice singluar) aside, HL2 is the best game hands down that I have ever played, besides maybe Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time or perfect dark. HL2 is the closest thign to gaming perfect until HL3. and to the bloody fools who complain about the physics, you got to be off your rocker.

oh, and I REALLY want to see BMRF (just cuz something is nuked doesn't mean it's TOTALLY gone) and Adrian Shepard. I know he's still out there in that vortex (or wherever the G-man put him) and I really hope Valve brings him back.
I have several problems:

- AI is bad. Simply that, controling squad members is a nightmare. They don't stay where you tell them unless they are bieng shot at. They prevent you from reaching cover in some instances where it is really needed. ect ect

- Missing weapons. Just a pet peeve for me, I really was looking forward to the strange rifle with the green scope as seen in bugbait (probably others too) The missing scenes didn't bother me too much.

- Useless weapons. I just don't like most of them, sorry, here's why:

Crowbar: Close combat, becomes redundant in about 5 mins.

Pistol: Low dammage, good for zombies+headcrabs and police. But soon becomes useless.

Magnum: low ammo capacity, why can the first pistol have 180 rounds in reserve and the maguum have about 36?

Sub-Machine gun: Ok, but useless at long range. Chews ammo.

Pulse rifle: Chews ammo, can only hold 90 rounds, isn't accurate at long range. 'Grenade' launcher didn't set people on fire. :flame:

Shotgun: Similar reasons to the magnum, but my personal fav.

Crossbow: Good. But the dam thing is difficult to hit fast moving targets at long range due to the whole bolt thing. PS: Quaver only holds 10 rounds or so???

Grenade: Usually too long to get out/use to be of any use (for me)

RPG: 3 round cap takes it's toll when fighting striders. But generally ok.

Bug Bait: Only works for about 1/30 of the game.

Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator: ammo hard to get in a hurry.

Post Citadel incident Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator: Cool, very cool, but you need to be up close and personal.
I would say that the level design is a little too linear with not much room to use different strategic options. I understand that it is a sequel to Half-Life and Valve wanted similar gameplay, but maps should be much bigger and more open to different strategies at this day and age. The map design where you follow a narrow path the whole way is getting obsolete in my opinion.

Other than that I don't have many complaints. I guess I would have liked to see more enemies, since there are only a couple that I haven't seen from previews before the game's release. Other than that everything was done very well.
come on stop whining HL2 is the best game ever so dont knock one feature of it k
2Pac4ever said:
come on stop whining HL2 is the best game ever so dont knock one feature of it k

On the contrary, this is the kind of criticism that will make HL3 even better.
^agreed. and hl2 ISNT the best game ever.

1 - it doesnt FEEL like halflife!!!!!

2 - the graphics are amazing yes, but dont forget theyre a year out of date as it were

3 - the storyline was RUBBISH, sorry but its true.

yes yes yes this was to give us a wider picture and to introduce some answers, but i think it was like condition zero...almost like a sequel to shut us up whilst they get on with the last in the trilogy so to speak.

overall i do think hl2 is a brilliant game, as you never run out of things to do. but i just cant help think about what it COULD'VE been compared to what it IS....
I don't think anything really dissapointed me in HL2, with the exception of maybe the low-res textures in some parts. I think everything they removed was well done.
I agree with most replies in this thread. The HL2 we are playing simply does not equal the HL2 from that E3 demo.

But it doesnt have to end there does it? Surely someone can modify HL2 to fix all the faults and make it like we had envisioned from E3?

All it needs is some better AI, and since its scripted the AI can at least be altered to be more natural i.e. if I shoot that combine , the combine doesnt just stand there waiting to die, but runs away looking for cover, reloading, etc. Or they kick down a door if its closed by me etc.

And then there would need to be some changing to the game to make more things interactive. Being able to destroy striders and gunships in more than one way would be fantastic. Taking a striders leg down for example, is a great idea. And then how about all those people shooting at the striders making absolutely no affect on them what so ever, stop and realise that their pety bullets are not doing anything?

Seeing as there is basically no ending, multiple endings are very possible. How about at the end of the game, when Alyx keeps telling you to hurry up, that that actually means something? And that if you dont hurry up and stop breen in time, he wins, gman comes, stops time, and tells you that you suck basically and sends you into a place with many striders or something and you with no weapons, similar to HL1? Or how about you actually agree to work for breen when he offers it earlier in the game?

Also, how about if you start shooting at dog when you first meet him that he actually responds in a hostile way? Or if you accidentally kill Alyx for example, then gman appears, tells you to have another go in some long worded intellectual way, and reverses time to just before you kill her?

All these things make for a more emmersive game, and for such a moddable one I would imagine implementation of these things to be far from impossible.

Perhaps we cant do much about the story, but I am sure the modding community can alter HL2 to include all the neat stuff that valve had lead us to believe were in HL2. If only I had the modding skills.......sigh
If only I had the modding skills.......sigh

Umm well, most of the mods you see out there are rather simple if you know what you are doing. You need to be serious about modding if you want to be good at it, you can't expect to learn in 1 day.
xiphrex said:
I agree with most replies in this thread. The HL2 we are playing simply does not equal the HL2 from that E3 demo.

But it doesnt have to end there does it? Surely someone can modify HL2 to fix all the faults and make it like we had envisioned from E3?

All it needs is some better AI, and since its scripted the AI can at least be altered to be more natural i.e. if I shoot that combine , the combine doesnt just stand there waiting to die, but runs away looking for cover, reloading, etc. Or they kick down a door if its closed by me etc.

And then there would need to be some changing to the game to make more things interactive. Being able to destroy striders and gunships in more than one way would be fantastic. Taking a striders leg down for example, is a great idea. And then how about all those people shooting at the striders making absolutely no affect on them what so ever, stop and realise that their pety bullets are not doing anything?

Seeing as there is basically no ending, multiple endings are very possible. How about at the end of the game, when Alyx keeps telling you to hurry up, that that actually means something? And that if you dont hurry up and stop breen in time, he wins, gman comes, stops time, and tells you that you suck basically and sends you into a place with many striders or something and you with no weapons, similar to HL1? Or how about you actually agree to work for breen when he offers it earlier in the game?

Also, how about if you start shooting at dog when you first meet him that he actually responds in a hostile way? Or if you accidentally kill Alyx for example, then gman appears, tells you to have another go in some long worded intellectual way, and reverses time to just before you kill her?

All these things make for a more immersive game, and for such a moddable one I would imagine implementation of these things to be far from impossible.

Perhaps we cant do much about the story, but I am sure the modding community can alter HL2 to include all the neat stuff that valve had lead us to believe were in HL2. If only I had the modding skills.......sigh

Excellent ideas.

I had three gripes. I chose the ending, but that really wasn't too bad. I didn't mind the time freezing and stuff. What I minded was how cliched it seemed before that, with Breen making that same old threat that's been used millions of times - "Work for my cause or I kill your loved one!" And then the way that worked out until he froze time. Secondly, the low-res textures.

Third, the physics were utilized excellently. The only problem is that they didn't make the physics engine - it's havok, the same physics engine used in:

Painkiller, Max Payne 2, Deus Ex: Invisible War, Thief: Deadly Shadows, Freelancer, Brute Force, WWE Crush Hour, Starsky and Hutch, Backyard Wrestling: DTAH, URU: Ages Beyond Myst, Crash Nito Kart, Armed and Dangerous, Pitfall: The Lost Expedition, Full Spectrum Warrior, Psi-Ops: The Mind Gate Conspiracy, Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault, Tribes: Vengeance, F.E.A.R., Ghost Recon 2, Pariah, Robotech: Invasion, Mercenaries, Torgue: Savage Roads, Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth Online, Destroy All Humans, Darkwatch, Astro Boy, Auto Assault and more.

It seems this engine has made developers quite lazy, as it has apparently been used in over 100 titles.
This engine seems to have one large problem: there is no noticeable difference between the weight of objects. I'm not sure if this is the fault of the engine or the devs, but in any case there only seems to be 2 specified weights in any of these games I've played. It's kind of ridiculous..
What I can give HL2 is that it utilized this engine better than any other game I've played with it. It's probably the best linear FPS I've ever played, but even calling it the best FPS ever is a ridiculous claim, as it is still surpassed by genre-breaching games such as Deus Ex.

PS It's "immersive", not "emmersive".

Edit: One last thing sucked: the music was SHIT quality. Seriously, what were those? 96kbps mp3s? It was painful to listen to!
froghawk said:
Excellent ideas.

I had three gripes. I chose the ending, but that really wasn't too bad. I didn't mind the time freezing and stuff. What I minded was how cliched it seemed before that, with Breen making that same old threat that's been used millions of times - "Work for my cause or I kill your loved one!" And then the way that worked out until he froze time. Secondly, the low-res textures.

Third, the physics were utilized excellently. The only problem is that they didn't make the physics engine - it's havok, the same physics engine used in:

Painkiller, Max Payne 2, Deus Ex: Invisible War, Thief: Deadly Shadows, Freelancer, Brute Force, WWE Crush Hour, Starsky and Hutch, Backyard Wrestling: DTAH, URU: Ages Beyond Myst, Crash Nito Kart, Armed and Dangerous, Pitfall: The Lost Expedition, Full Spectrum Warrior, Psi-Ops: The Mind Gate Conspiracy, Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault, Tribes: Vengeance, F.E.A.R., Ghost Recon 2, Pariah, Robotech: Invasion, Mercenaries, Torgue: Savage Roads, Lord of the Rings: Middle Earth Online, Destroy All Humans, Darkwatch, Astro Boy, Auto Assault and more.

It seems this engine has made developers quite lazy, as it has apparently been used in over 100 titles.
This engine seems to have one large problem: there is no noticeable difference between the weight of objects. I'm not sure if this is the fault of the engine or the devs, but in any case there only seems to be 2 specified weights in any of these games I've played. It's kind of ridiculous..
What I can give HL2 is that it utilized this engine better than any other game I've played with it. It's probably the best linear FPS I've ever played, but even calling it the best FPS ever is a ridiculous claim, as it is still surpassed by genre-breaching games such as Deus Ex.

PS It's "immersive", not "emmersive".

Edit: One last thing sucked: the music was SHIT quality. Seriously, what were those? 96kbps mp3s? It was painful to listen to!
Deux Ex wasn't an fps.
And HL2, in my opinion, is in fact the best fps ever. That's not ridiculous.
Narcolepsy said:
Deux Ex wasn't an fps.
And HL2, in my opinion, is in fact the best fps ever. That's not ridiculous.
There's no possible way that you've played every FPS ever made, so the claim is ridiculous. If you said it was the best you've ever played, on the other hand, then that is fair.
For me, there is only 1 area of dissappointment in HL2 -- I wanted so bad to fight the Hydra!!!! I also missed the Icthyosaur, and other things that were dumped very much. :frown: I realize that Valve made these decisions based on what they could do in the time frame, but an extra year should helped (and sometimes they do NOT automatically make the best gameplay decisions -- they DID almost dump the gravity gun too!). Other than those missing enemies, I LOVED this game -- it remains at the top of my list of all games I have ever played (FPS or otherwise).
my disappointment were the enemies that were phased out.

and just a lack of diversity of enemies. alien creatures and weapons from the original and new that could have been employed but with which valve simply did not bother to include.

the general feel of the game and gritiness of story and environment/atmosphere could have been a little more decadent , brutal and negative and shocking . which would have really engrossed u for real. but instead of being dareing and courages like in the first hl, they toned it down abit to appeal to younger gamers and increase sales.
If I could I´d vote for all of these options with the exception of the useless patch, it worked for me
All i missed was the missing weapons, look at the list of weapons in the game files, where is the ice pick and molotovs? other than that gj Valve
What pissed me off the most, and still does, is the retarded blood splatters that go on the wall... not that they don't look great, it's more of the fact that sometimes you'll get three of the EXACT SAME SPLATTER. I wonder why the blood splatter decals can't be randomly rotated to different variations?
Wow. No offense, but what's with the bumpage of old threads lately?
Especially with such crap things...

Edit: nevermind....
It's been 11 months since hl2 released, I guess there isn't much to talk about without pointing to the search button?
Third, the physics were utilized excellently. The only problem is that they didn't make the physics engine - it's havok, the same physics engine used in:
It's not Havok. It's a massively improved Havok. They worked with Havok and now HL2's engine is closer to Havok 2 than Havok.
Dude, it's been 9 months since that comment was made, I don't think that person even remembers this site's address.
There is another disapointment that i could add, after the binks release, we were told that the game would give about 40 houres of gameplay. In fact you can hardly have more than 10 or 15 if you're lazy!

And as many already did say the AI was not impressive, in some aspect it was better in Half-Life 1. It seems like Valve was really late and even one year delay was not enough, maybe 3 years delay would have beeen better!!!
Dude, it's been 9 months since that comment was made, I don't think that person even remembers this site's address.
Hey it's an extra post! :)

And as many already did say the AI was not impressive, in some aspect it was better in Half-Life 1. It seems like Valve was really late and even one year delay was not enough, maybe 3 years delay would have beeen better!!!
The AI was great, though yes it could have been better and was actually ment for larger scale battles. The only reason HL1's is better is because of there health. Give a combine more health and there you go.

There is another disapointment that i could add, after the binks release, we were told that the game would give about 40 houres of gameplay.
Well that was a prediction, but hey..... they scraped a few concepts quite a few times to make the game more enjoyable and make every mean something. I would rather have 20 fun hours straight, than have every other hour be a "why valve why!" moment.