The Child of Freeman


Feb 19, 2004
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Im after playing the intro to HL1 and in Freemans locker is a picture of a kid.
It looks to be only 1 years old.Is it Gordans kid?And if so seeing as quite a bit of time has passed,do you think we'll see the Kid in the Resistence,Working for G-Man (2 Freemans are better then one) or not involved?

Also what happened to Gordans GF/Wife?

<Sorry if this has been discussed previously,(More then likely) but it is an interesting side note>
Well, I've seen the pic, but I've never heard any info on who the kid is... could be a kid brother or a nephew for all we know...

doesnt it say in the manual that freeman has no dependents? so its probably a niece or nephew
Really,Dont have the manual.Well this thread just became irrelevant.Sorry bout that lads :(
i think its a disabled kid without eyes, hairs and ears like niki lauda :poke:
sorry i have no idea
since half life 3 is planned
i can see there being a child in the third installment
gordon + alyx perhaps?
Then he goes back in time and places that picture in his locker to give himself something to fight for in the future.

Now that you mention it...
I've never really thought Gordon as a wedded man. He just goes and shoots stuff and is intelligent and tries to hit on Alyx.
it was a picture of one of the developer's kids, I believe. If you look, you'll see there is also some books by Marc Laidlaw and some of the Lockers are named for the devs("newell" was one, I believe).
Holy lamppost Batman! It's the overanalyzing alarm! Quick, to the fanboy cave!

Geez guys, not every little detail in HL has a meaning, probably just something the map designer put in, his son or something. There's another locker somewhere that has the map designer's name on it.
Jesus Tap Dancing Christ man. You can certainaly tell when people are getting seriously desperate for Half-Life 2 and begin to over analizie every little detail within Half-Life's world. It's a non story related item, it's placed there by the level designer, it has no ties to anything. If you also look at the locker names you will find that many of them belong to members of the dev team. Do they matter? No. Neither do those pictures within his locker.

Instead of bothering with this, go, relax. Play Codename Gordon. :)

PvtRyan said:
Holy lamppost Batman! It's the overanalyzing alarm! Quick, to the fanboy cave!

Sulkdodds said:
Codename Gordon is out?

We, citizens of Yesterday, officially welcome you to Yesterday!


Yes, it's available, it gets unlocked the next time you log onto Steam, if you already preloaded that is :)