The Daily Show Exit Polling


Sep 20, 2003
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Anybody know where I can find the exit polling video from the daily show's election night coverage by Samantha B? Anyone who was watching knows what I'm talking about and I'd really like to save it.
Good chance it'll be on sometime today.

I recorded a couple parts of the show, but not that part. I got the bit on electronic polling, where the Tron cyclicsts deliver your vote. That was great. Totally sums up my fears about electronic polling.

And Rob Cordry playing Halo,. "I'm exit polling covenant aliens!"

Going through that with The Daily Show team took out a lot of the sting of the loss. Thanks, John Stewart.
The silver lining for this cloud? With Bush re-elected, Jon Stewart will never have a shortage of material.
kerry would have made for fine material too.. but yeah, not quite as much, or as good.
Are we talking about a semi-political topic outside of the political sticky?!?! REBELS!
oh crap.. you're right. so how 'bout that daily show huh?
Lil' Timmy said:
oh crap.. you're right. so how 'bout that daily show huh?
Did you guys see the discussion John tried to moderate between Gov William Weld and Al Sharpton?

John tried to get a non partisan discussion going, and the Republican Govener seemed to be all for it (hes not a typical Republican Govenor), but Sharpton kept attacking him blindly and without provocation. John proceeded to own Sharpton for it.. Shapton came off like an ass.

John would make a great political talk show host. He is a uniter, not a divider!
it's on again today at 7pm est. i can record it in mpeg format, and upload the relevant clip to you cpthawkeye, but it'd be slow (and maybe not 100% legal?)
Yeah Shapton pissed me off... and he lives in MY city. :)
Lil' Timmy said:
it's on again today at 7pm est. i can record it in mpeg format, and upload the relevant clip to you cpthawkeye, but it'd be slow (and maybe not 100% legal?)

If you could do that I would greatly appreciate it. Hopefully you've already recorded it as the time has now passed. I'm sure its on P2P but I really dont trust any of those.