The Ending sucked


Sep 9, 2004
Reaction score
I dont care what any other person may think in regards to the game, though it was good, i thought the ending SUCKED ASS!! I mean, you dont really get anywhere do you? can someone correct me if im wrong, but, wont we have to wait another few years for the god damned sequel to come out?

Shit Valve!
i thought so, the only thing the ending needed for me to be pleased is a boss with the same ending. i liked the ending, only needed a boss. i like the way valve makes games lol
Not even a boss. disgusting.

I didn't like the ending either, and that last bit you might be able to call a boss...But even so, it was too easy to do
A big huge boss like Nihilanth would've been cool.

2 combine gunships that are easily taken down are... Not.
The ending was perfect. Really puts u into Gordon's shoes.. and makes u hate the gman for being such an ass.
at first I thought the ending sucked. But after a few days I look back on it and I think it was appropriate.
Shanno said:
Not even a boss. disgusting.


Shit dude. That's totally retarded. Be thankful you even got to play a game as good as that was. The ending was a perfect way to get you excited about HL3. Calm down, there will be expansion packs and stuff to give you more explanation. HL3 won't take 6 years to make, trust me.
I love how people bitch so much on these forums, as if anyone cared.

*see sig for further reply*
Yeah it was.. a little dissapointing. I am really hoping that the next game will come out quickly using the current source engine. Valve has stated they want to do some quick projects so maybe with luck they will continue the story using the current engine. It's certainly pertty enough for another year at least. Especially if you just keep bumping the texture size etc. to take advange of new cards.
Valve said they intend to do HL3 on Source. They will keep Source up to date with new hardware so that it doesn't age.
Bosses are a lame cliche. Shooters don't really need them, the air of difficulty and suspense can be created in ways that most action / platformer / etc. can't. The rest of the ending messes with you like a crazy movie. I loved it!

Edit: I mean, did anyone like fighting Nihilath? what about the last guy in quake or quake 2?
i didnt like the ending either, but the game was great dont get me wrong.

WhiteZero said:
I love how people bitch so much on these forums, as if anyone cared.

*see sig for further reply*

its a forum, not a nazi party bro. we are entitled to our opinion, just cause we dont like one part of the game, doesnt mean your savior is dead. get over it, not everybody thinks the same as you. :thumbs:

just to clear up what i just said incase you dont get it.
opinions do not always = bitching. :upstare:
Eat Fresh said:
Bosses are a lame cliche. Shooters don't really need them, the air of difficulty and suspense can be created in ways that most action / platformer / etc. can't. The rest of the ending messes with you like a crazy movie. I loved it!

Edit: I mean, did anyone like fighting Nihilath? what about the last guy in quake or quake 2?

I totally agree. By the way, i love Half-life, but Nihilanth was the only thing i didn't really like about the game.

Sure Hl2's ending was easy. That doesn't make it bad to me, especially since i tend to get frustrated really easily when it gets too hard.

At the end, When the G-man appears and the time stops...
I had chills all over. It was just brilliant. IN MY OPINION!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :afro:
WhiteZero said:
I love how people bitch so much on these forums, as if anyone cared.

*see sig for further reply*

no one stated it as if it were fact; I fail to see how your signature is even remotely relevant.
In fact, he notes that others might think differently and goes on to say "I thought the ending sucked"
I'd say that fits neatly into the "I understand opinions are different from facts" box.
Welcome to the games of the age. They all got shit endings. I really think game developers should concentrate ALOT more on the endings of games. They are all shite! The best ending I remember was bloody mario when I saved the princess. Now that is saaaaad! pffft
Please give an example of a good ending. Should the people of City 17 have given a homo parade for Gordan and his terrorist friends? (ala Star Wars/ LotR) What about a scene where it shows the aftermath of the tower exploding and the citizens cheering and then running away from the falling rubble. Seriously everyone what is a 'good ending'? Just as quickly as the game started it ended.

Remember people you are still Gordan Freedman. If you feel that the ending 'sucks' well then you wern't really in his shoes now were you. It's not your life thats being affected by the G-man.
ok i wudnt mind the ending if i jus knew what was happening with everything! i need to kno why everything happened how it did and what is what and give me more info!
madog said:
ok i wudnt mind the ending if i jus knew what was happening with everything! i need to kno why everything happened how it did and what is what and give me more info!

This was the middle chapted in the trillogy. Ya gotta wait.
Yeah it wasn't so much the ending I just wish g-man explained things a bit more. I mean playing the game I know nothing.
Kamakiri said:
Yeah it wasn't so much the ending I just wish g-man explained things a bit more. I mean playing the game I know nothing.

Hmmm... I'd say that a few new things were revealed.

1.) The Vortigon's were enslaved in the first Half-Life, working against their will.
2.) Breen is not the lead guy in charge.
3.) The Combine has the ability to transfer someones mind/consciousness into other bodies.
4.) There will be a Half-Life 3. =]

As for main story point, yeah, there weren't a whole lot of them.
Eat Fresh said:
Bosses are a lame cliche. Shooters don't really need them, the air of difficulty and suspense can be created in ways that most action / platformer / etc. can't. The rest of the ending messes with you like a crazy movie. I loved it!

Edit: I mean, did anyone like fighting Nihilath? what about the last guy in quake or quake 2?

i actually did enjoy fighting the last guy in quake, battling thru all those last stand monsters to get to the teleport and telefrag his ass!!!
The game was great, like i said, twice, im playing the game on the next skill level, hooning around in the buggy getting into shit, but i was just dissappointed at the fact that the game still left you in the lurch much the same as the first one, and also you havent learnt anything new by the end of the second one, thats what dissappointed me, I mean, do we even know if Breen is dead? I may be wrong but all i heard was him bitching at me on the way up, but didnt actually see him die??
WhiteZero said:
Hmmm... I'd say that a few new things were revealed.

1.) The Vortigon's were enslaved in the first Half-Life, working against their will.
2.) Breen is not the lead guy in charge.
3.) The Combine has the ability to transfer someones mind/consciousness into other bodies.
4.) There will be a Half-Life 3. =]

As for main story point, yeah, there weren't a whole lot of them.

I hope you knew about 1 and 2 all along.. it was pretty obvious.
People are probably bummed because Gabe promised that we would learn a lot more about the G-man, however, we learned pretty much nothing about him. He's just as mysterious as ever.
I just passed the game... I honestly dont know what the **** just happened.
hmmmmmmmm well i may not be the most popular of opinions but i thought the ending was quite approriate i mean really look at would you rather they mad hl3 on some sappy soap opera come back type of renewal or leaving you wanting more lets not all shoot our preverbial load off in one game there has to be sequals yall otherwise we will all just have to keep looking for another name to play under i personally am just glad to have saved the world once more all though i do have to admit g-mans voice is just a tad on the annoying side but other than that cudos valve now get busy on the next one and make it snappy will ya

"great ending"

*chr*chr*.. oh game over..

whole game too easy. Valve could have made a really cool boss at the end..
like the Strider which you have to fight in the Citadell with only the grav gun.

Sconkel said:

"great ending"

*chr*chr*.. oh game over..

whole game too easy. Valve could have made a really cool boss at the end..
like the Strider which you have to fight in the Citadell with only the grav gun.

Yeah it was too easy wasn't it. still satisfying but it would be even better if it was harder. Try it on Hard, and if that aint hard enough, then apparently you can edit the skill.cfg settings and adjust the health and what not of the NPC's.
Get out

WhiteZero said:
Hmmm... I'd say that a few new things were revealed.

1.) The Vortigon's were enslaved in the first Half-Life, working against their will.


WTF there were Vortigons in HL1????
I do also feel that the ending was quite sudden, however I believe it was perfect. I mean you all have to agree you were not expecting the game to end there were you? As soon as you stopped Breen you started thinking about a way out before the citidel went sky-high.

So for overall effect I think Valve intended the game to end like that (or in a similar way) so to be contraversial.

To get people ranting and raving about a game is good hype for them and the H-L series. I believe that the people at Valve in-charge of writting did a great job. Obviously bits have been cut from the game, evidence from raising the bar and other pre-release media show this. All in all though Valve were successful in delivering a great sequel even after all that hoopla about leaking and a damn long time in the making.

Congrats to Valve!
Gabe promised that we would learn a lot more about the G-man

I remember reading that we wouldnt learn much about gman this time around. Dont know where you got that.

I just wished the ending did reveal a little more. Its almost all speculation at this point. I dont need a boss to feel like an ending is "good"
I don't know, the boss was those two helicopters, in a way. You had to figure out a way to take them down without an RPG. I loved the ending, mysterious, yet explanitory.
the ending was brilliant.
made me sit and watch in disbelief, beginning to understand what was it all about (don't ask me that question, I'm still thinking :p )
very high 'what the f***???' factor IMO, but in the positive way

I mean the big bad almost-invincible-yet-still-vulnerable monster boss is in just every other game on the market. and HL series are definitely above and beyond them.

if there was one final battle with Tha Big Boss, there would be as many posts about it being a lame and predictable ending....
Chiefi said:
At the end, When the G-man appears and the time stops...
I had chills all over. It was just brilliant. IN MY OPINION!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :afro:
I just beat the game, and I was physically shaking when that happened. I love all of that sci-fi stuff - this game was made for me!
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Why should all games end in a final boss? I always found that to be strange with alot of newer games.