We're not some crappy mod who's giving you a link to a geocities site with 1 crappy model done.
The Last Great War
LGW has been a WW2 TC on UT2k3 We see that we came into that community here a half a year too late, there are already several outstanding UT2k3 TCs under development. On HL2, we decided to make things right by being the first ones at the scene.
The biggest thing is, you probably think we're trying to rip off Day of Defeat, when thats not true. See the list of pros and cons for why exactly.
Based on new information on Half - Life 2, the team has decided to move to it based on the following Pros and Cons:
-Sept. 30th 2003 Release
-Until HL2 is released, we're going to continue to make models for weapons, and vehicles. Skins, textures, and we're going to try to wrap up most of the sound, and the music. So when HL2 does come out, we'll have a lot of our work done.
-Brand new engine with a lot of great features for mod making in its Source Engine.
-Support for a broader range of PCs, while people with hi-end computers can experience next-gen graphics and visuals.
-Mapping Staff will just have to sit tight until the Sept. 30th release.
-People would think we're trying just to make Day of Defeat on the HL2 engine, while it may appear that way, it is not the case. Battlefield 1942 is what inspired an all nation TC, when we saw Japanese with German weapons, we just didn't like that.
-People think we're idiots for moving to this engine when its not even out. This coincides with one of the pros, by the time this mod is released we'll have most of our content done. In time for a playable Internal Alpha by christmas.
And yea, like I said, we're not going to show you crappy models to show our progress. We'll show you good models. MG42 is not skinned, the other models are. There are a ton of more weapon renders at our site under Infantry Weapons. No In game shots yet for obvious reasons.
The Last Great War
LGW has been a WW2 TC on UT2k3 We see that we came into that community here a half a year too late, there are already several outstanding UT2k3 TCs under development. On HL2, we decided to make things right by being the first ones at the scene.
The biggest thing is, you probably think we're trying to rip off Day of Defeat, when thats not true. See the list of pros and cons for why exactly.
Based on new information on Half - Life 2, the team has decided to move to it based on the following Pros and Cons:
-Sept. 30th 2003 Release
-Until HL2 is released, we're going to continue to make models for weapons, and vehicles. Skins, textures, and we're going to try to wrap up most of the sound, and the music. So when HL2 does come out, we'll have a lot of our work done.
-Brand new engine with a lot of great features for mod making in its Source Engine.
-Support for a broader range of PCs, while people with hi-end computers can experience next-gen graphics and visuals.
-Mapping Staff will just have to sit tight until the Sept. 30th release.
-People would think we're trying just to make Day of Defeat on the HL2 engine, while it may appear that way, it is not the case. Battlefield 1942 is what inspired an all nation TC, when we saw Japanese with German weapons, we just didn't like that.
-People think we're idiots for moving to this engine when its not even out. This coincides with one of the pros, by the time this mod is released we'll have most of our content done. In time for a playable Internal Alpha by christmas.
And yea, like I said, we're not going to show you crappy models to show our progress. We'll show you good models. MG42 is not skinned, the other models are. There are a ton of more weapon renders at our site under Infantry Weapons. No In game shots yet for obvious reasons.