The HELP ME in Stuck Thread...


Sep 26, 2004
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ill start off im at the spot with the boat u get from that girl and ur going under the bridge and the guy drops down supplys for u...i see a tunnle to my left that doesnt leed no where and then i see liek a ramp thing am i suppose to put something on that to wigh it down? cuz i cant find anything heavy enuff to do it? HELP
what does the ramp look like?
is it like V shaped or just \ that shaped
its a 3 part fence one parts a fence and after that theres acid water so u have to take the boat with u
Go up the concrete walkway and through the tunnel and look for some blue barrels. Push these barrels off into the water then grab them (E by default) and swim under the water and put them in the 'cage' under the ramp. This will cause the end to rise making the other side accessible to jump.
ok got im the room right after u kill the guy with the machine gun and u go in that room with thew 2 tanks? in there and u get a sub machone gun on top of it? i go out the door and the wheel is blown off and then no where to go?
just keep opening doors .. or break the windows. you just got out of the room with breen talking about how evil you are, right?
no i just got out the room with the 2 army tanks in them and then went out to a little yard with a guy with a machone gun shoot at me then i go into a room with 2 septic tanks in them? and one has a sub-machine gun gernade on them then u go out that door and the wheel is blown ? and no where to go?
face the broke valve, look to your right and blow up the barrels.
ok now im at the part where ur driveing threw all them sewer tunnle then u hit a gate fence but theres a ladder there and u can climb up top then drop down on top of the tunnles and then go find a supply box but wheredo i go from there?
k now im at a spot where i enter an area with my boat and then i get trapped in...where do i go from there
im stuck at the part on one of the coast maps. im on a bridge, and im suposed to activate the bridge or something. i think i have to put this electric cable into an outlet but when i try the cable just drops. heres a screenie to show what im talking about

Victorious are you actually going to complete any of this game yourself?
Most of the places you get stuck aren't even that difficult, the puzzles do get harder. I suggest you buy the prima walkthrough otherwise you will spend more time on this forum than actually playing the game;)
cheese04 said:
im stuck at the part on one of the coast maps. im on a bridge, and im suposed to activate the bridge or something. i think i have to put this electric cable into an outlet but when i try the cable just drops. heres a screenie to show what im talking about

Nope, you're done with the plug. Pulling that shuts down the wall up top at the other end of the bridge where you left your ride. Now you have to go all the way back the way you came, get the buggy and ride across the bridge.
Hi all,
I am stuck in 'Root Kanal'. It's a room full of barrels and there is an air vent up some corner which I simply cannot reach. I've tried stacking barrels (too bad they keep falling and stuff), running along a pipe to try to jump onto the air duct near the vent but I for the life of me cannot do it.

Does anyone know how to reach the hole?

Many many thank you's in advance

I'm still stuck in this room full of barrels.. Hmmm.. Not good. I used noclip to get to the airvent out of sheer frustration and it lead nowhere. I cannot for the life of me find another way to exit to the next part. Can anyone help PLEASE...
go up the ladder and hop onto the pipe. Head to the left and onto the cement walkway. Proceed to the next room. This room is also full of pipes. Scale the pipes and open the valve. The room will fill with water. Head back to the first room and then swim under & through the big pipe into the next room.

On another note, I too am stuck in Route Kanal. I'm stuck further along in the sewer trench with the large brick arches. Any tips?
oldlady said:
go up the ladder and hop onto the pipe. Head to the left and onto the cement walkway. Proceed to the next room. This room is also full of pipes. Scale the pipes and open the valve. The room will fill with water. Head back to the first room and then swim under & through the big pipe into the next room.

On another note, I too am stuck in Route Kanal. I'm stuck further along in the sewer trench with the large brick arches. Any tips?

That's funny you say that. I am in that next room wondering why I am so retarded I cannot jump on the floating boxes and reach the other side. I am just stuck here getting dizzy trying to keep the boxes on that side and jump on them to the ledge. It's actually pretty frustraiting. I guess I am in real trouble when the puzzles actually come along.
Your not meant to get into that vent, tempting though it looks. Once you've flooded the room you swim down and there is a sewer tunnel to go through.

Can you be a bit more specific about where you are/what problem is oldlady? Having played 17 hours of game in 2 days I can't recall which arches you mean offhand :)
Hi I'm stuck in the "Anticitizen One" chapter. I've just destroyed the 'core' with my grav gun, and then I jump down by the blasted bridge and go inside where there's a starwell and some combine troops.

Problem is I can't get out of the stairwell! I think the exits up the top (where the troops were) but the stairs up there are broken.

Can anyone help? :)