The Lady Killers.


Party Escort Bot
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
The Coen bros. latest, and a remake of an old classic :)

Tom Hanks does a great job of taking over the character Alec Guinness played in the original, and it's shot with the coen bros usual flair. Good acting, good laughs - and all good fun :)

Not on par with The Big Lebowski or Fargo (or even O Brother where art thou - imo) but still well worth a look.
Coen Brothers are awesome. Just bought Raising Arizona, and I already have The Big Lebowski and Fargo.

I plan to see this one as soon as I can. :)
hanks is great, the other team characters are good, but other than that i found it rather lack-luster by coen bros. standards. a solid B.
I loved Fargo, the Big Lebowski etc, but I couldn't stand this film:(

Thumbs down for me.
Ah crap, I was just making a thread on this (after searching Ladykillers... with no result)... and now I find this. Just watched it. Oh well, I might as well just copy and paste ;)

The Ladykillers is an excellent, excellent movie, yet again, by Joel and Ethan Coen. If you haven't seen it, you must. The ads did not do this movie justice.

It's a dark comedy starring Tom Hanks and a band of criminals who plan to rob a nearby casino by using an old lady's cellar. However, when the old lady finds out of their actions...

Yeah, its great, and has some of the best dialogue and memorable quotes of any of the movies I've seen. The General was definately one of the coolest characters. It also has the Coen brothers style, which I love as well. (Other movies by them are Raising Arizone, The Big Lebowski, and Fargo.)

The General: "You must float on the river of life as a leaf. And shoot old lady."
weakest of the coen brothers movies but still pretty good ...the movie is ok till about mid way and then it just loses direction