the long jump

May 24, 2003
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i was wondering if anybody heard if half life 2 is gonna have that thing.
the long jump module, if it's included in half life 2 i can move faster and get to kill alyx sooner.
U really dont like alyx, do u?
And no, i dont know if it will be in hl2 (i doubt it)
i Hope it is! Alyx is so so looking. Ive seen better, Ive seen worse.
the tomb raider girl is a freak she has no nose and is all weirdo.
she should die too. she takes a 10 foot back flip while shotting 20 rocker launchers and bullets dont affect her. what a freak im glad they stopped making tomb raider games.
Originally posted by ValVed RaY
the tomb raider girl is a freak she has no nose and is all weirdo.
she should die too. she takes a 10 foot back flip while shotting 20 rocker launchers and bullets dont affect her. what a freak im glad they stopped making tomb raider games.

Tomb Raider: The Angel of darkness is just about to be released
It becasue she doesent have massive tits and isnt Blonde right?
who lara? or Alyx? I think Alyx is cool because VALVe hvent gone in for making the female characters super babes. They wanted to make a realistic game and Alyx is one product of that and ultimately it will work out to add to the whole experience. This isnt one obvioulsy but some of the topics about how alyx is soooo good looking or is such a dog are pretty weird. She isnt even a real woman and even if she was she is likely being compared to really attractive people of the TV so its all madness!


No seriously tho, it's going to seem a lot longer then 100 days if you relate EVERYTHING to killing alyx you know lol :)

Long jump owned. Maybe they will incorporate some kind of new pack.
maybe they should make alyx 4'1 and 300 pounds

You know how much harder it would be to protect her then. You would have to wait for her to get her fat ass past any psychotic combine soldier. It would be horrible.

Player: "Get over here now fatty!"
Alyx: "Let me finish my donuts first! :flame:"
I have a horrible feeling that you're going to have to spend a great deal of time escorting alyx and defending her while she does something (opens a door or whatever.)

Ya she can take more bullets. But then she is simply a much larger, slower target. It would really suck.
long jumped owned!?! long. jump. blew. . . should have just altered the gravity... i kept thinking - when i first got it... that it would be some jetpack esque machine - not a complete jetpack just shoot out a boost of some kind...but for it to just make you jump slightly further..... sigh;;
not a complete jetpack just shoot out a boost of some kind...but for it to just make you jump slightly further..... sigh;;
Im not entirely sure, but I think that was the idea with the Long Jump. It shoots out some kind of boost from the back that makes you go further.

Either that or it was something that would give your HEV the ability of adding extra leg muscles to it, something that would let the HEV suite Augment the strength of the person wearing it.

.............yes................. that was what i was saying.. it just went about it in an outstandingly lame way... didn't even make a sound.. you just run/crouch/jump....

crazy jetpack please.
i just want to kill her straight away, a la barney. then do it myself.
"if you want something done right, do it yourself [and don't let a stupid girl called alyx screw it up for you unless she offers sex if she's hot. but kill her after anyway]"

i think that's how the old proverb goes.
also, i thought the long jump was cool, but a little bit gumby ingame. and you should have got it before xen.
Bleh, I think whole Xen area was little bit boring :\
What I met was.. long jump owned in multiplayer.

Yeah, long jump in single player was just 'ok'.