The No News VGA Announcement: "We are not announcing anything."

Reportedly replied to a 4chan email. Damn that's convincing.

That email did make me laugh a lot though.
I still remember how people theorized that there would be an "Orange Box 2" which contained Left 4 Dead(the first one), Portal 2, and Episode 3.

I can only hope that the reason Ep. 3 is taking so long is so when(and hopefully it's a 'when' and not an 'if') it comes out, it'll have the same impact that HL2 had back in 2004.
I'm sure there will be another Half-Life game, but after all this waiting... can it deliver like HL2 did in 2004? Portal 2 was great, but it didn't have the 'wow' factor that HL2 had at the time.