The Suprise Is Here! (Proof)

Or, open Steamui.dll in wordpad and search for "deathmatch".

This string only appears in Steam installations that have updated since the game was released.
well it was almost obvious.. the main defect reviewers found is that there wasn't any hl2 themed mp
i told you guys, over and over
HL2 came out... it wasnt there
but i still told you
and look whats happened now!
Nice find. The file is one of those that is recently updated, judging by the time stamp on mine (11/24 last modified).

*EDIT* ooh, it appears in other recently updated files too? This might be interesting...
Pi Mu Rho said:
Or, open Steamui.dll in wordpad and search for "deathmatch".

This string only appears in Steam installations that have updated since the game was released.

Does this mean it is legit.....?

Whats the big deal really about DM, CS:Source is fine.
BTW kingthebadger is this your find ?
Zeus said:
Whats the big deal really about DM, CS:Source is fine.
you DO realize that some people actually don't like CS ?
I personally do not take this ass full 100% proof. Yes it is probably but does not make it 100% has to be this. I'm not saying it can't or it wont or probably wont. It probably will, and it is very possible.
Zeus said:
Whats the big deal really about DM, CS:Source is fine.

CS:S is the stupidest game ever.

1. All the players are morons
2. Nothing to do with half-life 2
3. Boring after awhile
Valve likes to give their community surprizes :)

EDIT: and while counter-strike may be good, the possibilities of HL2:DM are near endless...
and also it will kick Halo 2's MP's ass!
Hate to be a party pooper but nothing's confirmed yet, it could end up being something else.

(But if it aint, WOOHOO)
Kitfox said:
Hmm didn't Doug Lombardi specificaly say no HL2DM

Doug stated that there would be no HL2DM available when HL2 was released. It must be a work in progress. No HL2DM would not have made sense.
I thought he said... They have no plans on working on a HL2DM and that they are giving it to the public to work with.
Hmm didn't Doug Lombardi specificaly say no HL2DM
Well, didn't Doug Lombardi specifically say that HL2 was set for September of last year? Browsing around the community forums, I would say that a fair amount of people want HL2: DM. Valve doesn't just ditch their community.

I would also imagine that it isn't a brain-burner to code. The hardest part is getting a good set of maps, and they could probably pull some of them out of the single player story, while mappers slave away on some new ones.
yay!!!!!!!!!!! thank you! please be true...or i will slaughter one person every minute you lie to me :LOL: when we gonna get actual word on this...and possibly play? anyone?
well for one matter cs doesn;t have a "manipulator" :))
think of the possibilities in mp game...
mjrhzrd said:
Doug stated that there would be no HL2DM available when HL2 was released. It must be a work in progress. No HL2DM would not have made sense.
yeah i bet you anything Valve were so close to getting it polished and then they had to release the game and now its coming !!! OMGZORS

and I have been playing CS for 3 years and I think CS:S is horrible, but i play 1.6 like 4 hours a day. ;)
it's conceivable that this isn't VALVe's work, it is known they have been working with the Sven Coop's team for a while
Kickass. It very well could be true, as I'm guessing the SteamUI.dll affects what's shown in your My Games menu in Steam, as HL:S it right after DM. So, for all we know, one day this week, Half-Life 2: Deathmatch may very well appear in front of HL:S!
Well for me if the surprise is DM, I will be disappointed. I WANT AN EXPANSION!!!!!! :D
new question.

When do the patch/sdk and hopefully hl2dm get released? Somewhere this week right?? Anyone knows a day?
Pi Mu Rho said:
Or, open Steamui.dll in wordpad and search for "deathmatch".

This string only appears in Steam installations that have updated since the game was released.
