The Walking Dead Season 2 - July 2011?

but I have watched comic book movies after having read the comics. they just cant do the punisher right. doesnt mean I cant enjoy the movie somewhat; it's the punisher after all

the only argument here is "what were you expecting? it's a tv adaptation of a comic book and therefore holds little resemblance to the source material" we can agree on this right?

not really. like i said, just because others have sucked doesn't mean this will have to. i mean, it does, but i'm not going to lower my standards because of the past. maybe that's just me.
I dont think it'll mean that all future adaptations will suck ...but the likelihood is high so I temper my expectations accordingly
I'm glad I hadn't read the comics before watching it, it sounds like I probably wouldn't be enjoying it.

Personally I think knut is focusing a little too much on the comic in his points. I never wanted or expected this to be an exact adaptation; I went in with my usual standards. The comic has nothing to do with those.
I feel the same way Sheepo. I don't think the show is intended to be faithful to the comic's plot so much as faithful to the comic's themes and setting. The difference in format requires the show to condense and alter the plot to some degree, and I'm fine giving them as much freedom as they want in that respect so long as they preserve the feeling of the comic - and so far I feel they have done that. None of the really intense heavy-handed thematics come into play in the comic until later plot arcs (Prison, The Governor, etc) and I think so far the show has done a good job setting up the tone and atmosphere of the post-apocalyptic USA.

I think the argument here boils purely down to difference of opinion. I absolutely see knut's point of view on this, the show is certainly more TV-oriented than the comics, which kind of makes it feel more shallow in some ways. However, since I don't mind them adapting it to the different medium (not that I really enjoyed the Lost-like CDC plot arc) it doesn't bother me that much that the plot diverges.

To be honest, I love this show. The writing is a little weak in some areas but I don't see any reason to think that it won't kick ass and get stronger next season when they have a change to stretch a little and spread out instead of pack everything into a six-episode story arc. I trust both Kirkman and Darabont implicitly.

I certainly recommend the comics, they are phenomenal. The show is going to get AWESOME too if they are any indication.
I hope that, if the show is indeed coming earlier, it'll not end up a rushed job. I'm not sure airing it so early will do it any good. They'll have to start producing a longer season in less time.
my focus on the comic is some of the things they have gotten completely wrong or taken a really ridiculous direction in - turning shane into a psychopath that beats people up and attacks women, really making a huge scene out of the guts n' gore part that is pretty subtle in the comic or at least compared, making some of the more interesting characters from the comic ****ing idiots or weirdos and even trying way too hard to introduce a big bad redneck racist into the plot as some sort of villain that will inevitably come back. there's a huge spoiler that should of happened by now but for some reason they're dragging that out. that worries me, as it means / comic spoiler ahead:

they won't kill shane off in the first episode of season 2, so he's going to stick around for the majority of it i reckon. i don't even want to know how they're going to rewrite the story post-volume I with him in it and i don't like the idea of it whatsoever

i am open to interpretation and adaptation - look over my first post after seeing the first episode and i thought it was dynamite because a lot of it was very true to the book whilst also remaining to be pretty fresh. i loved it, i thought it was great. everything else though i thought they did really badly, and i just don't know why they decided to take the show in some many crazy directions and try to shift the focus on to so many unimportant, illogical elements.
maybe that's why they dropped all the writers though ;)

also I think shane turning into a psychopath that goes out of control in the show with lori and the beating of the guy is perfectly reasonable given that in the comic
he loses control and almost murders Rick, resulting in his death. the same point is being made... the zombie apocalypse changes people in extreme ways and has affected shane to his core and caused him to be capable of things he never would have done before the outbreak

i do totally see your point w/r/t some of the characters and Merle.

also (huge comic spoiler)
this would be a long ways off at least the end of season 3 if not season 4, but Lori had better ****ING DIE in the show too. Badass Father Rick with his son as the only thing he cares about is awesome.
maybe that's why they dropped all the writers though ;)

also I think shane turning into a psychopath that goes out of control in the show with lori and the beating of the guy is perfectly reasonable given that in the comic
he loses control and almost murders Rick, resulting in his death. the same point is being made... the zombie apocalypse changes people in extreme ways and has affected shane to his core and caused him to be capable of things he never would have done before the outbreak

i do totally see your point w/r/t some of the characters and Merle

i figured someone might bring up that he does eventually become a mentalist, but not so early. he seethes with anger, goes nuts and then yeah, his death. everyone seems pretty contempt with him right now even though he's at boiling point. it irks me.
oh, you guys. Making me want to read it. You don't have to tell me that I should. I might.
all writing and plot of the comic aside, it's also fantastically illustrated. the first book/six issues by tony moore have a much more classic-comic based exaggerated characterization about them, but then charlie adlard stepped in and it took a much darker, realistic approach, almost mignola like with it's shadow play. lots of great double page spreads and wonderful compositions to boot right up to this day. fantastic penciling!
Yeah, I think Shane is a prime example of how the show can learn from the comic. Shane's relationship with Laurie and inner turmoil are revealed and used so carelessly and bluntly in the show that it feels like a goddamn soap opera.
that's my only real gripe about the show. I'm waiting for shane to be killed off or that plot device being settled because I really dont care about that particular plot development. it's not very realistic in the context of the setting