Things you want in Episode 2


Jul 5, 2004
Reaction score
What are some of the things you enjoyed from the previous games and would like to see in Episode two, and some of the things you disliked and hope don't show up again.

For me I really didnt dislike anything but there is somethings I'm missing that I want to see with the source engine again :)

2. Bullsquid
3. Houndeyes
This wasn't in any earlier HL game but I wanna fight ministriders in the forest shown in the EP2 teaser. :) Thinks it's a great place for a big(!) battle.
For Episode 2 I want more scenes like Black Mesa East, or Breen's office. I want to be involved with the characters again. I think Eli is awesome, along with Kleiner and Mossman. I want to see these characters more because they interest me. No game has come close to matching that Breen scene. Ever.
"Oh it's hardly the worst, but you might find that hard to believe once you get there..."


I'd also like some confirmation as to Breen's fate.

Bullsquids would be awesome. They were my favourite enemy in HL, and I'd love to see them again. Not too fussed about Houndeyes. Perhaps the Ichthyosaur too, because I'm scared shitless of watery beasts.

Vehicles! Honestly, Valve need to match the tension and sense of...being chased from in Water Hazard, because that was the kick start of the game for me. Racing through the canals, the chopper bearing down on you - all the while you were pretty much weaponless.
Samon said:
For Episode 2 I want more scenes like Black Mesa East, or Breen's office. I want to be involved with the characters again. I think Eli is awesome, along with Kleiner and Mossman. I want to see these characters more because they interest me.

I agree

I want a big enemy like a Tentacle or an AntLion Queen/King. Those ‘mini bosses’ where great in Half-Life.

And more storytelling.
Cremators and Crab synths!!
And, of course, ministriders.
99.vikram said:
And, of course, ministriders.

For some reason, they almost look like the whack of a crowbar could take those things out..or the GG at least...:p
1)Enemies from Half-Life 1 to make a return if they're plausible, which means Bullsquids. They seem to still be around since one took out Eli's leg, and considering the terrain Episode Two seems to be in, it wouldn't be unlikely to see them.

2)Alyx alive, but just out of the action for a while. Yeah, it's a good chance, or probably even a great chance that she's still alive, with how Valve portrayed her scene for the spoiler (Ruining the impact, basically if she really did die), but we can't be absolutely sure, and therefore it'd be something I'd really like to see.

3)Less Zombies. They're interesting creatures, but considering that the Combine has been sort of beaten back on Earth, it's not that likely that the headcrab rockets are still being shot a great deal. Plus, with all the Antlions there seems to be in Episode 2, I'd rather not have another famous enemy to worry about.

That's all about right now I can think of, eh.
The Kaiser said:
2)Alyx alive, but just out of the action for a while.
Agree. I hope these commentary tracks will be in Episode 2 too, they were interesting.

If they take Alyx out of picture, and you will see her alive later will be a pleasant surprise. For most people. :)
I agree with the opinions to have more places to interact with the main characters, I loved those parts of the previous games. I felt that in Episode 1 Barney could have been given a little more lines.
Yeah, I was expecting a little more from the safehouse scene. Though it's plausible, considering they needed to get the hell out of the City.
1. Alyx shall survive

2. Alyx shall really survive

3. Breen

4. new main characters
The Kaiser said:
1)Enemies from Half-Life 1 to make a return if they're plausible, which means Bullsquids. They seem to still be around since one took out Eli's leg, and considering the terrain Episode Two seems to be in, it wouldn't be unlikely to see them.

The bullsquid that took his leg off was probably one of the last few..I wouldn't imagine too many are still alive. On Earth, at least...Which reminds me of a question.

Were Bullsquids from the same species as the Vorts were? Because I was just thinking, I don't remember seeing the Vorts attack bullsquids, so I figured they were allied, but after the Vorts allied with Gordon..What happens there?
More synths. That is all I ask.

I really wanted to see those 2 we saw at the end of Half-Life 2 on Episode 1 but unfortunatly they weren't there. If the Ministrider is the only new enemy we see this time around (like the Zombine was on Episode 1) I will be really dissapointed.
TST_Devgru Seal said:
The bullsquid that took his leg off was probably one of the last few..I wouldn't imagine too many are still alive. On Earth, at least...Which reminds me of a question.

Were Bullsquids from the same species as the Vorts were? Because I was just thinking, I don't remember seeing the Vorts attack bullsquids, so I figured they were allied, but after the Vorts allied with Gordon..What happens there?

Of course there'd be loads of Bullsquids. Earth is a wasteland is inhabited by Xen wildlife that came through via the portal storms. They continue to breed, and the portal storms still continue.

There'd be loads. Thousands.
TST_Devgru Seal said:
The bullsquid that took his leg off was probably one of the last few..I wouldn't imagine too many are still alive. On Earth, at least...Which reminds me of a question.

Were Bullsquids from the same species as the Vorts were? Because I was just thinking, I don't remember seeing the Vorts attack bullsquids, so I figured they were allied, but after the Vorts allied with Gordon..What happens there?
Bullsquids are Xenian Wildlife. Xenians know well enough not to attack Vorts.

Bullsquids seem to like toxic environments, so I'm hoping we'll see some at the combine "water treatment center" or whatever.

As for zombies, I'd LOVE it if the only time you see a significant number of zombies is just before you come across a, small, Poison Gonarch, smaller than the normal Gonarch, but still, unkillable without using the situation to your advantage (AKA a puzzle boss)
Kingreaper said:
As for zombies, I'd LOVE it if the only time you see a significant number of zombies is just before you come across a, small, Poison Gonarch, smaller than the normal Gonarch, but still, unkillable without using the situation to your advantage (AKA a puzzle boss)

Nice thinking :) So to speak :p
TST_Devgru Seal said:
Oh :p I was thinking the portal storms had closed long ago..

No, they still continue.

Kingreaper said:
Bullsquids seem to like toxic environments, so I'm hoping we'll see some at the combine "water treatment center" or whatever.

As for zombies, I'd LOVE it if the only time you see a significant number of zombies is just before you come across a, small, Poison Gonarch, smaller than the normal Gonarch, but still, unkillable without using the situation to your advantage (AKA a puzzle boss)

I like. I love a good puzzle boss.
As an aside will the smoke rising from the hole that was once the citidal in city 17 be animated?

Big request ant lion king or queen fight in the the nest please
I'm sure it will be..They did a good job with the spiraling smoke around the Citadel...
I want to see (in no particular order):

-new advanced weaponry Kleiner spoke of on the "breenscreens"
-main character interaction (BME, Kleiner/Eli/Mossman/Barney)
-DOG fighting alongside you to avenge Alyx? :)dork:)
-explanation of WTF happened with G-Man/Vortigaunts, preferably told from a Vortigaunt
-Combine information (new enemies, retaliation, etc.)
-at least one LARGE and MEMORABLE fight (ep1 lacked in this area, as the Strider battle was not very awe inspiring, but was more you running away for a large portion of the time)
Ray mears build a hut in the woods with gorden and the g-man.

Maybe not

Decent looking wood and undergrowth, flowing stream and a bit of rain. Trip mines
i would like to see decent human v's alien battles , the ones that are not over in a few min ;)
I love to see a minor character to return, Grigori (which is near-impossible) or hopefully Odessa Cubbage..
fair enough but he's way out on highway 17 and i think in ep2 they are going a different dirrection. Just wondering what will be the endding of ep2.

maybe find the statue of liberty in the sand somewhere

I agree with Samon and would like to see more character interaction. The final scene with Breen was great, although I thought his speech in the reactor was better.

"At the moment of synapse you will be destroyed in every possible way it is to be destroyed, and several ways that are physically IMPOSSIBLE..."
prob101 said:
maybe find the statue of liberty in the sand somewhere

Haha. That would be great. Gordon's first words ever:

"It was Earth all along?!" :rolleyes:
Well, wasnt the outside of city 17 supposed to be waste land. If the trees and greenary are to be believed has the combine been fibbing? apart from the hoards of antlions.

- Combine outposts outside the city.
- Information about how messing up city 17 has affected the other cities.
Yeah, but it's not a post apocalyptic cliche'd type Wasteland. :p

It's wasteland because nobody lives there, and because it's inhabited only by aliens.
1. Bullsquids, Houndeyes, and Itchyosaurs finally make their combat appearence. Considerring you're out in a forest this time around, it would need to be populated with a good amount of wildlife. A gameplay device could be created if the Vortigaunts are able to tame these creatures so they act as allies aganist folk like Antlions and Universial Union personnel.

2. Final closure on Breen's situation, but that's a given knowing the role the Combine Advisors will play this episode. However to explain how Breen was saved, endow the Advisors with mental powers comparable to that of the Vortigaunts in that there's no false veils of time and space between them as well. It's not that farfetched if they can induce mental blasts for Anticitizen One.

3. Confirmation that the Meltdown Transmission sent to the Combine Home Dimension is the signal for a war of the mass-extermination of Earth.

4. Cremators seen destroying the enviroment with their spray hoses, which are essentially Combine flamethrowers. They may have been meant to originally clear city streets, but HL2 dialogue shows that Dr. Vance doesn't know their purpose. So these folk now have a nice chance to return.

5. Freeman should get sent on his merry way to the Project's location by EP2's end.

6. Alyx should get saved by EP2's end, and that a good portion of the episode will focus on this goal.

7. This is a long shot but with more Vortigaunts around, I'd like to know the current status of the Borderworld. Are the Vorts stuck their still enslaved by the surviving Controllers? Are they in the process of rebuilding Nihilanth? Has the Universial Union reached a secret deal with the current rulers of Xen for local teleportation technology?

Just some objects on my wishlist, but I probably won't be disappointed in the event these don't make it into EP2.
I'd also like, by the end of the game, to be on my way to the Arctic. Valve have shown it now. You are going to be going. I love snow. I love Half-life. Join the dots.
Black Op said:
It's not that farfetched if they can induce mental blasts for Anticitizen One.

Not quite sure what you mean by that. For Anticitizen One? Refresh my memory on that.. :p
What samon said way back on page 1.

More lab scenes where we get to see what they scientists have been doing and explore the resistance strongholds and here first hand accounts of what has been going on from eli and kliner and the vorts :)

EDIT: Oh, and an ak-47 ;)
TST_Devgru Seal said:
Not quite sure what you mean by that. For Anticitizen One? Refresh my memory on that.. :p
I prefer referring to Freeman by the designation the Overwatch tags him with. ;)