This guy at my school...


Nov 1, 2004
Reaction score
2 totaly awesome! Now i dont mean like that you idiot, im just saying hes a cool guy. He came to my school a few months ago and hes so funny.

He is a very very tall man, pumped with muscles like Arnold Swartcheneger (hope i spelled that right), he listens to Metallica and has this big fat iron chain around his neck.

Even though he look like a tuff criminal guy...he is very respectful, he often wear pink clothes, and when something looks good or someone did something great, he says "god your so sexy" even though it can be a guy...sometimes he even say "i love you" and hugs you :D

So anyway, the thing that triggerd me to post this was that today, he was just awesome...again.

In Language Art, we are talking about the Ancient Greek and Oddysseus etc, which he think is booring crap. So the teacher say a word in greek and all of the sudden Tom (not his real name, just using an Alias) says out loud "Is that greek for GAY?"

:DHAHAHHA, that totaly made me fall of my chair laughing, with the teachers stunned face!!! PRICELESS!!!!
Then we talked about a TerraNova test we are taking, and he said out loud "This test is ****ING GAY, WHY DO WE HAVE TO DO THIS SHIT, i dont get it, its ****ing retarded!" so that the teacher could hear :D OMFG

In Algerbra class, the teacher was pretty upset with him (dunno why) so he said "well...Tom...why dont you go up to the board and do this problem for me?"

Well...Tom went up there, no one thought he would make it...but 10 seconds later he had filled half or the Whiteboard with equations and calculations....gave the pen back to the teacher which looked at him with a stunned face....TOTALY PWNED!!!!! :D

This guy is absolutely awesome...he is so big and strong so no one dares to question him, his girlfriend is one of the uglier ones in the school...but he doesnt give a shit, he respects her, she has her locker next to mine so they always make out beside me lol.

Also, in engineer class where we right now model technical models of car engines, he sits infront of the monitor, constantly saying "OHH YES..>OH GOD THATS HOT...thats so sexy, THAT TURNS ME ON!!!" :DHAHHAHA

I dunno why im telling you guys this...but i just have to...this "Tom" is a very special person, never seen someone like him before. He respects everyone, he never puts someone down, he always protect everyone...hes great!

Do you know any guy like this?

Btw, when we talked about Shakesphear, he also said out loud that he was gay(shakesphere), to the teacher! And that Romeo just want to **** Juliet because shes so hot! Omfg..:D
Maybe you should invite him and a couple of your friends for an all-day circle jerk.

Sounds like the guy is an attention whore.

satch919 said:
Maybe you should invite him and a couple of your friends for an all-day circle jerk.

Sounds like the guy is an attention whore.


Damn right he is :D In a good way!
No, it sounds like he is an attention whore in a bad way.
Can I get his phone number so I can make harassing calls where I just breath into the phone to him?
He sounds like the kind of person that spouts up so much shit it makes me want to cut off his head and use it as a ****ing football.<3
you know what he'd say if he saw this post...."Oh my god thats f**cking gay!"
sounds like someone has a man-crush on his friend ...not that there's anything wrong with that :E
So what you're trying to tell us is... you're in love with him?
I was reading this, and enjoying the post. But the whole time I new the only replies would be people calling you gay or insulting the op in some way. Grow the **** up people :p He sounds like an interesting character Ravioli, and yes.. I know some people like that and they can be quite interesting :D

As an added note you might not even want to read the replies to this thread except this one...
he wears pink.
he says "god your so sexy"
he says "i love you" and hugs you
he has an obsession with the word and things that are "gay"

i don't know about you guys but that speaks volumes to me
He sounds pretty cool. A lot of my friends are like that, although more low-key. They're all so great :D
Ravioli said: totaly awesome! Now i dont mean like that you idiot, im just saying hes a cool guy. He came to my school a few months ago and hes so funny.

He is a very very tall man, pumped with muscles like Arnold Swartcheneger (hope i spelled that right), he listens to Metallica and has this big fat iron chain around his neck.

Must be Short Recoil then.

Aww, couldn't resist.
You're either very young or heading towards being gay. The fact that you laughed at the "Is that Greek for gay?" thing suggests it's because you're young. Get a better sense of humour.
CptStern said:
sounds like someone has a man-crush on his friend ...not that there's anything wrong with that :E
hahaha, childish but PWNT!:LOL:
StardogChampion said:
You're either very young or heading towards being gay. The fact that you laughed at the "Is that Greek for gay?" thing suggests it's because you're young. Get a better sense of humour.
So true.

It sounds like you worship the guy for acting stupid...
What the heck, are you his pet or something?
Obviously Ravioli is a bit of a loser in his school and this friend of his does all this stuff he wished he had the balls to do, thus he's latching onto his friend so he can exercise that power through him. *phew*, I should have been a psychologist.
Heheh *snicker* *snicker* GAY LOL Omg wtf LMAO!!!!!!... Your friend sounds like a huge loser, maybe you should go see the pink panther together because it's sooo funny!!!!
Thanks for all the post, and yes, i admire him, his my role model :D (for you who dont get it...get more IQ)

The thing is that he does everything without thinking of the consiquences, i have never seen that before, im not saying its good, but i have never seen a person like this before!

Imagine bush saying "gay" during an UN meeting...its like that. And with the gay stuff, he is ironic if you didnt catch that part (irony on the internet is so hard).

Btw, hes from no wonder hes this way :D
CptStern said:
sounds like someone has a man-crush on his friend ...not that there's anything wrong with that :E

ahaha stern is right :D

nah but seriously it's good to have someone like that as a role model i guess.. maybe when you're not having wet dreams about him i'll call your normal though. but if you feel you're shy and asocial and want to be like him, hang around with him, alot. the swedish saying (roughly and crappily translated) "you become the type of person your company consists of" is very true.
He sounds like a prat.

But, you know, lots of people are cool and prats at the same time.
another thing. he's definitely gay. especially with all the gay talk he's doing all the time, sounds like he's compensating for something..

but you seem to like it so maybe there's a chance for you two :D post pictures of the wedding plzkthx
I would seriously question your sexuality following this post.
He sounds like a loser.

So basically people call anything and everything gay, and you fall out of your chair laughing?

"He sounds like a prat."
Is that ancient greek for GAY?
The guy is obviously bisexual, so it doesn't really matter, if you're a man or a woman, Ravioli. I would act on your crush if I were you.
Yep, the G-word comes into play in this one.

Giardia, because that makes you poop a lot, and which is what this thread consists of.

...........Oh yah and Gay
Ravioli said:
Thanks for all the post, and yes, i admire him, his my role model :D (for you who dont get it...get more IQ)

The thing is that he does everything without thinking of the consiquences, i have never seen that before, im not saying its good, but i have never seen a person like this before!

Imagine bush saying "gay" during an UN meeting...its like that. And with the gay stuff, he is ironic if you didnt catch that part (irony on the internet is so hard).

Btw, hes from no wonder hes this way :D

OK, but has he asked you to touch his penis yet?
He sounds like something from "the neverending story" which I am watching right now. Who needs LSD when there are movies like this? My gosh I'm bored.
You'll probbly wake up one morning, Turn your head, and he will be beside you. :|

Trust me.................................


Its not funny......

/me hides
CptStern said:
sounds like someone has a man-crush on his friend ...not that there's anything wrong with that :E

Not that there's anything wrong with that. Far from it.
You know they said the same thing about Hannibal
Uriel said:
You know they said the same thing about Hannibal

Meaning this little "i are loves joo" poster is going to make me swallow my tounge?

You can try :|
babyheadcrab said:
I was reading this, and enjoying the post. But the whole time I new the only replies would be people calling you gay or insulting the op in some way. Grow the **** up people :p He sounds like an interesting character Ravioli, and yes.. I know some people like that and they can be quite interesting :D

I agree with babyheadcrab! I know some people like that