Tidbits from Sierra

May 15, 2003
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Sierra has a tiny page dedicated to Halflife 2 (two paragraphs, no pics). There's not much there, but this paragraph adds a few tidbits to our knowledge if you read between the lines.

Direct from Sierra:


The player again picks up the crowbar of research scientist Gordon Freeman, who finds himself on an alien-infested Earth being picked to the bone, its resources depleted, its populace dwindling. Freeman is thrust into the unenviable role of rescuing the world from the wrong he unleashed back at Black Mesa. And a lot of people – people he cares about – are counting on him.

Apparently the invasion covers the entire Earth and would appear to have been ongoing for some time (" its resources depleted"). It's also interesting that Gordon is blamed for the situation. It also appears that Gordon will form close bonds with several NPCs (unlike in Half-Life1).
That would be where EBGames.com got their info. from then.
Well Half Life is now up to the point of Gordan Freeman having to save whats left of a seemingly doomed world. No longer some isolated disaster, the disaster has reached global porportions... I really like the sound of it now.:smoking:
That doesn't sound right. It sounds more like some clueless copywriter paraphrasing what he saw and heard.

The entire earth is infested now?
it seems somewhat odd, but throws an entirely new scope on the game, a new twist, but surely, it would have been stopped before it got too far, instead of waiting for it to get so bad then pin all hopes on one (free)man to sort it out who is sent in soo late on
Its the kind of phrase they put on box blurbs... No matter what the game is they always make them sound like crap. Its to get the HL newbies interested.
if it's right it's actually pretty interesting since it might explain some of what happened in HL1...

something I've always wondered about is that at some point in the end... G-man say something like:

"quite a mess you've made over there..." while he tells you this you're warped down on what seems to be earth...with dead grunts and blown up tanks all over...this made me think if G-man was reffering to "Earth" or "Xen".

from the sounds of this....little tidbit given...it could be that he's actually talking about earth...that the chaos spawned in the events of the black mesa inciddent were a pre-strike for an alien invasion?

or maybe the nihilanth last speach..."Thieves...thieves etc." hold a clue...maybe in HL2 the alien race has retaliated...now the roles are switched...instead og humans "plundering" Xen from the precious crystals(whatever they where used for) the Aliens are now invading earth taking it's resources....

G-man pretty much holds the key I think...
The EBGames description also states that the Combine are a corrupt law enforcement group. Wonder what that means..?
they work for g-man ?(me wonders what this comment gonna turn into:cheese:)
Originally posted by PriNcE oF SpAcE
or maybe the nihilanth last speach..."Thieves...thieves etc." hold a clue...maybe in HL2 the alien race has retaliated...now the roles are switched...instead og humans "plundering" Xen from the precious crystals(whatever they where used for) the Aliens are now invading earth taking it's resources....

Maybe... But I got the feeling that most if not all of xens races were simply animals, no civilization, no real dominant race, they all have the purpose of earth animals (Basic survival). So I don't think that some sort of revenge is taking place by the Xen aliens.
But then again you never know...

The G-Man really is the key to the entire Half Life story.
Originally posted by The Mullinator
Maybe... But I got the feeling that most if not all of xens races were simply animals, no civilization, no real dominant race, they all have the purpose of earth animals (Basic survival). So I don't think that some sort of revenge is taking place by the Xen aliens.
But then again you never know...

The G-Man really is the key to the entire Half Life story.

I'm not talking head-crabs and bullsquids here...I'm talking those slaves, commanders and flying brain-thingies...all the once with the third arm from the chest...
The Earth has been enslaved, that Gordon freeman has a lot to answer for....

Think what would have happened if he had called a sickie that day and went to the beach. Earth wouldn't have been invaded with horrible aliens. How does that guy sleep at night? I mean did he even stop to think what would happen if you push random samples into big glowy things?

I'm kidding of course, just poking fun at the way the preview seemed to be blaming GF.
Originally posted by derby
The Earth has been enslaved, that Gordon freeman has a lot to answer for....

Think what would have happened if he had called a sickie that day and went to the beach. Earth wouldn't have been invaded with horrible aliens. How does that guy sleep at night? I mean did he even stop to think what would happen if you push random samples into big glowy things?

I'm kidding of course, just poking fun at the way the preview seemed to be blaming GF.

maybe they're aren't reffering to what he's done in HL1...but what he has been up to in the 15 yars he's been working for da "G"!


maybe they're just asshats that know nothing about what they're talking about....