tongue of barnacle in jail scene?


Jun 26, 2003
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right as the jail scene with the ant lions begins, gordon walks past a staircase. is that the rope thingie of the air barnacle hanging down the stairs?

that scene starts around 13:40
perhaps, haven't got the video right now. didn't valve say all the favourites frmo the last game would be back?
yea they said the barnacle would be in, im just not sure if that is the tongue or not.
looks like it's possible.. can't really tell, perhaps on monday.
if you look at it in the gamespot videos it seems pretty clear that it is a wire swinging. since there are other thin wires around the area, but you never know.
"if you look at it in the gamespot videos it seems pretty clear that it is a wire swinging. since there are other thin wires around the area, but you never know."

ahh...nm then planethalflife said they would have "eerily pulsating sacs around their base." and i didnt see a sac. who knows.
I really can't wait to see the barnacle. That was one enemy in HL2 that was never really a threat to you, but made for some fantastic and really creepy scenes in the game. Like when you first see the roomful of scientists get taken, or when the soldier is coming down the stairs to get you, but is then sucked up high into the sky.

I think with a little revision: perhaps having barnacles be able to swing their tounges around rather than you dumbly walking into them, or being able to hide their tounges until they shot them down to grab something, they could be both great mood elements AND dangerous enemies.

And they look damn cool when they are eating someone. :)
too tired to analyze right now, will look into it tomarrow
Does anyone know what enemies from the first game are definately confirmed?? I know that bullsquids, barnacles, headcrabs and zombies are returning, but are any others? I know that noone knows very much, but has valve said that there will be other familiar enemies, even if they haven't named which ones. I read somewhere that alien slaves (vortigaunts) are going to make an appearance (not sure - was it in the pczone preview??). When do you think we will know more? Valve said they would be releasing more info, but perhaps we will have to wait until september to find out more about the enemies and weapons etc.
Imagine the scenario:

You need to cross a gap, too wide to jump, between two walk-ways. The only thing you can see to help you, is a barnacle hanging in the 'gap'...

You make the jump by leaping straight into the barnacle's 'tongue' and swinging, utilising the Source physics, and then you have to shoot the barnacle dead at just the right moment...

Bwahahaha! :)
Originally posted by FatboyTim
Imagine the scenario:

You need to cross a gap, too wide to jump, between two walk-ways. The only thing you can see to help you, is a barnacle hanging in the 'gap'...

You make the jump by leaping straight into the barnacle's 'tongue' and swinging, utilising the Source physics, and then you have to shoot the barnacle dead at just the right moment...

Bwahahaha! :)
yes or slice the tongue with a knife/your crowbar!! :cheers:
I think that scenario has actually been used in some HL1 mods: you had to use the barnacle to get somewhere, but kill it at just the right moment to get off without being killed. But with HL2, you could probably do the swinging thing really well to. I have a feeling that barnacles will be a lot more vicious this time around...